The weird image of Annie Leonhart stuffing her face with pie inAttack on Titan episode 83 carries a deeper meaning than you might’ve realized. MAPPA’s animation team has excelled themselves in the “creepy face” stakes since Attack on Titan season 4 began. There was Yelena looming over Armin like a demented ostrich, Floch’s smirking Blue Steel, and Ymir Fritz’s seething, toothy rage. The latest example comes in Attack on Titan episode 83 – and could be the most unlikely, unexpected, offbeat moment season 4 has produced thus far.

When Eren Jaeger released the Wall Titans’ hardening, he also melted Annie’s crystallized Female Titan cocoon. Teaming up with Hitch, a freed Annie then absconds into the throng of Paradis Island Eldians busily discussing whether Eren is a sinner or a savior. Armin already deduced Annie could’ve been released by the Rumbling, but between Connie kidnapping children and his best friend destroying the world, precious little of his mental power has been reserved for Annie Leonhart. As the Survey Corps heroes sit down for a well-earned break and a slice of pie (a perfectly natural response to the apocalypse, we’d wager), they’re shocked to find a hooded Annie on the same table, shoveling down a crusty dessert of her own.


Annie is one of Attack on Titan‘s fiercest warriors, and a super-serious badass who would sooner crack bones than crack a smile. So, watching Annie scoff down a pie, carelessly getting lumps of fruit and pastry around her mouth, is a strange sight indeed. Even weirder is how she continues chewing furiously while making direct eye contact with her old friends. The scene seems hugely out of character for the stoic, miserable Annie, and MAPPA’s animation accentuates her manic mastication further. Armin attempts to defend her behavior (because of course he does) by pointing out Annie hasn’t enjoyed a pie in years, but the real meaning behind this odd moment can be found way back in Attack on Titan season 2.

In Attack on Titan season 2’s “Warrior,” the Survey Corps has identified Annie as the Female Titan. Hange is leading the group in figuring out how much they actually know about Annie and her potential comrades behind the walls, and Sasha unhelpfully offers, “I heard a rumor she likes sweets, even though she looks so grouchy.” The line was nothing more than a throwaway gag in Attack on Titan season 2, riffing on Sasha’s well-established love for food. Seeing Annie with a slice of pie in each hand, ramming the sweet dessert into her mouth, however, Sasha’s rumor was clearly true all along, paying off the joke more than two seasons down the line.

Almost as weird as Annie’s one-woman pie-eating contest in Attack on Titan episode 83 is Connie’s reaction upon witnessing it – he bursts into uncontrollable laughter, while everyone else sits in stunned silence. Sasha’s Attack on Titan season 2 rumor-mongering explains this detail too. Connie wasn’t present when Sasha first revealed her gossip during the Survey Corps’ meeting, but he was Sasha’s closest friend, and they came to share a brother-sister bond. Sasha would’ve told Connie the scandalous rumor she heard about Annie Leonhart’s sweet tooth, and Connie probably didn’t believe her… until witnessing the pie-flavored madness for himself two entire seasons later. Connie’s over-the-top laughter could be because he’s finally realizing his fallen best friend would never be wrong when it comes to matters of the stomach.

Attack on Titan did allude toward Annie’s guilty secret in the Goodbye to Wall Sina OVA, but none of the main Survey Corps protagonists were around to see it. This time, the evidence is all over her face.

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Attack on Titan streams Sundays on Funimation, Crunchyroll and Hulu.

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