The Circle premiered on Netflix a few months ago, and fans can’t get enough of it. What’s better than a reality show where contestants compete from the comfort of a solitary apartment while communicating via a social media platform called the Circle? Players do not meet face to face, meaning they can be whoever they want to be on their profile!

While watching the show, fans got to know the players and see who everyone truly is, and it was fun to watch everyone interact. Audiences took to the internet to create hilarious memes all about the characters and situations they were in while playing the game. Here are ten of the funniest:

10 After Episode 1

The Circle may not be the show that makes you want to watch right away; after all, it’s unlike any reality show ever done before, and with new formatting, there’s a risk that viewers might not like it. However, when viewers decide to sit down for a binge-watching session and give this new Netflix show a chance, they’re bound to realize that new is definitely good, and this show is quite worth the watch.

9 Character Alignments

Every person cast on The Circle has a unique personality and brings something different to the table in the competition. In one corner, there’s the lawful good Shubham who played an honest game and was truly himself the entire time.

On the opposite end, there’s the chaotic evil Alex who played as a single hunk named Adam who just wanted all the ladies. No two people were quite the same. We’re not quite sure why “Rebecca’s” Teddy earned the neutral evil label though!


8 Push Up Contest

The guys hopped into a group chat one day to talk about “guy stuff,” and pal around like bros do! Someone brought up a push-up contest, and they all agreed to participate. While everyone seems to be in good shape, and several even work out and took advantage of the gym provided for them, not everyone actually did the push-ups. Good old Shooby did though! In fact, he was the only one to actually get down on the ground and do the challenge!

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7 Girl Problems

While the guys were busy not doing push-ups, the girls were having some bonding time of their own. This included Seaburn, a man who was playing the character of Rebecca using his girlfriend’s pictures. While Seaburn has spent some time around girls, he wasn’t always too sure how to play one, and he found himself in awkward situations on a number of occasions. He pulled it off pretty well though!

6 Send

While on the show, players communicated with each other via Circle Chat, but there were no keyboards like with a typical instant messaging platform. Instead, contestants would speak their messages out loud for the Circle to enter the words for them, and when they were finished, they would tell Circle to send.

It came in handy to not have to type manually because it left their hands free to do other things such as cook. It was like having their own personal Siri or Alexa!

5 Being Real


Several close bonds were formed in The Circle, and one that was particularly strong was between Shubham and Rebecca, aka Seaburn. They sometimes referred to themselves as brother and sister, and they were always there for each other and had the other one’s back. Unfortunately for Shubham, Rebecca wasn’t as real as Shooby thought she was! He blindly trusted his “female” bestie, and audiences were yelling at their screen every time he spoke about her honesty.

4 Power Rangers

Many different people came into The Circle, and a lot of them left just as quickly. Through it all, the five that remained strong were Chris, Seaburn aka Rebecca, Sammie, Joey, and Shubham, and they happened to be the five that came out on top in the end. There are many famous quintets out there, and one popular group is the Power Rangers! Seaburn is definitely the pink Power Ranger because he pretended to be a girl throughout the game!

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3 The Many Faces Of Social Media

Everyone tried to become popular in The Circle in attempts to win the grand prize of $100,000, but in the end, the one who was crowned the winner is Joey. Joey is friendly, funny, caring, and sweet, and audiences, as well as players, got to see many sides of him in the duration he was on the show.

He formed bonds and alliances, and he was faithful until the end. In The Circle, players were able to choose profile pictures to represent themselves, and these pictures show examples of what Joey could pick for his other social media pages.

2 Uh Oh

Several different players decided to wear a metaphorical mask while in the game and not be their true selves on their profile. They became the catfish players, and arguably the most successful catfish was Seaburn, who played the character of Rebecca. He was the only catfish to make it to the end, and the other players were very surprised to see him instead of a young woman! There was always a chance that he would be found out when eliminated players were able to visit someone, and one person did come to see him – another catfish, Alex aka Adam!

1 Until Next Time

Netflix released several episodes of The Circle at a time, with a week in between releases. This stretched out the show a little bit, but it was still over faster than fans would have liked! Season two has been confirmed, and the network is currently holding auditions. Audiences are now excitedly awaiting the next season’s premiere, which can’t come soon enough! In the meantime, they may just have to rewatch the first season and check out the UK version of The Circle!

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