The characters on Seinfeld are undoubtedly terrible people and that is largely part of the show’s charm. Elaine joins in on the selfish and insensitive behavior, often doing incredibly awful things that are nonetheless hilarious. However, there are some moments with Elaine that are a little uncomfortable to look back on.

From her relationships to some of the insulting and demeaning things she does, there are moments with Elaine that modern audiences might not be comfortable laughing at. While it doesn’t take away from the brilliance of Seinfeld, it just proves comedy doesn’t always age well.

10 Not Knowing The Race Of Her Boyfriend

While Seinfeld often did a great job finding humor in interesting subject matter, their dealing with race is difficult to look back on now. In one instance, Elaine is dating a man who she begins to suspect is Black but cannot tell.

It is a very cringe-worthy episode to look back on as it is filled with moments of stereotyping as well as Elaine assuming she is part of the Black community because of this relationship.

9 Her Mistreatment Of Her Overweight Boyfriend

Elaine’s dating history is filled with some truly awful boyfriends, but there are times when she is the problem in the relationship. At one point in the show, Elaine visits her former boyfriend who she admittedly dumped for being overweight.

She continues to prove her shallowness by suddenly being interested in him again once she sees he lost weight. However, when he is shown enjoying a meal, she gets afraid that he’ll gain back the weight and dumps him again.


8 Disrespecting Her Doorman

It’s never a good quality in a character when they are dismissive or disrespectful to people who they see as less important. This mistreatment of blue-collar workers was not something that came up in Seinfeld a lot but Elaine did momentarily show this ugly side of her.

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After Jerry agrees to help out the doorman in Elaine’s apartment, he abandons his post which results in a robbery in the building. When the doorman explains the situation to the building owner, Elaine acts as if listening to the opinions of a doorman is beneath her.

7 Plotting To Murder A Phone Technician

There is an argument to be made that Elaine is the evilest out of all of the main characters in Seinfeld. While she has moments of kindness, there are also shockingly dark moments like this one when a phone technician comes to her apartment.

Elaine starts thinking to herself if anyone would miss this man if he just disappeared and she even picks up a candlestick, contemplating killing him. She even tells the man she could have murdered him without anyone knowing which is quite disturbing.

6 Helping George Poison His Boss

It wasn’t often that George and Elaine would team up, but when they did, it was usually trouble. George enlisted Elaine’s help in a scheme to get revenge on his boss. Instead of an innocent prank, George decides to drug the man’s drink at a party.

While it is always fun to see how George can further screw up his career, it’s hard to find the humor in drugging someone’s drink. And as bad as George is for doing it, Elaine is an equally willing participant and she doesn’t even know this man.

5 Trying To “Convert” A Gay Man

Given Elaine’s poor history of dating, it makes sense that she would fall for someone she perceived to be the perfect guy. In one episode, Elaine agrees to pose as a girlfriend to her gay male friend to impress his bosses but then tries to “convert” him into a heterosexual relationship.

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Aside from the fact that the injustice of this man hiding his sexuality is glossed over, it is quite insensitive of Elaine. Though not done in a malicious way, she decides his preferences can be changed which is a pretty selfish way of viewing another human being.

4 Pretending To Be Deaf

Elaine can often be seen as a more mature adult than the other Seinfeld characters. But there are times when she is just as selfish as the others and it can be quite embarrassing to see her act so childishly.

When Elaine gets tired of her driver attempting to strike up a conversation, she pretends to be deaf. It is another perfect example of Elaine’s hilariously immoral and self-centered behavior, but faking an impairment is maybe too far for today’s audiences.

3 Getting Babu Deported

Part of the theme of Seinfeld is that the selfish acts of these characters make the lives of those around them worse. It is a premise that invites a lot of darkly comedic moments. But there are some cases in which it is hard not to feel sorry for these people.

Babu was a Pakistani man living in Jerry’s apartment building. When Elaine was in charge of picking up Jerry’s mail, she failed to see that Babu’s visa application was sent to him by accident and he is deported. Despite ruining Babu’s life, Elaine doesn’t seem particularly broken up about it in the end.

2 Body Shaming Another Woman

It is a common gag in Seinfeld that the friends interfere in each other’s dating lives, often making things worse. When Jerry begins dating a woman from the gym, Elaine tries to ruin his happiness by suggesting her breasts are fake.

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It is a very ugly moment for Elaine as she comes across as so needlessly judgemental of this woman she doesn’t even know. And the fact that she is nice to the woman’s face makes it even more uncomfortable.

1 Breaking Up With Her Disfigured Boyfriend

Once again, Elaine shows that, even though many of her boyfriends have been less than perfect, she is quite awful as a partner as well. She has proven many times that she is a very shallow person and it becomes even more clear in her relationship with Tony.

Elaine admits Tony is a pretty dim-witted guy but she thinks he is good-looking, so she keeps seeing him. But when Tony suffers a terrible rock-climbing accident that leaves him disfigured, Elaine promptly breaks up with him and feels sorry for herself for losing an attractive boyfriend.

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