WARNING: This article contains content of a sensitive nature that some readers may find disturbing. Spoilers ahead for Captain Marvel #24.

Captain Marvel is forced to relive one of the most traumatizing experiences she’s ever had to suffer in Captain Marvel #24. Written by Kelly Thompson with art by Lee Garbett and Belen Ortega and colors by Antonio Fabela, the issue is in stores now.

Years before assuming the Captain Marvel identity, in a skin-crawling 1980 story arc spanning Avengers #197-200, Carol Danvers experienced a sexual assault and the resulting symptoms of post-traumatic stress. Lured to the dimension of Limbo and attacked by an extra-dimensional entity named Marcus (the son of the villain Immortus), she was forced to carry his child. In a bizarre turn of events, the baby she bore was Marcus himself—he had been born in Limbo and was stuck there until he could find a suitable woman to “birth” him, which in this case was Carol Danvers. Marcus lured her to Limbo and raped her, impregnating her. What was even more disturbing was that Immortus tried this exact same stunt on Marcus’ mother. Complicating matters was Carol’s friends in the Avengers blew off what was happening to her, essentially gaslighting her every step of the way.


In Captain Marvel’s latest issue, set in an apocalyptic 2052, Carol and her friends are seeking a mysterious person named Ove who is abducting heroes. Ove, one of the story’s villains, reminds Carol of Marcus, the man who sexually assaulted her. The son of Namor (not exactly known for his forward-thinking views on women either), Ove asks Carol to join him for a private dinner, and he even gives her attire to wear—which she promptly refuses, calling it “gross.” The fact that Ove wanted her alone in a dress he provided raises many red flags for Carol, and she remarks she is having “megalomaniacal flashbacks,” referring to Marcus. Carol’s concerns are justified when Ove and his mother, the Enchantress, imprison Carol and her associates.

Although Ove did not sexually assault Carol, his behavior was still suspicious, and Carol was justified in her assumptions about his being evil. Throughout the issue, Ove downplays his villainous nature, giving the façade that everything in New Atlantis is OK, and no trouble is afoot, despite the fact that he is holding Magik hostage in order to manipulate her powers.

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The issue including Carol’s sexual assault was published in the 1980s, and the discourse surrounding survivors was much different then compared to what it is today; but this does not excuse the fact the original story was in horrible taste all around. Some writers have tried retconning the story, but it remains a dark spot on Captain Marvel, and the Avengers’ history – a dark spot that Carol is still struggling with to this day.

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