The world of television is nearly breaking at the seams with crime shows. But when True Detective came around in 2014, it became clear something was lacking in other shows of the same genre. Audiences welcomed True Detective with open arms, and the series quickly became one of the most acclaimed among its peers. It currently ranks as number 27 on IMDb’s Top Rated TV shows, and the first season was nominated for four Golden Globes.

When the second season came around, fans were slightly disappointed. What was once a suspense-filled thriller seemed to have lost its way with the new cast and storyline. However, the third season was quick to bring the show back almost entirely to its former glory. With so many twists and turns along the way, it’s only fair to question what exactly were the highs and lows when it comes to True Detective. Let’s take a look at the five best and five worst episodes of the show according to IMDb.

10 Best: Haunted Houses (9.2)

It will probably come as little surprise to anyone that all the best episodes of the show are from the first season. Perhaps it was the shock value of seeing two well-known comedic actors play such complex, brooding characters. Perhaps it was the compelling storylines and the constant impending sense of doom.

The sixth episode of the first season was, for many, the culmination of five episodes of intense suspense. It’s when the several points of the narrative finally come together and out two favorite detectives have a fist-fight showdown after Cohle sleeps with Maggie. Past and present collide. It’s dark and it’s depressing, but that’s what makes the show great.

9 Worst: The Big Never (8.0)

The only episode of Season 3 to appear on this list is “The Big Never”Let us all remember that this episode is rated as an 8 out of 10 which, for a lot of shows, would be considered absolutely incredible. But when you hold a series to such a high standard, math becomes slightly different. Such is the case of True Detective.

It was still relatively early in the season, and the biggest problem audiences seemed to have with this particular episode was the lack of action. This, paired with a style of writing that’s clearly trying to hide important details from the fans, can become exhausting. However, the season eventually picked up and kept those ratings at a good high.


8 Best: After You’ve Gone (9.2)

Airing immediately after “Haunted Houses” and setting the pace for the season finale, “After You’ve Gone” delighted fans left and right. Following Cohle and Hart now that they are both out of the force, the pair keeps investigating the murders as civilians. The pieces begin to fit together and the feeling that we are close to the end is stronger than ever.

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There’s a string of incredible moments throughout the entire episode, most notably the conversation they have with Tuttle’s housekeeper and her reaction to the images Cohle shows her. The episode closes with the revelation of the landowner’s face scars…sending chills through everyone’s spine.

7 Worst: Other Lives (7.9)

In all fairness, coming up with a second season of True Detective that wouldn’t involve Detective Cohle and Hart, or any part of the original story, would be a daunting task for anyone. The show was fantastic and nearly impossible to imitate, and the showrunners did the best that they could.

The fifth episode of the second season, “Other Lives,” didn’t manage to impress audiences that much. It picks up after a shooting that, miraculously, didn’t kill any of the main characters. It fell flat and boring in many ways. But, on a slightly more positive note, it did give off the feeling that somehow the season was finally picking up. And it did.

6 Best: The Secret Fate of All Life (9.6)

We present to you “The Secret Fate of All Life.” It was the fifth episode of Season 1, and the third-best rated. What made this episode such a stellar moment in an already stellar series was the revelation of Hart and Cohle’s position in regards to their interrogators.

The audience realizes that the pair lied to their superiors about their work on the investigation all those years ago. Plus, we learn that Cohle is a suspect in the murders, and we get to hear him explain Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence ⁠— which, as we all know, comes back by the last few episodes of the season. Time is a circle, and we are so here for Cohle’s explanation of it.

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5 Worst: Night Finds You (7.9)

Fans had some expectations left for the second season back when Episode 2, “Night Finds You,” aired. The first episode was already bound to be considered dull since it was living in the shadow of the previous season. But “Night Finds You” simply didn’t deliver what was expected.

While the last scene kind of brings some excitement, with Velcoro getting shot, the rest of the episode once again fell flat. Too many backstories going on at the same time and a complete lack of direction were the final nails on the coffin of the second episode of Season 2.

4 Best: Form And Void (9.6)

It might come as a surprise that the last episode of the first season didn’t manage to get enough votes to snatch the number one spot, but second place is nothing to be ashamed of ⁠— especially for a masterpiece like “Form And Void.”

The eighth episode marked the end of the first installment of the show. What could’ve been a disappointment ⁠— ending something is always a challenge ⁠— was simply mind-blowing. “We are never going to get them all, that’s not the kind of world it is”, Hart said. But in the end, Cohle found will to keep living, and we got to witness the climax of what the show was all about in the end ⁠— the relationship between two broken men.

3 Worst: The Western Book Of The Dead (7.8)

As we’ve already mentioned, there were very high expectations for the second season of True Detective. Audiences can’t be blamed for expecting great things from a team that came up with the storytelling masterpiece that was the first season, and the people behind the show can’t be blamed for not getting there right off the bat.

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“The Western Book of the Dead” marked the beginning of the highly-expected second installment of the show. Everyone was caught by surprise with the change of pace and dispersed focus given to a bigger array of characters. But in the end, the only true fault of the season premiere was that it wasn’t about Hart and Cohle.

2 Best: Who Goes There (9.7)

And the award for the best episode of True Detective goes to…”Who Goes There,” the fourth episode of the first season. With an unmatchable 9.7 out of 10 rating, this is what many consider the epitome of great television. Jaw-dropping, exhilarating, and intense, most shows could only hope to match what True Detective managed to bring in this episode.

What really knocks it out of the park is the six-minute-long single-shot tracking scene. Everything from the directing to the soundtrack to the acting is superb. You wouldn’t expect this level from anything less than a Hollywood Oscar-nominated motion picture. Hats off to everyone involved ⁠— the rating is more than well deserved.

1 Worst: Maybe Tomorrow (7.5)

On a slightly less positive note, the award for the worst episode of True Detective goes to the third episode of Season 2. “Maybe Tomorrow” currently has a 7.5 out of 10 rating which, again, isn’t considered horrible in general. But once you recall the mastery and work put into the first season…things get a little trickier.

The desperate need of the writers to try and recreate the formula that made the show so good in the first place only translated into a complete lack of direction. At the time, it felt like there was no point to the story anymore, and the characters seemed to be completely dumbfounded at every step. Thankfully, by the time Episode 6 came around, things took a turn for the best. But this was just too much of a misstep.

NextOnce Upon A Time: Things From Season 1 That Haven’t Aged Well