In the upcoming X-Men series from Marvel Comics, Immortal X-Men, one overlooked omega level mutant is about to once again show fans how truly scary he really is. Exodus is one of the former villains who serves on the Quiet Council of Krakoa alongside Mystique, Mister Sinister, and Magneto. While Exodus has been reworked a great deal since his first introduction in the same way Apocalypse was upon the formation of Krakoa, the writer behind the new Immortal X-Men series promises to revisit his villainous side in terrifying fashion. 

Immortal X-Men—written by Kieron Gillen with art by Lucas Werneck—will focus on the governing body of Krakoa and all of the members of the Quiet Council. The series has been teased as being a mix of genres including political thriller, comedy, and drama. Writer Kieron Gillen spoke on what they plan to bring to the table in this new chapter of the X-Men saga especially as it relates to the forgotten omega-level mutant Exodus. 


In an interview with Comic Book Resources, Kieron Gillen was asked who some of the cast members are that they’ve never written before that they find especially interesting. “I don’t want to say too much, but I’ve got a big take on Exodus,” Gillen said in response. The X-Men writer continued, “I’ve aggressively leaned into the fact that he’s a French Crusader, profoundly religious, and a mutant.” The most intriguing aspect of Gillen’s plans for the Quiet Council member is how those aspects of his character will shape Exodus in the upcoming chapter. “The way that all gets mixed up makes him interesting, striking, and terrifying.” 

Exodus made his Marvel Comics debut in X-Factor #92 as a member of the Acolytes, a group of mutants loyal to the teachings of Magneto. With his first appearance and his established history thereafter, it had become clear to fans that Exodus had always been a religious fanatic in some form or fashion throughout history. As a French Crusader, Exodus’ religious loyalty was originally to his home country, but as mutants became more prominent in the world, and especially when Magneto established the mutant safe haven of Asteroid M, Exodus believed firmly in mutant superiority. 

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Exodus’ history as an Acolyte perfectly explains why he is such a devout believer in the mission of Krakoa. Because of his devotion, his villainous activities have subsided for the betterment of the mutant nation. Exodus’ vast amounts of omega-level power—which include telekinesis, telepathy, superhuman strength/endurance, and teleportation, added with his blind devotion to whatever cause he deems worthy of it—makes him a terrifying force to be reckoned with. For the most part, Exodus hasn’t been a part of any major stories since his addition on the Quiet Council, though that will apparently soon change with the launch of Immortal X-Men as the series promises to delve deeper into the X-Men’s forgotten omega-level mutant and once again depict Exodus as the terrifying character he once was. Immortal X-Men#1 will be available March 30, 2022. 

Source: CBR

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