Kai’s personality alone makes him the most dangerous villain in The Vampire Diaries. Although a handful of others could be considered more powerful, Kai has no conscience or sense of humanity to appeal to. He lacks compassion, finds entertainment in others’ pain, and thrives off of chaos.

However, Kai’s nonchalant attitude makes him a fan-favorite character. He’s unlike anyone else in the cast, and despite only being on the show for a short period, Kai makes such a lasting impression that he even returns in Legacies. Kai has an endless amount of incredible lines, but there are a handful of quotes that are particularly unforgettable.


Kai Claims He Has A Soft Spot For Jo

“Not Everyone Died. I Had A Soft Spot For One Of My Sisters. Otherwise, I Would Have Cut Her Lungs Out And Not Just Her Spleen.”

This quote is especially comedic because of how Kai defines having a “soft spot.” Although his comments are often full of sarcasm, he genuinely means a lot of the things he says. By choosing to give Jo a small chance of survival, Kai does think he’s showing affection.

The obvious issue is that Kai would never hurt someone he actually cares about. In all likelihood, Kai is simply more entertained by Jo than he is by his other siblings. As he proves when he murders Jo at her own wedding, Kai doesn’t have a soft spot for anyone.

Kai Joins The 21st Century

“Why Are Jeans So Tight When Phones Are So Big?”

Because he’s been stuck in a 1994 prison world for decades, Kai isn’t up to date with modern technology. Kai’s reactions to his new surroundings create some of the funniest scenes in The Vampire Diaries Season 6.

He has plenty to say about the 21st century and even makes some valid points. Someone needs to comment on how inconvenient the ever-increasing size of cell phones is becoming. However, Kai doesn’t let the issue deter him, and he quickly becomes addicted to his phone and social media platforms.

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Kai Doesn’t Like Hell

“I Think I’m On The Wait List For Heaven, But They’re Not Returning My Calls.”

Kai is the last person who deserves to find peace in The Vampire Diaries. While the other characters seek redemption and own up to their mistakes, Kai never changes. It’s easier to forgive the vampires for their behavior, as their bloodlust makes it difficult to remain in control.

Other than his magical abilities, Kai is as human as anyone and his crimes can’t be justified. Viewers aren’t surprised to discover that he ends up in hell with Katherine, and it’s even less surprising that Kai thinks there’s been a mix-up.

Kai Wants To Talk To Bonnie

“Let Me Say Hi! Let Me Say Hi!”

Kai is the person Bonnie hates most, so it’s not surprising that they’re one of the most popular fan-fiction ships in The Vampire Diaries. The series has a habit of turning enemies into lovers, and these romances tend to be the most satisfying of all.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for Bonkai, as Kai lacks the emotional capacity to truly care for another human being. It isn’t until he merges with Luke that he begins to develop emotions. Kai is desperate to speak to Bonnie when he makes it to Earth, and he begs Damon to let him say “hi” when they’re on the phone. His child-like attitude is a hilarious juxtaposition to his murderous tendencies.

Kai Poses With Damon For A Photo

“Selfie City!”

It’s not mentioned too often, but Kai’s obsession with social media is one of the funniest running jokes in The Vampire Diaries. After temporarily returning from hell, the first thing Kai does is eat and check his Twitter. No matter how evil he may be, Kai’s priorities are surprisingly relatable.

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He forces Damon to take a photo with him and shouts “selfie city,” to post to his Twitter account. However, the most amusing aspect is when Alaric gets notified that @Cobrakai1972 has tweeted for the first time in four years.

Kai Doesn’t Understand Crying

“Water Was Just Oozing Out Of My Eyeballs Like I’m Some Alien Creature Excreting Fluids.”

Sadness is such a foreign notion to Kai, that he has no idea what’s happening when he starts to feel it. His conversation with Damon and Elena is one of the best scenes in The Vampire Diaries Season 6, as Chris Wood does an impressively good job at making Kai’s confusion believable.

He’s dumbfounded by the tears coming out of his eyes and doesn’t comprehend that crying is a natural part of life. While it makes Kai feel like an “alien creature exerting fluids” it’s, ironically, the first time he proves that he’s human.

Kai Is “That Guy”

“I’m That Guy Right? That Guy That Won’t Shut Up. Oh, I Hate That Guy.”

No matter how much society tries to fight it, it’s human nature to care about perception. Most people have the innate desire to be liked, but Kai has no regard for how others view him. His lack of a filter attributes to his comedy, and he says whatever’s on his mind.

Kai realizes that he’s being a nuisance to his cab driver, and he even admits how annoying he finds people who “won’t shut up.” Yet, Kai only talks more, showing that he couldn’t care less about being “that guy.” Not only does the driver have to put up with Kai the entire ride, but Kai kills him in lieu of paying the bill.

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Kai Insults His Own Name

“Who Names A Kid Malachai? It’s Like They Expected Me To Be Evil.”

In one of Kai’s funniest quotes in The Vampire Diaries, fans learn why he doesn’t go by his given name, “Malachai.” As made obvious by Kai’s attempt at mass murder that resulted in his banishment, Kai doesn’t have a good relationship with his family.

It’s no surprise that he doesn’t want to go by the name that they gave him, but it’s likely due to a lack of respect for his parents more than anything else. Kai doesn’t care about anyone enough to be hurt by them, so there’s not an emotional component to any of his decisions.

Kai Experiences Emotions

“Feelings Are Hard.”

Kai speaks for everyone with this line, but while most people have years to process their emotions, Kai is experiencing them for the first time. Unsurprisingly, Kai’s regret isn’t a natural development. He gets more than he bargained for when he merges with Luke and absorbs his conscience as well as his magic.

Kai’s overbearing sense of guilt forces him to come to terms with his past sins and own up to them. It proves to be difficult given how much Kai has to atone for, but “feelings are hard,” quickly and easily sums up his internal conflict.

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