Spider-Man’s rogues gallery is memorable but spotty, as sometimes Spider-Man fights big top-tier villains and sometimes he fights the likes of The Gibbon. However, among the Green Goblins, the Kingpins, and the Venoms is perhaps his most tragic and most dangerous nemesis of all time, Otto Octavius a.k.a. Doctor Octopus.

Octavius balances tragedy and arrogance with a skill that defies reality. That said, sometimes he can truly milk the reader’s sympathy, and sometimes he can take things way too far. Without further ado, here are some times Doc Ock was a tragic figure and some where he was a scumbag.

10 Tragic: His Horrible Upbringing

Growing up in a toxic household, a young Otto Octavius was forced to deal with a father who constantly belittled him, an overbearing mother, and a genius-level intellect that made him a prime source of bullying. Torbert Octavius, Otto’s father, abused Otto, sickened that his son wouldn’t fight back against his tormenters.

One day, Torbert was injured at his job and refused to go to a hospital. Otto’s mother Mary finally had enough and left, leaving Otto with his father who died that night of his injuries. Given how rough Otto’s early life was, it’s no wonder that he ended up as he did.

9 Monster: Attempting To Marry Aunt May

Aunt May was a bit of an idiot in the early days of The Amazing Spider-Man. Not only did she fall in love with Doctor Octopus, who only put up with her affection because she was privy to a lucrative inheritance, but she attempted to marry him, which Spider-Man and Hammerhead managed to stop.

After this, Aunt May and Doc Ock barely had any similar interactions, though Octavius has been shown to be fairly protective of May. Nowadays, a post-J. Michael Straczynski Aunt May would have probably helped Spidey beat Octavius up rather than marry him.


8 Tragic: Declaring Peter Parker “The Superior Spider-Man”

Superior Spider-Man was a great era in Spider-Man’s history and its ending was just as solid as its start. After taking over Peter Parker’s body, Otto continues his heroic crusade, yet with a more arrogant slant.

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In the end, The Superior Spider-Man became overwhelmed by Norman Osborn a.k.a. The Green Goblin, who knew he was responsible for Peter Parker’s death. Fully aware that he’s failed in his grand ambition, Otto restores Peter’s conscience into his body, declaring him The Superior Spider-Man before passing away.

7 Monster: Killing Captain Stacy

Though Green Goblin would be responsible for “The Death of Gwen Stacy,” Doc Ock is responsible for setting up that stack of dominos by murdering her father. During a fairly mundane battle between Ock and Spidey, Ock dislodged massive pieces of debris, sending it hurtling towards a crowd of people that includes Captain George Stacy.

When a child is put in danger, Captain Stacy shields the boy, ultimately dying in the process. Completely unfazed by this, Doctor Octopus departs from the scene as Spider-Man mourns the loss of his girlfriend’s father.

6 Tragic: “They’ll Take My Arms!”

Although Otto soils the moment a bit by saying that he and Peter have a duty to protect those “beneath them,” his plight here is completely understandable. In Marvel’s Spider-Man on PS4, Otto’s origin is shown, showcasing the father-son bond between him and Peter Parker as they work together to create replacement limbs.

After Mayor Norman Osborn pulls the funding for their project, Otto snaps as he suffers from a neurological disorder that means he will soon be unable to move his body. It is pretty easy to sympathize with Doc Ock here, even if his true beliefs are a bit more haughty.

5 Monster: Taking Over Peter Parker’s Life

Superior Spider-Man may end with a heroic moment from Otto Octavius, but it began with him at his most villainous. After being placed in a near-death state due to the punishment his body has taken, Doc Ock enacts his final scheme by swapping bodies with Spider-Man.

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Leaving Peter to rot in a dying body while he gets to be young and agile is one of Otto’s most despicable actions hands down. That said, it did thankfully lead to a moment that truly opened the eyes of the former Sinister Six leader.

4 Tragic: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

Once Peter realizes his time is short in the body of Otto Octavius, he attacks Doc Ock as he masquerades as Spider-Man, trying to gain his body back. Peter is ultimately defeated by Otto and immediately begins to pass away as Otto gloats, prompting Peter to share his most powerful memories with his nemesis.

With Otto overwhelmed by the power of Peter’s memories, Peter uses his last breath begging Otto to protect the world, telling him that “with great power comes great responsibility.” Upon Peter’s death, Otto is distraught, vowing to honor Peter’s dying wish.

3 Monster: Taking Over Miles Morales

Spider-Man: Life Story, a story about what would happen if Spider-Man aged in real-time, is one of those comics that is impossible to hate. In the final issue, an elderly Peter Parker and far younger Miles Morales attempt to stop a rogue satellite, where a sinister plot is laid bare.

Life Story pays homage to many stories from Spider-Man’s career, with this issue paying homage to Superior Spider-Man. It is revealed that Otto Octavius has taken over the body of Miles, completely robbing him of his life.

2 Tragic: Spider-Man 2

Often considered the best Spider-Man movie of all time, Spider-Man 2 also features one of the most sympathetic depictions of Doctor Octopus in history. Excellently portrayed by Alfred Molina, Otto’s whole criminal career is kicked off when his north star is robbed from him.

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Spider-Man 2 starts with Otto being an idol of Peter Parker’s, as well as a pretty great guy married to a wonderful, equally brilliant woman named Rosie. When a failed experiment takes Rosie’s life and fuses experimental tentacles to his body, Otto snaps, becoming Doctor Octopus before ultimately sacrificing his life in the finale.

1 Monster: A Good Thing…For The Worst Reason

In “Revenge Of The Sinister Six,” one of Doc Ock’s most ridiculous schemes is enacted. He reforms The Sinister Six, with Hobgoblin replacing the deceased Kraven The Hunter, and uses them to hijack a rocket launch. Though it is believed by the team, as well as Spider-Man, that Doc Ock intends to poison the planet, Doc Ock has a different plan.

What Otto has launched into the atmosphere is actually something that will help those struggling with cocaine addiction, because Octavius actually wanted to corner the drug market. Unfortunately, the cure wreaks havoc on The Ozone Layer, something that Spidey has to get Thor to fix.

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