With the upcoming Lizzie McGuire reboot drawing closer, fans of the show are quivering with excitement. So few details about the project have been revealed that our imaginations have run wild with possibilities of what could be in store for us when Disney + finally airs the reboot. One of the main questions that viewers have is whether or not we’ll be seeing Gordo again in the reboot, and if we do, will he and Lizzie be in a relationship? Don’t forget that when we last saw these two characters, they were kissing on a rooftop in Rome…

We don’t know what to expect from the Lizzie McGuire reboot, but we have come up with a few reasons why Lizzie should be with Gordo in her 30s, and why she shouldn’t be. Check them out below.

10 They Should Be Together: It Would Be The Ultimate Happy Ending

Let’s face it: if Lizzie and Gordo ended up together in the reboot, it would be the happy ending to end all happy endings. These are two characters who have cared for each other since they were babies, and fans have been invested in their relationship for nearly 20 years. Any viewer with a heart would get just a little sentimental if they saw Lizzie and Gordo together in the reboot.

And Lizzie McGuire was always a feel-good show. If there’s any show where we should get the happy ending that we are so often denied in other TV shows, it’s Lizzie McGuire.

9 They Shouldn’t Be: Lizzie Should Expand Her Horizons

Although we think Lizzie and Gordo ending up together would make for the perfect happy ending, there are also a few reasons why they might be better off just staying friends. For one thing, Lizzie is a total catch and she should expand her horizons. With her intelligence, sense of humor, and caring heart, there would be endless people dying for a chance to go out with her. If she sticks with her junior high school bestie forever, she’ll never know what else is out there.

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There might be someone even better for Lizzie than Gordo in New York City, which is where the reboot is set. She won’t know until she leaves the past behind.


8 They Should Be Together: Some Of The Best Relationships Begin As Friendships

Some might argue that Lizzie and Gordo have a strong friendship and that doesn’t necessarily equate to potential as a couple in love. That’s technically true, and we don’t know for sure because we never got to see what happened after they shared the kiss in Rome at the end of the movie. But we do know that some of the best relationships begin as friendships.

A lot of fundamentals in a good relationship are also found in a good friendship: trust, loyalty, enjoying each other’s company, accepting each other’s flaws, etc. Lizzie and Gordo already have that stuff down, so there’s no obvious reason why they wouldn’t make a great couple.

7 They Shouldn’t Be: They Don’t Have The Same Interests

Lizzie and Gordo have always been able to make their friendship work, despite not having many of the same interests. Gordo’s into film-making and vintage music while Lizzie is into Ethan Craft and shopping. Because they don’t seem to share many things in common, we do have to wonder whether they really would make each other happy after all.

Of course, it’s possible that they managed to grow out of the things they were interested in as tweens and now share many things in common. We’ll have to wait until the reboot airs to find out!

6 They Should Be Together: Gordo Loves And Accepts Lizzie For Who She Is

One of the most important elements of any relationship is love and acceptance. The happiest couples not only love each other without conditions but also accept each other for who they are. And those who have spent time in the dating world will tell you that these things can be hard to come by!

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But in Lizzie and Gordo’s case, love and acceptance have already been ticked off the list. Gordo knows that Lizzie is full of flaws and loves her just the same. She can always be herself around him without the fear of judgment.

5 They Shouldn’t Be: It Would Show That Not All Male-Female Friendships Have To Turn Into Romance

Even though the original audience that watched Lizzie McGuire when it first aired are all grown up now, that doesn’t mean that the show should stop teaching us things and sending out positive messages. Some of us still need Lizzie to guide us, okay! If Gordo and Lizzie do not end up together in the reboot, it will at least convey the message that straight guys and girls can just be friends and it doesn’t always have to end in romance.

While seeing these two together would give us all the feels, it’s not realistic that all male and female friends end up living happily ever after.

4 They Should Be Together: They Understand Each Other Like Nobody Else Can

Another reason why we’d love to see Gordo and Lizzie together is Gordo would do anything for Lizzie. If she ended up being in a relationship with him, she would never have to worry about him putting his own needs before hers. Just look at what happened in The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

ordo tried to warn Lizzie about Paolo, and when she didn’t believe him, he sacrificed his position on the Rome trip just so she wouldn’t get caught sneaking out of the hotel. He also saved Lizzie by bringing Isabella to the Colosseum to finally teach Paolo a lesson.

3 They Shouldn’t Be: Being Together Romantically Might Jeopardize Their Friendship

We would love to see Lizzie and Gordo end up together, but we would hate to see a possible break up in the future jeopardize their friendship. If there’s one thing that’s more beautiful than the romantic relationship these two could have, it’s the meaningful friendship that they already do have.

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Sadly, it’s a fact of life that when friends become romantically involved with each other, it can have negative effects on their friendship if the relationship doesn’t work out. We would hate to see anything happen to Lizzie and Gordo’s friendship!

2 They Should Be Together: Gordo Would Probably Be A Major Catch As An Adult

Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how much of a major catch Gordo would be as an adult? As a teenager, he was wise beyond his years and was a fantastic judge of character. He was a non-conformist and didn’t feel the need to give in to peer pressure. He was a hard-worker and ridiculously smart. And he always treated the girls around him with respect and decency. Can you imagine how amazing Gordo would be as an adult?

Given his success at school, there’s also a good chance that Gordo ends up becoming a multi-millionaire. Lizzie could do a lot worse!

1 They Shouldn’t Be: Hilary Duff Doesn’t Seem To Ship Lizzie And Gordo As A Couple

The one major reason why Lizzie and Gordo shouldn’t end up together, despite all the fantastic reasons that they should? Hilary Duff herself doesn’t seem to be behind the idea. In fact, Elite Daily reports that Duff wasn’t devastated by the fact that they might not be romantically involved.

“I feel like them not being together is what was so good,” Duff said in an interview. … “It’s that one person that you’re like, ‘Was he the one? Is it ever going to be?’ You’re always kind of wondering.” The actress knows Lizzie better than everybody else, so if she thinks it’s not a good idea for them to end up together, then it’s not a good idea!

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