My Hero Academia is one of the biggest and most popular ongoing shonen anime that has completely taken over the world by storm. The tale of a Quirkless Midoriya who somehow breaks all barriers and embarks on a journey to become the new Symbol of Justice is an underdog story that pretty much any person can relate to.

However, to only mention the underdogs of My Hero Academia would be doing the other heroes a huge disrespect; there are several other characters who are extremely powerful heroes yet still have some of the more engrossing and emotional character arcs in the series. A great example of this would be Endeavor, a character who initially starts off as an annoying one-note character before coming into his own in season four via one of the best fight sequences in the entire anime. That being said, not everything about this character is ironclad. In fact, there are actually ten things about Endeavor that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, and this list will look at each of these instances in greater detail.

10 It’s Weird That He Was The Only Hero Who Tried To Reach All Might’s Level

It’s rather weird that, in a world where heroes are extremely competitive and always try to be the very best at what they do, absolutely no one even bothered to depose All Might as the Number One Hero. Instead, it’s only Endeavor who even bothers to make an effort and bridge this massive gap, which is indicative of the fact that perhaps the rest of the heroes aren’t pulling their weight as much as they should.

9 All Might Holds No Bad Will Towards Him, Which Negates This Rivalry Completely

Endeavor has made it seem for the longest time that he and All Might are neck-and-neck and always try their hardest to one-up the other.

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However, this is completely false; All Might is on such a different league altogether that he doesn’t even consider any of Endeavor’s threats seriously, instantly turning this library into a complete joke.


8 The Fact That He Beat The Nomu After Getting Beat Up So Bad Is Hard To Fathom

One of the final fights in season four saw Endeavor facing off against an extremely advanced Nomu, who truly brought the fight to him and Hawks. During this fight, Endeavor is critically injured to the point where he loses control of his legs, as well. So, the fact that Endeavor was able to still bring forth a massive Prominence Burn out of nowhere after losing so much blood and stamina felt like it came out of nowhere, and cheapened this moment somewhat.

7 His Traits As A Negligent Father Feel Extremely Forced At Times

It has been established from the get-go that Endeavor isn’t exactly the greatest father around. This is something that is hammered in by the fact that his “perfect” prodigy never even wants to use his left side for the longest time.

However, from the number of times that we’ve seen Endeavor interacting with Shoto, it genuinely seems like he’s just like a strict father… but not an abusive one. Also, speaking of Shoto…

6 The Fact That Shoto Never Wanted To Use His Left Side Should’ve Been A Massive Wake-Up Call

It would probably be one of the most demoralizing things for a hero if his child is born with all the perfect traits… but said child refuses to acknowledge his father because of just how bad of a childhood he had. This is exactly the case with Shoto and Endeavor; the former simply doesn’t wish to acknowledge the traits of the latter, but Endeavor isn’t even phased by it and doesn’t really do anything to redeem himself in the eyes of his children.

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5 Shoto Was Oddly Concerned For Someone Who Abused His Mother And Neglected Him

During Endeavor’s fight with Nomu, one thing that definitely stands out is the fact that Shoto is incredibly concerned and actually scared for this father’s life, a perfectly normal reaction to have… that is, for a normally functioning father-son relationship.

However, it’s been clarified time and time again that Shoto and Endeavor don’t exactly have the healthiest relationship. For Shoto to still display so much emotion feels oddly out of place in that regard.

4 The Details Behind Endeavor’s Wife Are Oddly Murky

One of the most mysterious parts of Shoto and Endeavor’s life are the details surrounding Rei Todoroki. All that is known for now is that Endeavor abused her to the point where she had a mental breakdown… and nothing else. Perhaps figuring out more about her character will shed greater light on the complexities of the Todoroki family.

3 Hawks Messing With Him During The Hero Billboard Chart Announcement Was Rather Weird

Hawks’ character has been portrayed rather inconsistently over the course of My Hero Academia, and the best way to explain this would be to talk about the time when he made unnecessary jabs at Endeavor during the Hero Billboard Charts Announcement after All Might retired.

However, there’s another part that happened right after Hawks’ rude behavior that made even less sense…

2 A Hothead Like Endeavor Would’ve Ideally Put Hawks In His Place

After pretty much being humiliated in front of such a massive crowd, one would expect a hothead like Endeavor to absolutely lose his marbles and dish the biggest beating that Hawks would’ve ever experienced. Instead, he’s talked down quite easily by Hawks, who gives rather contrived excuses for his behavior and even convinces Endeavor to go out with him on a Hero Patrol of sorts. The fact that Endeavor acts majorly out of character is the perfect way to lead into the final point of this list.

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1 His Character Arc Near The Latter Half Of The Anime Feels Somewhat Out Of Place

Endeavor’s introduction in the series makes him look like an incredibly strong and stoic character whose drive to become the Number One Hero pretty much governs the bulk of his actions in the series.

However, as the series progresses, Endeavor quickly turns into a character with rather confused motivations, to the point where he’s not even jubilant about the fact that he’s become the Number One Hero. It’s a rather odd angle to take for this character, and, while it might be somewhat intriguing, one can’t deny that it’s also a rather jarring thing for viewers, as well.

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