Warning! Spoilers for Task Force Z by DC Comics

The Red Hood is coming for Nightwing’s crown as the sexiest hero in the Bat-Family and the DC Universe. In the recently released Task Force Z comic, Jason Todd’s steamier side is shown off. It’s clear the Red Hood is challenging Nightwing (and his famous backside) to become the sexiest character in DC Comics. But can Jason take the cake?

Dick Grayson has become a DC Comics sex symbol for one big reason: his butt. To subvert the longstanding comic trope where heroines were routinely drawn in a stance with their backsides pointing out for no particular reason other than to sexualize the character, Gail Simone and Nicola Scott made Nightwing strike a similar pose in Secret Six. Ever since then, Nightwing’s butt has become a defining characteristic of the hero, as comic covers, interiors, and other images have showcased his great backside on multiple occasions. Now, the Red Hood is trying to prove that he’s just as sexy as Nightwing.


In Task Force Z #1  by Matthew Rosenberg, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, and Adriano Lucas, Jason Todd leads an undead group of villains as part of a new superpowered team. Early in the story, Jason Todd is seen decontaminating in a shower after a mission, where readers can see his muscle and scar-filled body. Red Hood is observed by one of Task Force Z’s scientists, who tells him she derived no personal pleasure from watching him shower. It’s unclear if she’s telling the truth.

We spoke with Rosenberg about including the steamy scene in the comic and whether Jason Todd was coming for Dick Grayson’s crown as the sexiest member of the Bat-Family. Rosenberg admitted that showing the Red Hood in such a tantalizing fashion was completely intentional. He said he “called out Nightwing” as “not the only stud in Gotham.”

That was me, and actually it says it in the script. It says, “Let’s get a little sexy with Red Hood here. Let’s get a little sexy with Jason here.” I called out Nightwing and I was like, “He’s not the only stud in Gotham. Let’s show them what we have.”

That was me, but Eddy absolutely crushed it. I’m hoping that people, when the book comes out, are swooning over Jason in the same way. He’s a little scarier than Dick, but that’s exciting, right? People like that.

Mission accomplished. While Rosenberg is correct, that Jason Todd’s body is undoubtedly scarier than Dick’s after all the pain he’s suffered at the hands of the Joker, that’s part of what makes seeing him in the steamy situation so exciting. People dig a bad boy with a troubled past.

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Will Jason Todd win the challenge and overtake Nightwing as the sexiest Bat-sidekick? It’s too early to say. DC Comics has made sure to include a number of cheeky moments for Dick Grayson for the last few years. However, with more steamy moments like Jason Todd showering in Task Force ZRed Hood has definitely established himself as one of DC’s sexiest heroes who can challenge Nightwing for the throne.


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