Warning: This article contains spoilers for The Book Of Boba Fett.

The Book of Boba Fett teased many possible storylines for the future of Star Wars, including the next chapter of Grogu. The series also added an intriguing element of the young character’s past by flashing back to the Jedi Temple massacre during Order 66. It didn’t answer one of the biggest questions fans have about Grogu, though: who saved him from the temple?

It’s clear this mystery is meant to be one that the franchise will return to again in the future, likely meaning the person who saved Grogu is someone unexpected. There can only be a few possibilities though, and some of the most likely suspects are characters fans probably would never expect. Nothing has been expected about Grogu so far though, and his benefactor likely isn’t to be typical either.


The Grand Inquisitor

The Grand Inquisitor is a frightening villain from some of the best episodes of Star Wars: Rebels. He would seem like the last person to be the one to rescue Grogu, but there is a link. The Grand Inquisitor had been a guard at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

He was still a Jedi at the time of Order 66 and would have presumably been at the temple defending it. The exact circumstances of his fall to the Dark Side have yet to be depicted, leaving open the chance that he is the one who saved Grogu.

Barriss Offee

Like The Grand Inquisitor, Barriss Offee succumbed to the Dark Side. Her ultimate fate is unknown after she was exposed as the culprit behind the bombing of the Jedi Temple prior to the end of the Clone Wars, meaning she could be connected to Grogu.

She was a prisoner and may have been at the temple during Order 66. If she escaped during the chaos of the attack, she could have fled with Grogu from Coruscant.

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Oppo Rancisis

Oppo Rancisis was a member of the Jedi Council throughout the prequel trilogy. He is a survivor of Order 66 and it’s likely that he was at the temple during the attack, meaning he could have fled with other Jedi.

Oppo Rancisis was revealed to be still alive after Order 66 in Darth Vader #19, part of one of the best Star Wars comic book arcs in recent years. His fate is still unknown, leaving his story post-Order 66 wide open.

Coleman Kcaj

Coleman Kcaj is a member of the Jedi Council during the latter stages of the Clone Wars. Like Oppo Rancisis, he was revealed to be one of the known survivors of Order 66 in the Darth Vader comics, meaning he could have been the one to save Grogu.

His final fate is still unknown, giving him a potential future in the franchise. His relative obscurity in the movies – just a few background shots – likely counts him out, but he would be an unexpected choice to go with.

Jocasta Nu

A likely culprit is Jocasta Nu. The Jedi librarian at the temple first appeared in Attack of the Clones, and in the comics escaped to later fight Darth Vader one on one, proving herself to be one of the most powerful Jedi in the Star Wars universe.

Jocasta Nu escaped the temple with a number of important Jedi artifacts and focused on preserving Jedi knowledge in the form of holocrons. She very easily could have been the one to have fled with Grogu.

Mace Windu

An unexpected choice but one that fans probably would appreciate is Mace Windu. Windu appeared to die in one of the greatest duels in Star Wars history, but as is often the case in fiction, fans didn’t actually see a body after Palpatine electrocuted him.

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While it’s a long shot, it’s possible Mace Windu survived the attack and the fall from Palpatine’s office with his Jedi powers. He then could have made it to the temple and escaped with Grogu as Order 66 commenced.

Obi-Wan Kenobi

A very well-known survivor of Order 66 is Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was on Utapau during the initial attack but returned to the temple in the aftermath. It’s not clear if Grogu escaped from the Jedi Temple immediately that night.

If Grogu simply hid during the initial attack, which his flashback possibly hints at, then he could have been found by Obi-Wan when he returned to the temple, or perhaps another Jedi.


There is another, as Yoda once said. Yoda could also be a suspect in Grogu’s rescue and would make for a compelling character to link to. Like Obi-Wan Kenobi, he returned to the temple in the aftermath of Order 66.

Yoda sent Obi-Wan Kenobi from the temple to find Anakin Skywalker. Yoda is next seen confronting Darth Sidious, and there is a time gap that would have allowed Yoda to find Grogu and sneak him away to safety.


R2-D2 might be the safest bet for fans. The trusty astromech droid was at the temple the night of Order 66 and he’s clearly proven he can keep a secret. But there is a more compelling reason why he is a likely suspect.

Grogu appears to be hiding in something in his flashback, possibly R2 himself. He also has no intention of leaving Din Djarin at the end of The Mandalorian season 2, and only goes with Luke Skywalker when R2-D2 arrives. Grogu may have recognized something about him.

Anakin Skywalker

An unlikely possibility but an intriguing one is Anakin Skywalker. Anakin led the attack on the Jedi Temple and the implication was that he killed padawans hiding in the Jedi Council chamber, where Grogu may also have been.

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But Anakin may have faltered when it came to Grogu, and perhaps some part of him took pity on the padawan. With Hayden Christensen returning to the role in the upcoming streaming series, there is a chance that he could be revealed as the one who saved Grogu.

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