One skilled Halo Infinite player has managed to win 100 Free-For-All Slayer matches in a row. 343 Industries surprised fans by releasing Halo Infinite’s multiplayer ahead of schedule in November under a free-to-play model, breaking Xbox records for most consecutive Steam users in the process. Not long after this, Halo Infinite hosted the Fracture: Tenrai multiplayer event, which allowed players to unlock the samurai-style Yoroi Armor and try out the new Fiesta before it was permanently added earlier this month.

Naturally, Halo Infinite players have had plenty of opportunities to pull off impressive tricks and feats of skill since the game went live a few months ago, especially with the new Grappleshot and Repulsor tools. Would-be Spartans have cheated death by grappling their way out of a pitfall, downed enemy WASP aircraft with well-aimed power cores, and even managed to fly great distances by latching onto a Warthog that was blasted into orbit by a Gravity Hammer.


Veteran Halo player Mint Blitz recently posted a YouTube clip detailing how he managed to win 100 consecutive Free-For-All matches in Halo Infinite (via Game Rant). The Australian streamer explains that he was initially challenged to win at least 50 FFA games in a row, but as the victories kept piling up, he started to feel like 100 was attainable. Sure enough, Mint Blitz was able to win all 100 games in a row, with the only “loss” being the result of his PC crashing mid-game.

Watch the video on YouTube here.

Mint Blitz notes that they would typically stick to using Sniper Rifles while playing Free-For-All in past Halo games, but the relative lack of sniper weapons in Halo Infinite’s version of FFA meant that he had to branch out with the use of sticky Plasma Grenades and Ninja Medals to build up an impressive highlight reel of memorable kills and impressive wins. He also observed that the Steam player base was down considerable while they were playing through Halo Infinite, which they attribute to technical issues surrounding the much-hyped Big Team Battle mode and a perceived lack of reason to keep going once players complete Halo Infinite’s Battle Pass.

Nonetheless, Mint Blitz attributes his lengthy streak of Halo Infinite Free-For-All wins to having studied every aspect of the game since its launch in November, including going over the potential of the Grappleshot and even locating an Easter Egg reference to Craig The Brute. His montage of 100 awe-inspiring Free-For-All wins is certainly a feat worthy of the Master Chief himself.

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Halo Infinite is available now for PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

Source: Mint Blitz/YouTube (via Game Rant)

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