The DC Animated Universe was one of the most iconic and influential connected universes of all time. Beginning with Batman: The Animated Series in 1992, the universe spawned into Justice League, Superman, Justice League: Unlimited, and Batman Beyond. That being said, in the case of Batman Beyond, the show was supposed to receive a fourth season, but as most of the writers were working on Justice League: Unlimited at the time, the show was unceremoniously canceled despite there being several plot threads that needed tying up. While Batman Beyond did receive an epilogue in an episode of Justice League: Unlimited, it did not give fans enough answers.

This article will list eight unresolved plot threads in Batman Beyond that could be tied up with another season.

8 Did Bruce Know Terry Was His Son?

One of the major revelations of the series came in an episode of Justice League Unlimited entitled “Epilogue,” with the big reveal being that Amanda Waller and Cadmus had kickstarted a secret operation known as Batman Beyond to ensure that there will always be a Batman in the world.

In order to make this a reality, they took Bruce Wayne’s DNA and injected it into Warren McGinnis so that Bruce’s DNA would be used to conceive a child and not Warren’s. This made Terry McGinnis Bruce Wayne’s son…but did Bruce know about this?

7 How Did Harley Survive?

During the events of Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, it was revealed that Harley Quinn had fallen down a bottomless pit, with many believing that the psychiatrist turned criminal was no more. The belief that Harley was dead made even more sense when one remembers that, after the fall, no one heard from her again.

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However, it’s revealed in the end of the movie that Harley Quinn was the grandmother of the two Joker girls. This raises two important questions: how did Harley survive and what was she doing all this time? While this wouldn’t be the central arc of a fourth season of Batman Beyond, it would be fascinating to see more hints to Harley in the show.


6 What Happened To Max?

Max was one of the most compelling and fun characters in the Batman Beyond series. A friend of Terry’s from school, Max eventually learns that Terry is Batman and begins to help him in his fight against crime. In a sense, Max is like an Oracle figure in the Batman Beyond series.

That being said, despite the importance of the character, “Epilogue” gives no indication of what happened to her which is a shame considering how much fans enjoyed her character.

5 Blight’s Future

Derek Powers, or Blight, was the closest thing to an arch-nemesis for Batman that the show had. Powers was the evil CEO of the Wayne-Powers group, with him using his position to create deadly weapons and kill people, such as Terry McGinnis’ dad, to keep his secrets.

Due to the fact that Powers killed McGinnis’ dad, there was always a personal element to any story he appeared in. However, the last we saw of Blight was a mention of his missing body after a ship sank in the sea. If a fourth season was to happen, it would almost certainly include Blight, especially considering that nobody knows where his body is.

4 Future Justice League

The future version of the Justice League play a fairly large part in the Batman Beyond series, with the group showing up in the episode entitled “The Call” in which Batman must find a traitor in the league, as well as help the group in an episode of Justice League: Unlimited.

The existence of this future Justice League, however, raises important questions that need to be answered, the most important of which is why there are far fewer heroes in the future. This is strange considering the number of heroes during Unlimited. Surely there must be some reason as to why this is the case.

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3 Do Dana And Terry Get Married?

Throughout the Batman Beyond season, we see Terry and Dana in the early stages of their love life, seeing their relationship survive despite the fact that Terry had to spend most of his nights with Bruce Wayne, helping to stop crime throughout Gotham City.

The final episode, “Epilogue,” revealed that Terry was planning on proposing to Dana as we see the engagement ring box several times throughout the episode. But we never see the conclusion. Perhaps a fourth season would be set around the time of “Epilogue,” allowing fans to finally receive closure on the Terry and Dana romance.

2 Is Matt Bruce’s Son Too?

As revealed in an earlier entry, Bruce Wayne is Terry McGinnis’ father due to Amanda Waller’s Batman Beyond plan that involved injecting Warren McGinnis with Wayne’s DNA. This was hinted at in the show from the fact that, despite both his parents having ginger hair, Terry had black hair.

This black hair trait also occurred in Terry’s brother, Matt. So this raises the question, is Matt Bruce Wayne’s son? If this is the case then what are the ramifications? Many fans of the show have pondered that Matt could make a fantastic Robin, with the brother dynamic making for a new and intriguing relationship between Batman and Robin.

1 What Happened To Nightwing?

While this question was answered in a Batman Beyond comic book series, it was not answered in the show. Despite frequent mentions to Dick Grayson in Batman Beyond, we never see what actually became of the original Robin. This is strange considering that we learned what happened to Tim Drake and Barbara Gordon.

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If the show was to receive a fourth season so long after the series concluded, it would almost certainly have to include Dick Grayson’s Nightwing. The character has already resurfaced in recent DC Animated Universe properties, so it would make sense for the character to also return in the Batman Beyond universe.

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