When it comes to the action-packed The Expendables series, few fans are showing up for the dialogue. However, while the shootouts and fight scenes take most of the glory, there are a few memorable quotes that stick out in the trilogy.

With so many action stars jammed into these movies, it’s no surprise that there are more than a few solid tough-guy one-liners. But the movie also has a lot of comedic moments that it likes to lean into. Though they may not be Shakespeare, these quotes can entertain fans between all the explosions.

9 “Who’s Next? Rambo?” – Trench

The first Expendables movie features a collection of action heroes that would make even the MCU jealous. But the cast of badasses only grows from there to the point that it almost becomes a joke how many tough guys are on screen.

During the climactic battle in The Expendables 2, all the heroes come together. When Trench (Arnold Schwarzenegger) sees Booker (Chuck Norris) join the battle, he wonders allowed if action hero Rambo is coming. It’s one of those moments where the movie seems to break the fourth wall and acknowledge how absurd it is.

8 “Track Him. Find Him. Kill Him.” – Barney

Though The Expendables uses the team-on-a-mission approach, that doesn’t mean the missions are overly complicated. The Expendables 2 becomes a revenge mission with Barney Ross and his team going after the villain who killed their young partner. After laying their comrade to rest, the team asks Barney what the plan is from here and he gives a perfectly straightforward answer.

Stallone delivers the line with the kind of action hero grit he’s become known for. It’s hard not to get excited when that line drops, and the movie really kicks into gear. It also mirrors the straightforward approach of the movie’s plot.


7 “Remember This S*** At Christmas!” – Caesar

There are plenty of big guns at play in The Expendables, but the most impressive and intimidating one belongs to Hale Caesar (Terry Crews). The movie takes its time revealing the full power of the gun but when it does, it is loud and messy.

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Barney and the others find themselves pinned down in a tunnel by an army of foes. Then Caesar appears with his canon and begins blasting away, literally blowing apart the enemies. When the dust settles, Caesar tells his team not to let their gratitude be forgotten.

6 “But After Five Days Of Agonizing Pain… The Cobra Died.” – Booker

Chuck Norris was never as big of an action star as the likes of Stallone and Schwarzenegger, but his legacy has turned into something else over time. There was a popular trend online for years of people joking about hilariously implausible tough guy feats Norris pulled off.

When Norris shows up in The Expendables 2 as Booker, the movie can’t resist including one of these silly gags in the movie. Barney comments on hearing Booker was bitten by a cobra. Booker confirms it happened and that it didn’t end the way the cobra expected.

5 “This Is The Happiest Moment Of My Life!” – Galgo

While there are countless big stars in The Expendables 3, Antonio Banderas steals the show as the unpredictable Galgo. He is a highly energetic and very talkative soldier who is desperate to get back in on the action and join the team.

The rest of the cast members are maintaining their tough-guy stares and gruff personas, but Banderas is playing his role with childlike glee. During the very violent and dangerous final battle, Galgo can’t help but exclaim his happiness right in the middle of a fight.

4 “I Now Pronounce You Man And Knife.” – Christmas

There are plenty of hilarious action movie one-liners in history, whether they are intentionally funny or not. The Expendables has some lines that will likely split fans down the middle. Some will find them too lame to enjoy while others will embrace the corniness and have fun with it.

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One such line comes from Lee Christmas in The Expendables 2. Disguised as a priest, Christmas approaches an unsuspecting villain and delivers this line that will likely make fans groan but also cheer for its pure silliness.

3 “Warning Shot… Little Low.” – Gunner

Dolph Lundgren’s Gunner is the wildcard of the team, especially in the first movie. He is much more reckless and brutal than his comrades, which puts him at odds with them following the opening mission.

When dealing with a hostage situation at sea, The Expendables and the pirates are in a tense standoff. Gunner decides to fire a warning shot over the lead pirate’s head only to cut him in half with the blast. His causal assessment of “Little low” suggests that might have been his intention all along.

2 “Tax Evasion.” – Doc

Few franchises wink at the camera as often as The Expendables movies. There are countless in-jokes and references to the iconic nature of these actors and their long careers. While many of these lines feel rather forced, there is one instance where it delivers a big laugh.

The opening scene of The Expendables 3 finds the team rescuing Barney’s imprisoned colleague Doc (Wesley Snipes) from a covert prison. When the mission is over, Barney’s team asks Doc what he was locked up for. With a smile, Doc tells them it was tax evasion, a nod to Snipes’s own legal trouble.

1 “Next Time I’ll Deflate All Your Balls, Friend.” – Christmas

The first movie features a rather unnecessary storyline about Christmas and his ex-girlfriend, Lacy. While it seems very out of place in this action story, it does allow for a fun moment when Christmas takes on Lacy’s abusive new boyfriend on a basketball court.

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Not looking to play a game, Christmas beats up the man and his friends. He then slams a ball into the man’s chest and stabs it with a large knife before letting him know what will happen next time. It is a silly tough-guy one-liner but it’s undeniably fun.

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