When Twilight was release in 2008 as the new YA paranormal romance, it was touted as the next best love story, one as similar to the likes of Romeo and Juliet. Young teens and teens everywhere became intoxicated with Edward Cullen, the new dark love interest of this addicting series.

However, after taking off the rose-colored glasses, Edward Cullen has soon become a character people all strive not to idolize. Although he ended up as the soulmate of Bella Swan, his journey there was a toxic and emotionally exhausting one.

10 Edward is a Bad Communicator

From the beginning, viewers are introduced to Edward and the fact that he drinks human blood. However, what viewers aren’t aware of is the fact that he is a horrible communicator. Throughout Twilight, he pushes Bella away and then tries to talk to her as if he never pushed her away to begin with. He is constantly hot and cold to her – the hallmark of a bad communicator.

9 He Acts Rashly

After saving Bella from getting hit by a truck, Edward sees her at the hospital. When Bella confronts him, he plays it off as nothing and ultimately ends up arguing with her about it. A regular person would approach the shocked person with patience, sympathy, and understanding, rather than with light hostility. His rash words, combined with his horrible communication at this point, prove that he is exactly what he seems.


8 He Watches Her

Leading up to the meadow scene, viewers get glimpses of Bella in her room, sleeping. What people soon find out is that he watches her sleeping.

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While some may consider this to be romantic, it really isn’t, especially since he creeps into her room and just stares at her while she sleeps. This elevates Edward to stalker level, a level no person should ever be at.

7 He’s Obsessed with His Need to Read Bella’s Mind

One of the reasons Edward is so infatuated with Bella is the block around her mind. This causes him to go on a frenzy to understand her. True love accepts people for who they are, not for the obsessive need to read her mind and figure them out. While Bella may find this endearing, in the end, it just shows how Edward has some issues to work out.

6 He Scares Bella

While Edward and Bella are in a meadow professing their love to each other, Edward makes it a point to prove to her how dangerous he could be. Instead of gently telling her what he is capable of, he demonstrates his violent skills to her. For example, he almost hits her with a tree and he frightens her with his speed. Significant others shouldn’t purposely scare each other and that’s exactly what Edward does.

5 He Doesn’t Like Her Best Friend

Along the way of committing to each other, he realizes Bella’s friendship towards Jacob. While he doesn’t outright prevent her from seeing Jacob in Twilight, he makes sure Bella knows he doesn’t necessarily approve of it.

It’s important for loved ones to be honest about their feelings, but as the series progresses, his dislike for Jacob grows, to the point it becomes largely unhealthy.

4 He Puts Her In an Odd Situation with His Family

After becoming official, he decides to take her to meet his family. In the movie, most of the members are cordial to her, except for his sister, Rosalie. She’s openly rude to her and it causes Bella to be uncomfortable.

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Not only that, but when Esme says she made Italian food for Bella, Edward butts in and says, “She already ate,” dismissing Esme’s hard work making Bella dinner. Overall, it’s not a good look, and Edward probably shouldn’t have brought her in a room full of vampires.

3 He Puts Her Life in Danger

Besides the fact that he is a vampire, he puts her around other vampires, even visiting ones. When the antagonist trio – Laurent, Victoria, and James – visit the Cullens at their impromptu baseball game, he openly puts Bella in danger.

He tries to play her human scent off, but what’s done is done. What results is a wild goose chase of hunter hunting the prey.

2 He Makes Her Say Horrible Things to Her Dad

To help save Bella, Edward and his family have Bella run out of Forks. The worse part is Edward’s plan has Bella say horrible things to her dad in order for her to leave Forks and for her dad to not follow her. She throws his divorce back in his face, as well as trash-talking Forks. It’s safe to say all this pain wouldn’t have ever happened if Edward was never in the picture.

1 He Almost Kills Her

To no one’s surprise, Bella ultimately has to face down James, and it ends up in a vampire bite to her wrist. Edward comes in and saves the day, but to truly save Bella, he has to suck the venom out of her system. Edward the vampire finally gets to taste her blood, and in saving her, he almost kills her while sucking the venom out. Combine all these horrible traits with his almost murder of Bella, Edward isn’t the boyfriend viewers hoped for.

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