Even though Netflix announced the cancellation of its live-action adaption of Cowboy Bebop, the viewer response is less than outraged. This is because one of the main complaints of the Netflix series is that it fails to capture the original tones of the anime. The original Cowboy Bebop was a pioneering series for the genre.

Even though the series has a gritty, futuristic, western feel, it is also loaded with moments of dry humor that emphasize the satiric quality of the show. The comedy in Cowboy Bebop is subtle, sarcastic, and acts as comic relief to the violent adventures of the Bebop’s crew. What makes the humor potent and refreshing is how it is sprinkled across tense moments in the show.

10 The Moldy Fridge

In episode 11, “Toys in the Attic,” Spike Spiegel realizes that his moldy leftovers in the fridge are responsible for the slime that attacked the crew members. Like in the movie Alien, Spike opens the airlock and the fridge is sucked into space. This moment is funny because it plays off a common complaint among coworkers. This moment amplifies the joke that someone’s leftovers are growing their own ecosystem. This is just one way the anime used humor to make the Bebop members more relatable. Most people can relate to the frustrations of having coworkers who leave their leftovers to mold in the company fridge. This moment amplifies the joke that someone’s leftovers are growing their own ecosystem. This is just one way the anime used humor to make the Bebop members more relatable.

9 Unfriendly Fire

During episode 5, “Ballad of Fallen Angels,” Spike’s investigation leads him to confront the ghosts of his past that results in an intense shoot-out at a cathedral. At one point, a gunman aiming for Spike almost shoots Faye in the chest, to which she screams out, “be careful.” This humorizes the dire situation in which Spike is outmanned and outgunned and how Faye’s priority is preserving her physical assets. This is a running joke with Faye’s character. While Faye is resourceful and a skilled female bounty hunter, she is also vain. This is just one example of when she expresses concern over her physical attributes rather than the dangerous situation.


8 Of Key Singing

Another laugh-out-loud moment comes from episode 5 after Spike is shot in the cathedral. Faye saved him during the shootout and as he regains consciousness he can hear her singing. As Spike struggles to express his gratitude to her, she moves closer, and Spike groans, “you sing off-key.” Spike has many humorous quotes in the series and this response is amusing because it is consistent with Faye and Spikes’ competitive relationship. Even though they both care about each other, they compete for money and recognition. So even though Faye has saved Spike’s life, he feels like he needs to get the last word in. This is also an example of how the dry exchanges between the Bebop crew members balance the heavy tones in the show.

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7 The Running Of The Dogs

Episode 2, “Stray Dog Strut,” is full of delightful moments because it introduces the corgi Ein, a beloved character in the series. When a different group of criminals attempts to recapture Ein with a dog whistle truck, chaos breaks out in the city. This resulted in a parade of dogs running through the streets and a wedding party’s destruction. This moment was unexpected and provided a break from constant character introductions and exposition in the early episodes. Ein is often used for comic relief and is a welcome break from the drama and violence in the series. Whether begging for food or running around the ship with Ed, Ein always manages to lighten the episode’s tone. Because Cowboy Bebop is an intensely detailed anime, the persistent pattern of subterfuge and fighting can become tiring and this is when Ein’s antics are most appreciated.

6 Chess Prodigy

In Episode 14, “Bohemian Rapsody,” Chessmaster Hex delights in playing E-chess with his contractors. Ed starts playing against Hex with a confiscated chess piece and Hex exclaims with delight that his opponent is either an “idiot or a genius.” This declaration teases the dramatic irony in the episode. Even though his opponent is unknown to Hex, the audience is aware of Ed’s eccentricity and intelligence. Out of all the human characters on the show, Ed is the most frivolous. Her immaturity and lightheartedness should not be mistaken for foolishness. Ed is a techno genius and becomes a necessary member of the team.

5 Spike Catches A Ride

In Episode 3, “Honky Tonk Women,” Spike meets Faye at a casino. While Faye starts to escape a casino brawl in her ship, Spike jumps onto the windshield and gives Faye a sly smile through the glass. The moment smoothes over the tension from the brawl and depicts the entire event as a comedy of errors.

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This exemplifies how Spike’s antics can lighten tense situations. Even though Spike is a skilled and formidable character, he demonstrates surges of spontaneity that give the show instances of comic relief. This is just one example of Spike’s recurring dry humor, which treats serious situations as if they are trivial.

4 Spike’s Squeaky Voice

It is often the unexpected moments the generate comedic moments in Cowboy Bebop. And one of the unanticipated moments in the show is Spike’s high-pitched helium voice. In episode 8, “Waltz for Venus,” Rocco Bonnaro begs Spike to teach him some fighting moves. While Spike is turning him down, he exits the airport and his voice suddenly jumps several octaves. The silly voice coupled with Spike’s attempt to remain cool and aloof provides an unexpected moment of lightheartedness in a mostly serious episode. Spike’s character is funny in two different ways. Sometimes he intentionally acts sarcastic, lighthearted, and witty. At other times, he becomes the victim of humorous situations while he is trying to be serious. This moment is an example of the latter.

3 Message From Aliens

In episode 9, “Jamming With Edward,” one of the news stations reports on mysterious ground drawings on Earth in South America. The news anchor asks a specialist, Y. Kellerman, what the drawings mean. Despite information suggesting the images were made from a satellite’s laser, Kellerman states that they are actually a message from aliens.

This witty joke pokes fun at conspiracy debates. It is ironic that even in the future, conspiracy theories still develop, even with extant evidence to a different conclusion. Cowboy Bebop was correct to play on the “aliens as the explanation” joke because it has been an enduring one in the 21st century. This joke is timeless because many viewers today either shun or delve into televised conspiracy theories. It is the timelessness of Cowboy Bebop’s humor that keeps the anime relevant.

2 Long Time Blues Fans

At the beginning of episode 6, “Sympathy For The Devil,” Jet Black spots an old acquaintance, Fatty, at a blues bar. When Jet declares that Fatty didn’t know he was a blues fan, Fatty replies that he has liked Jazz since he was “still in my father’s sack!” Cowboy Bebop has no shortage of crass humor, and Jet is a powerful and asinine character. Whenever he joins the missions adds more asinine humor by making oafish comments. At this point in the season, the audience has become accustomed to Jet’s personality. What makes this moment amusing is seeing that Jet’s friends share a similar type of dirty humor.

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1 Cute Tattoo

In episode 7, “Heavy Metal Queen,” Faye is hunting a criminal named Decker who has a dragon tattoo. She spots a tall, muscular man with a barely visible tattoo on his chest. Faye rips the man’s shirt and reveals a kawaii tattoo of an eel on his chest. The man states, “I got a thing for eels.” The jokes center around the irony of mislabeling someone based on physical characteristics. This moment is amusing because it subverts the audience’s expectations as well. The viewers expected the tough muscular man to be a criminal. This subtle joke is the funniest moment because it exemplifies the most prevalent type of humor in Cowboy Bebop, the subtle shift from the expected outcome with a humorous twist. Even though most viewers today wouldn’t find a muscular man sporting a cute tattoo funny, most would appreciate the humor in the situation. It is amusing that Faye, who constantly uses female stereotyping to her advantage, fails because she stereotypes another person.

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