The Transformers series isn’t exactly known for its cutesy robots, but Transformers: The Last Knight character Sqweeks is an undeniably adorable Autobot. Transformers: The Last Knight is the fifth installment in Michael Bay’s live-action movie series and was released in 2017. A curious mix of Transformers lore and Arthurian legend, the sequel follows returning character Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) as he tracks down a magical staff bequeathed by ancient Transformers to Merlin the Wizard (Stanley Tucci) many moons ago before it falls into the hands of the villainous Quintessa (voiced by Gemma Chan).


Early on in Transformers: The Last Knight, Cade meets a tough teenage scavenger living in the ruins of war-torn Chicago named Izabella (Isabela Merced). Izabella was orphaned when her parents were killed by Decepticons during the events of Transformers: Dark Of The Moon and befriended two Autobots named Canopy and Sqweeks (voiced by Reno Wilson). She’s especially close to Sqweeks who is like her Transformer Autobot sidekick, and the pair have only each other to rely on after Canopy is killed by the Cybertron-hunting unit Transformers Reaction Force (AKA the TRF).

It’s not a stretch to say Sqweeks is the Transformers series most adorable Autobot to date. Similar in appearance to Star Wars droid BB-8 or Pixar’s WALL-E, he’s a cute little Transformer who once could turn into a Vespa-like scooter before he was damaged during the TRF attack in Transformers: The Last Knight that left Canopy dead. He also sustained earlier damage during the battle that killed Izabella’s parents that left his vocabulary limited to a few words including “chihuahua”, which only adds to how adorable a character he is.

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Sqweeks might be smaller and cuter than most Autobots and while he may not be one of the best Transformers in the series, he’s still a formidable one. After losing his right arm early on Transformers: The Last Knight, Sqweeks is outfitted with a discarded Decepticon arm by pal Izabella. The modification came in especially handy during the final battle when the plucky little bot used his arm to blow one of Quintessa’s gun emplacements to smithereens which helped turn the fight in Cade and the other Autobot’s favor.

For the time being it looks like Transformers: The Last Knight could be Sqweeks’ first and last movie outing as Reno Wilson isn’t set to reprise the role in the next film in the series, Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts. However, rumor has it a couple more Transformers franchise movies are in the works so there’s always a chance that Squeeks, the Transformers series most adorable Autobot, could return in the future.

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