Gamers the world over are rooting for their characters of choice to join Super Smash Bros Ultimate to go toe-to-toe with some of gaming’s biggest icons, and chief among them is none other than Sora from Kingdom Hearts. While fans have long considered Sora a likely candidate for inclusion, a recent report states that Nintendo attempted to get the character to join the fray at one point – and presumably failed. The Nintendo-owned fight title has included a number of major stars over the years, but there’s never a shortage of dream matchups that gamers are hoping to see.

One of the best examples of dreams coming true for Smash fans was present in the Ultimate‘s first Fighters Pass, where it was revealed that Banjo and Kazooie were joining Smash after years of fan demand – despite being owned by Xbox. Other surprises have included the addition of Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man, Snake, Cloud, Ryu and other gaming icons as the series grew out of being a battleground strictly for Nintendo heroes and villains and into a broader reflection of the gaming industry as a whole. Of course, there’s always someone new to add that fans will push.


One of the fan-favorites still missing in action is none other than the aforementioned Sora. Many are actually wondering just what has held the character back from inclusion thus far given how much overlap there appears to be in the Smash Bros and Kingdom Hearts fan bases, but former senior editor at Game Informer and Kinda Funny cohost Imran Kahn confirmed in a recent Kinda Funny predictions video that Nintendo had pursued Sora for Smash Bros in the past. Evidently, a deal couldn’t be made.

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They absolutely approached Disney about [getting Sora into Smash Bros.] once,” stated Khan. This then prompted a question from Kinda Funny’s Blessing Adeoye Jr. about whether it was Disney preventing the crossover from happening. Khan then stated, “Yes, Disney Japan specifically.” Those hoping to catch the segment can check out the video below.

Several things do need to be noted about this news before fans begin writing off Sora from inclusion. Namely, Khan never specified when this discussion took place, which means it could have occurred prior to the release of Ultimate or even something attempted during the DLC phase for Smash Wii U/3DS. Another point is that Khan also made the prediction that either Sora or Halo‘s Master Chief would be joining the fray as DLC in Smash Ultimate‘s newly-announced Fighters Pass Vol. 2, which shows that even he isn’t yet ready to rule out the Keyblade user.

As for the mention of Master Chief by Khan, the stars may be aligning for Spartan-117. With Banjo getting in and rumors swirling of Halo coming to Nintendo Switch at some point in the near future, it may finally be time to see the face of Xbox square off with the many faces of Nintendo. Plus, the official Halo Twitter account previously pitched Master Chief for inclusion in Smash Ultimate so nothing seems impossible at this point.

Source: KindaFunny

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