It’s hard to find shows as riveting and genre-defining as Mad Men and its strengths all came down to its compellingly real characters. One such character who didn’t have the most imposing impression from the get-go but ended up playing a major role in the series going forward was none other than Joan Holloway. Christina Hendricks definitely gave it her all in this role, and this definitely reflects in Joan’s character, who is easily one of the most compelling people in the entire show.

That being said, one absolutely has to admit that Joan isn’t exactly the most consistently-written character, with some aspects of her behavior and personality not really making a ton of sense sometimes.

10 Being Way Too Derogatory Towards The Women In The Office

Joan isn’t really shown to be a malicious person in Mad Men at all — rather, she’s actually one of the more level-headed people in the office, with a ton of people relying on her due to her tendency to never break under pressure.

However, there are times in the initial few seasons of Mad Men when Joan can be extremely rude and unforgiving to women in Sterling Cooper at times, which feels completely out of character for her.

9 Discarding All Logic And Engaging In A Moment Of Passion With Roger

The fact that Joan is supposed to one of the smarter characters on the show is also rather tainted by the fact that even she can’t help but traverse old ground and rekindle her relationship with Roger in a moment of drunk passion.

This one-time tryst ultimately leads to Joan getting pregnant. While the end result ultimately ends up being a happy one, there’s still no denying the fact that — given how she has been portrayed as a character up to this point — she would’ve never given in to her primal desires for such a stupid and fleeting moment.


8 She Gets Needlessly Aggravated By Peggy At Times

When it comes to Joan’s relationship with Peggy, it must be said that the fierce redhead locks horns with her way too many times, with the majority of these situations being non-issues if cooler heads had prevailed.

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The fact that Peggy still tries to be friendly with Joan even after all the crap she’s had to deal with is a testament to her seemingly infinite patience with people in general.

7 Not Letting Roger Play A Greater Role In Their Son’s Life

After a random moment of drunk passion with Roger that ultimately led to a child in her life, it must be said that Joan should’ve ideally allowed Roger to play a bigger role in their son’s upbringing.

Instead, she decides to be headstrong and raise their child on her own with little to no support, which — while certainly quite admirable — is fairly dismissive of a father who might want to play a role in his son’s life as well.

6 Throwing Away Her Strong Sense Of Dignity At A Moment’s Notice

Perhaps the most out-of-character Joan has ever done in the series is throwing her pride away in order to secure an important client for SCDP with the caveat being that she would become a partner if she was pretty much being stooped into going so low.

The fact that she never even bothered to bring up the bulk of her amazing work for SCDP when it came to negotiating her partnership and justified it solely on the basis of this questionable act is rather odd for her in a ton of ways.

5 Marrying A Person Who Clearly Had Higher Priorities Than Her

Greg Harris is easily one of the more annoying characters in Mad Men, which is what makes Joan’s decision to marry him even more baffling.

Sure, it may be true that love is blind… but is it really such a major aspect that Joan would completely ignore the rather detrimental personality traits of a man she was going to spend the rest of her life with?

4 Being Surprised That Greg Ultimately Ended Up Divorcing Her

After finding out that Greg was planning to rejoin the army of his own accord, Joan went completely berserk and was totally against this decision.

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So, the fact that she acted almost surprised after Greg decided to divorce her is rather odd — how did she not expect this from the get-go?

3 Her Reaction To Greg Re-enlisting Was A Bit Too Overblown

That being said, one has to admit that Greg ultimately was performing an action that was for the good of the nation… regardless of the harm it might be causing the people close to him.

While it may be unreasonable to expect Joan to not get emotional about this decision, perhaps she could’ve been a bit more accepting of her husband’s decision and allow him to do what he thought was best for America.

2 She Concedes Rather Easily To McCann’s Demands

In another instance of Joan declining to fight and settling when her personality seemed rather headstrong, Joan decided to accept a deal from McCann that would allow her to absolve her partnership but only net her 50 cents on the dollar when it came to the buy-out.

Given the fact that Joan was leaving the company due to claims of harassment, it’s somewhat saddening that she didn’t stand for what was right and chose to accept this deal and escape her contract with McCann instead.

1 She Never Seemed All That Interested In Don

While this might be overly wishful thinking on the part of fans, there’s no denying the fact that Don and Joan had some pretty decent chemistry, with the latter even calling the former “irresistible” at one point.

Perhaps the fact that they never progressed from the point of friends was a good thing at the end of the day… but their dynamic was so appealing at times that it almost seems like a wasted opportunity that they never really ended up together.

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