Fans of 90 Day Fiancé were shocked by Big Ed Brown’s phone call with his ex-girlfriend, Liz. It leaked on Instagram, and viewers immediately called for him to be canceled. But as TLC fans expressed their fury online, they suspected Big Ed also had cast member David Toborowosky supporting him. The disturbing phone recording indicated an altercation between Liz and Big Ed after she gave a co-worker a ride home. The entire conversation was filled with expletives as Big Ed verbally assaulted and berated Liz, who spoke of sitting outside his house and asking him to stop belittling her. After the call leaked, a Reddit fan was blocked by 90 Day Fiancé star David when they asked him a pointed question.


The past few weeks have seen multiple bad sides of Big Ed being exposed, which started off with Liz revealing they broke up right before the 90 Day: Single Life finale. Liz began the saga by posting a quote about narcissistic people and someone’s mask slipping off. In a different Instagram post, Liz explained that she left Ed during the Las Vegas trip. Just like Big Ed’s relationship with Rose Vega, this one crashed and burned as soon as it began, and Liz revealed that soon as they broke up.

However, Liz did surprisingly hint at getting back together with Big Ed, but the audio leak with the 90 Day Fiancé star’s F-bombs does seem to change things. The original recording was shared by @90daycouple on Instagram with a trigger warning because of Big Ed bursting into a barrage of “f**k you” insults at Liz. “Are we even surprised? Ed will rot in hell,” and “Run Liz,” were some of the comments, and among them was also 90 Day Fiancé personality Danielle Jbali, who tagged several of her cast members to get their attention. Similarly, a Reddit fan tagged David and asked, “do you support this type of behavior?

The fan then reported to the 90 Day Fiancé subreddit that David had blocked them, while writing, “Tobo blocked me after I asked if he supports Ed’s recent behavior… guess he does!” In the comments, fans noted certain similarities they found between Big Ed and David, as a top comment claimed they’re “cut from the same cloth.” Another fan said they never understood why fans fawn over David, while someone else accused Annie’s husband of being a “sex tourist.

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However, one 90 Day Fiancé fan mentioned that David Toborowsky had in reality, posted about the National Domestic Violence Hotline on his page right after the phone call had surfaced. On Instagram, David wrote, “I don’t normally post for fundraiser but this is one that we should consider,” as he added a swipe-up link to a Facebook page raising money to support the National Domestic Violence hotline. A fan on the Reddit thread also reasoned that David may have known that “no matter what he answered it would be twisted into something,” and might have chosen to stay silent about this 90 Day Fiancé scandal instead.

Source: @90daycouple, Reddit, David Toborowsky

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