Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s friendship in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is one of the most heartfelt relationships in the Infinity Saga. Iron Man first met Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and immediately became a mentor to the young hero. Spider-Man fought beside Iron Man in Infinity War, where he was officially named an Avenger, before reuniting post-Snap in Endgame.

Tony cared about Peter deeply and often replaced Uncle Ben as Spider-Man’s father figure. However, the hero hasn’t always made the best parental decisions when it comes to his protégé. Here are five times Tony was a great father figure to Peter and five times his mentorship fell short.

10 Good Father Figure: Trying To Send Him Home From Space

Iron Man and Spider-Man are both called to action in Avengers: Infinity War when the Black Order invades New York. Tony tasks Peter with protecting Doctor Strange from Ebony Maw, which results in the young superhero taking his first trip to space.

Tony saves Peter’s life by deploying the Iron Spider suit, before attempting to send him back to Earth. Like a rebellious son, Peter defies his mentor and remains aboard Thanos’ spaceship.

9 Bad Father Figure: Taking Peter To Germany

Iron Man first met Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War, where Tony recruited the young hero for the fight against Team Cap. In hindsight, this was a terrible decision on Tony’s behalf and an example of him being a poor father figure to his mentee.

Iron Man brings a 14-year-old Spider-Man to Germany despite the teenager’s objections. Tony irresponsibly jeopardizes Peter’s safety and manipulates the young hero into fighting for him.


8 Good Father Figure: Confiscating The Spider-Man Suit

Tony delivers some much-needed tough love to Peter in Spider-Man: Homecoming. After the young hero accidentally jeopardizes the lives of innocent people, Iron Man arrives to save the day and confiscates Peter’s new Spider-Man suit.

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Iron Man rightfully informs his Peter, “If you’re nothing without the suit then you shouldn’t have it.” This is a vital moment for Peter as it forces him to examine his reliance on the suit and reclaim his true identity.

7 Bad Father Figure: Not Telling Him About The Sokovia Accords

Tony made multiple mistakes in Captain America: Civil War by involving Peter in his fight against Cap. As well as endangering the teenager by taking him to Germany, Tony doesn’t tell the young hero the full truth about the fight, neglecting to mention the Sokovia Accords.

This is made apparent during Spider-Man’s interaction with Captain America. Steve remarks that Tony hasn’t told Peter the full story. The young hero confirms this, repeating the vague excuse given to him by his mentor.

6 Good Father Figure: Inviting Him To Join The Avengers

Tony recognizes Peter’s heroic qualities and finally gives him the validation he deserves at the end of Homecoming. Iron Man asks Spider-Man to join the Avengers, inviting him to live at the compound and become a full-fledged member of the team.

Peter declines Tony’s offer, realizing that he isn’t ready to be an Avenger just yet. He feels unprepared step into his mentor’s shoes but Tony recognizes that Peter is a worthy predecessor to his legacy.

5 Bad Father Figure: Giving Him A Suit With Instant Kill Mode

Tony may have given Peter a valuable gift with the upgraded Spider-Man suit but he made a terrible mistake by adding an instant kill feature. Iron Man proves himself to be an irresponsible father figure by arming a teenager with such a deadly weapon.

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Peter himself is shocked that Tony added an instant kill feature to his suit in Homecoming. Although it saves his life in Endgame, this oversight remains an example of Tony’s less-than-stellar parenting.

4 Good Father Figure: Inventing Time Travel To Save Him

Tony is reluctant to help the Avengers pull off the Time Heist in Avengers: Endgame. The retired hero, significantly subdued since his loss to Thanos in Infinity War, fears to lose his daughter Morgan and initially refuses Cap’s plea for help.

A photograph of Peter eventually sways Tony’s decision. Determined to try and save his protégé and the lives of billions of other people, Iron Man completes the time travel equation and reunites with the Avengers.

3 Bad Father Figure: Cutting Off Contact With Peter In Homecoming

One of Iron Man’s biggest mistakes in his pseudo-parental role to Spider-Man is his abandonment of the young hero following Captain America: Civil War. Tony leaves Peter with Happy Hogan’s contact details before promptly ghosting him for months.

Tony’s actions cause Peter to make mistakes as he operates without much-needed guidance. Iron Man should have continued to support Spider-Man, especially after involving the young hero in the fight against Team Cap in Germany.

2 Good Father Figure: Their Reunion Hug In Endgame

Tony and Peter’s reunion hug in Endgame is arguably their sweetest scene together. After five years, Spider-Man and the rest of the Snapped Avengers return to fight against Thanos’ forces one last time.

Tony and Peter reunite among the ruins of the Avengers compound during the battle. Overcome with relief at seeing his pseudo-son alive again, Tony indulges his emotions and the two share a much-needed embrace.

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1 Bad Father Figure: Leaving Him Access To Deadly Weapons

Iron Man makes another reckless parenting decision from beyond the grave in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Tony bequeaths E.D.I.T.H., an AI system with access to all of Stark Industries’ security systems, to the young hero. This nearly ends in disaster when Peter hands E.D.I.T.H. to secret villain Mysterio.

Tony meant well with this gift, but giving a teenager access to dangerous weapons was a poor oversight on his behalf. Peter inadvertently sends a drone to kill his classmate and admits that he is unprepared to be “the next Iron Man.” Tony may have viewed Peter as his surrogate son but the Avenger didn’t always make the best parenting choices.

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