Alison DiLaurentis may not have been around much during the first part of Pretty Little Liars, but she was the star. She is the one that brought the other main characters together, and her disappearance is what started the A game and brought the drama.

Ali was mysterious and romantic. She loved secrets and theatrics. She was witty and, at times, just plain hateful. And all of those aspects of her personality made for some very memorable quotes. In fact, the ten listed below may just be the best lines she said on this teen drama TV show!

10 “You’re always better off with a really good lie.”

As the leader of her friend group and a queen bee in Rosewood, Ali was full of wise words. People listened to her, believed what she said, and clung to her statements. Take this line, for instance: “You’re always better off with a really good lie.

The girls seemed to really take this to heart, because their lives were full of fibs! From the Jenna thing and the dark parts of their life that only Ali knew about to A in general, telling the truth was not always the best option. 

9 “You need to be careful of what you’re good at, hon’, ‘cause you’ll spend the rest of your life doing it.”

Sometimes, Alison’s words were warnings, as if she knew best and had so much more experience than her peers. At one point, she said, “You need to be careful of what you’re good at, hon’, ‘cause you’ll spend the rest of your life doing it.

This goes along well with the above quote, as these main characters got really good and almost too good at lying. And after that, it was a big part of their life. Guess she was right!


8 “You didn’t even know me when you knew me.”

One of the most well-known quotes from Alison was as follows: “You didn’t even know me when you knew me.” 

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Those who read these books and watched this series know that Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily began to feel like they didn’t know their BFF at all. They kept remembering moments of secrecy and learning facts that did not add up. This girl did love some drama and intrigue. 

7 “Friends share secrets.”

As mentioned, lots of lies were thrown about on PLL, and most of them were centered around not-so-great things. Affairs, finances, kisses, addictions, and murders were just a few things that the girls had to lie about to everyone around them. 

However, to Ali, it was worth it and necessary, as she believed that “friends share secrets” and that they kept pals close to each other!

6 “But don’t get hung up on the details and miss what’s parked right in front of you.”

Even after Alison came back into the girls’ lives, she was keeping secrets and not cluing them in on everything they needed to know. One time, she even said this: “But don’t get hung up on the details and miss what’s parked right in front of you.

Honestly, that could have been about figuring out who A was or about something more personal. The girls all had people and things in their life that they took for granted at times since they were sort of preoccupied with so much more. It is pretty good advice. 

5 “Stop taking care of everyone but yourself.”

The relationship between Ali and Emily was a complicated one, but there were definitely times when Ali slowed down, got real, and made Em feel super special and loved. One of her sweetest quotes was when she told Emily to “stop taking care of everyone but yourself.”

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Emily was a sensitive soul, and she always put others before herself. It was nice that Ali realized that and reminded her that self-love was important, too. 

4 “Did you miss me?”

When Ali returned, she asked the girls this: “Did you miss me?

What a loaded question. Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna thought they lost their best friend forever. They then started getting tormented. As their story progressed, they realized that maybe life was better without Alison… even if that was a horrible thing to think. Finally, the queen bee herself showed up and was back, which was dramatic on so many levels!

3 “I had this whole romantic proposal planned, and it didn’t include a pug sweatshirt, but I guess I’ll just wing it…”

Emison fans rejoiced when Alison finally proposed to Emily! They were both teaching at Rosewood, they were expecting twins together, and they were more mature and settled. It seemed like the perfect time to seal the deal.

But since nothing is ever perfect, Alison’s proposal started like this, while wearing the pictured outfit: “I had this whole romantic proposal planned, and it didn’t include a pug sweatshirt, but I guess I’ll just wing it…

2 “When I was at my most lonely and unhappy and angry place… You loved me.”

Of course, the rest of the proposal deserves mention, as well. Moments like these are always great on TV, especially when the couple has loved each other for so long and been through so much together.

Ali told Em the following: “When I was at my most lonely and unhappy and angry place… You loved me. Even when I was an ugly human being, you saw a beautiful soul. You make the world a better place because you see the good in it. And you make me a better woman because you searched for one. Do you promise to do that every day for the rest of our lives?” So sweet!

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1 “It’s immortality my darlings”

Perhaps the most popular quote of all time from the one and only Alison DiLaurentis would be when she said, “It’s immortality my darlings” –And it is. The way her spirit lived on in the show seemed like she was still everywhere.

Her lines are still so haunting and funny and witty, all these years later. Because of the way the show is still so special to so many fans… it is immortal. 

Next10 Jaw Dropping Betrayals That Happened In The Vampire Diaries

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