Fans of Sex And The City patiently waited for And Just Like That to hit their screens. The cast was finally back together, all bar one significant member. But fans of the original show were skeptical of the series airing without one of the fan favorites, Samantha Jones.

And Just Like That didn’t have the smoothest start, with the show itself facing a lot of controversy from the beginning. It had some good surprises, but there were also some parts that fans found too cringeworthy to watch. What were the most cringe-worthy parts of the series according to Redditors?


Che’s Comedy

Che was set out in And Just Like That to be a stand-up comedian, but not every fan was laughing. In fact, many found their jokes just not funny. Redditor Lamlis started a thread, “Whoever wrote Che’s comedy bit needs to be fired.”

Che was renowned as one of the unfunniest characters of the show. The audience didn’t understand the need for such bad jokes, which were supposed to be some of the funniest lines of the series. They believed that without this aspect of the character, they might have been a good asset to the show.

Miranda’s ‘Wokeness’

Miranda was always known in Sex And The City as the character who always knew what to say. She was a lawyer by profession, and she was more than used to saying exactly what was needed. What fans didn’t understand was how Miranda had changed into a bit of a rambling fool.

PlantZenGuy states “And Just Like That… I just OD’d on all the cringe and wokeness!!” Miranda’s change in personality left the audience feeling uncomfortable, at times, and fans didn’t believe it was in the nature of the original character. Fans were left wanting and craving for the old Miranda: the confident, self-assured and assertive woman, as she seemed to have been left in the past. There are many reasons why And Just Like That deserves a second series as well as others for it to stay as a miniseries and this was just one of them.

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Steve’s Deterioration

Steve was always a fan-favorite character. He was kind and loyal, and although he had his faults, fans forgave him for them. He owned up to all his mistakes, and the audience loved him for it. Fans saw him take control of his life in Sex And The City, but in And Just Like That, they saw quite a different Steve. The audience recoiled at his fate on the show, with his wife cheating on him, him just waiting for her to come back to him, his obvious aging and physical deterioration with his intermittent hearing loss, and lack of real screen time. In short, the audience wasn’t happy.

They wanted Steve to return to his former glory, and all they saw was someone who was secondary to the other characters. Redditor Ajltfanficwriter even started their own thread about Steve and his mistreatment by the writers called, “Justice for Steve,” stating in a comment, “Let’s give Steve a better fate.”


Fans didn’t understand why Miranda chose to go with Che instead of traveling with Carrie to scatter Big’s ashes. Miranda and Carrie had been friends for years, and Carrie’s husband had just died. Fans recognized Miranda tried to organize her life so she could make some of the trip, but what they found confusing was that she didn’t prioritize it.

The audience felt the old Miranda would have made a completely different decision, and going with Che would have been her second choice. Fans such as ToadtheGreat21 suggested, “Che’s pilot is not emotionally equivalent to scattering Big’s ashes.”

Miranda’s Fantasy

Fans saw Miranda start an affair with Che during And Just Like That, they also saw Miranda try and replicate what she did with Che with her husband Steve to re-live the events that took place. Fans didn’t like how Steve was unwittingly dragged into Miranda’s betrayal even more than he was already.

What the audience recognized was that if the roles were reversed, the fans would be repulsed by Steve and they didn’t see any difference just because it was Miranda. Fans didn’t like the fact that this storyline was presented in a way that they were supposed to feel sorry for her, just because she was on her own journey, as AngelRunning1971 states. Fans knew this was more of a Samantha scene and wondered how And Just Like That could have been better with her in it.

The Missing 911 Call

Fans watched as Big died on screen, they watched Carrie breakdown, and have her life flash before her eyes, what they didn’t understand was instead of calling for an ambulance, she just cried, even when there could have been a chance to save him. Fans were screaming at the screen for Carrie to pick up the phone and call for help, but nothing happened. She didn’t try to save him, and the audience couldn’t understand why.

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A simple edit to the script would have solved this issue, and fans would have connected with this moment much more. BisonBorn2005 writes, “And just like that, Big died.” This is just one of the many storylines that fans wanted clearing up before the end of And Just Like That.

Miranda’s Affair

Fans watched as Miranda shattered her marriage to Steve in a way they never thought they would see. They might not have liked Miranda all the time, they might not have agreed with her brashness, but they never thought they would watch her cheat on Steve, especially after the pain she went through when he did the same to her in Sex And The City.

Fans didn’t see Miranda show any remorse for what she did, they didn’t even see her mourn her relationship with Steve, they saw a different Miranda from all those years ago, and they didn’t like her. Living_Doll999 noted “I appreciate Miranda’s honesty with Carrie about her unhappiness, and I truly felt for her.. but her cheating is just crazy to me.”

Money Talks

Fans enjoyed Sex And The City because although they found themselves out of reach of a lot of the characters, they still related to them on many levels. The characters themselves each had their own money worries. They still managed to live a lavish lifestyle, but the fans appreciated and understood when they said they couldn’t afford to go out, or when they were struggling to pay rent. They often saw them borrowing money, or working into the early hours just to get some overtime or finish a project.

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And Just Like That didn’t have this dynamic. Instead, the characters were older, wiser, and most certainly richer. Iwritetobreath states, “I feel like the fact that the girls all struggled with money at some point during the series made watching it more relatable and enjoyable.”

The Podcast

Carrie moved into the 21st century and into podcasts. Fans were excited for the Sex And The City revival but what they didn’t expect was how shy Carrie became when talking about sex. Considering she was a sex writer, and for years they had watched her write her column in The New York Star, so they were a bit taken back when she became coy on the podcast.

They felt Carrie had changed over the years, becoming more introverted and reserved. StarTrekDiscovery stated, “The podcast was also a bit cringe. It was hard to see Carrie so uncomfortable with her sexuality. Maybe that’s a side of her when she lost Samantha in her life.”

Forced Introduction Of New Characters

Fans of Sex And The City loved the friendship dynamics, and they loved the fact they managed to continue this over to And Just Like That. But what the audience didn’t understand was that NYC is vibrant, busy and a happening place, but nothing much seemed to have changed for the women.

The new characters seemed to be forced upon the fans. They liked the new characters introduced in the show, but they felt that not much else had changed. Theredheadsaid suggested there could have been “a better way to introduce new characters” and many other fans agreed.

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