X-Men: Days of Future Past is already well into production and Ben Foster isn’t on the roster. His character, Warren Worthington III, also know as Angel, was introduced in Brett Ratner’s X-Men: The Last Stand, but, unlike co-stars Hugh Jackman (Wolverine), Halle Berry (Storm), Patrick Stewart (Professor Charles Xavier), Rogue (Anna Paquin), Shawn Ashmore (Iceman), Ellen Page (Kitty Pryde), Daniel Cudmore (Colossus), and Ian McKellen (Magneto), he is not reprising his role in Bryan Singer’s May 23, 2014 release.

No need to launch into a tirade against X-Men: The Last Stand, but even though the film has its problems, one of which is the underuse of Foster’s Angel, the character still makes an impact. We may only get a fraction of the tale of the heir to the Worthington Industries fortune, but when you see a poor little boy trying to cut off a gift that his father deems a forbidden abnormality, only to ultimately spread his wings, blast through a window and fly away, you’re bound to get chills.


With X-Men: Days of Future past fresh on the brain from the film’s incredible display at San Diego Comic Con and the new viral marketing campaign, while discussing his new movie, Ain’t Them Bodies Saints, touching on the possibility of bringing Angel back to the big screen was a must.

When asked if he’d been approached to reprise the role in X-Men: Days of Future Past, Foster simply replied, “No,” and when asked if he’d be interested in doing so, he joked and said:

 “Yeah, sure. If they gave me some feathers, I’d jump around, sh*t on some busses.”

Clearly Foster is just having some fun with the idea, but who wouldn’t watch an “X-Men” spoof featuring all of the original trilogy’s dumped characters? We could have Angel doing his business on buses, Pyro (Aaron Stanford) lighting more flying cars or farts on fire and Nightcrawler (Alan Cumming) trying to teleport his way onto the Days of Future Past set.

But seriously, an Angel appearance in the X-Force movie­, should that take off, could be a viable option. He doesn’t make an appearance until Volume 3, but seeing him have his wings ripped out could make for a vicious visual and then having him turn into the Archangel in a fit of rage could make for exciting arc.

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What do you think? Do you want Angel to return to the X-Men film franchise?


Follow Perri on Twitter @PNemiroff.

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