“What is dead may never die, but kill the bastards anyway.” was Yara’s last advice to her little brother. Theon’s death at the hands of the Night King was a worthy redemption for him after all the crimes he committed. He had turned into the very useless Greyjoy that Balon predicted. Turning on the very family that took him in and brought him up as their own son made Theon the worst Greyjoy – until Euron Came by.

Unlike Theon, who was only motivated by teenage vigor and the desire to prove his father wrong, Euron was outright evil, hell-bent on destroying everything Balon created. He was an angry man that went from no one to the worst Greyjoy in just three seasons of Game of Thrones.

10 Euron: He Killed His Brother

“I am the Drowned God,” Euron told his brother just before throwing him off the rope bridge between the two towers of The Iron Islands. It takes an evil man to kill his brother, but Euron was obviously worse than Balon as he seemed to enjoy it.

He called his brother’s murder the “Iron Price” and used it to bargain for the crown a few days later. He didn’t mourn nor even show remorse for the loss and the pain he had caused his niece and nephew. In fact, immediately after Aeron Greyjoy baptized him, he sought to kill Yara and Theon as well.

9 Theon: Killing Rodrik

Northmen never expected Theon to turn on the Starks and come back to claim Winterfell for himself. As far as Luwin and Rodrik were concerned, Theon was only an innocent boy that had lost his way and who would come back to his senses soon enough.

That never happened though as Theon decided to use his sword to kill Rodrik, the very man that taught him how to use a sword in combat. It got worse when he couldn’t do it with a single strike making a mess and causing poor Rodrik to suffer in the process. Theon obviously didn’t have the heart of a killer but his reaction to Rodrik’s provocation was just evil.


8 Euron: His Treatment Of  Yara And The Sands

Yara was the best Greyjoy and deserved the Salt Throne more than anyone else since she is the only person who seemed to care about the house’s long-term future. When Euron defeated her fleet and captured her, she faced the worst time of her life; especially when Theon abandoned her and fled.

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Euron’s torture must have been humiliating for her but it was nothing compared to what he did to Obara Sand, killing her then tying her body to the mast of his Long Ship. While the retaliation on Yara for stealing part of the Iron Fleet may be justified, the torture was totally unnecessary. It was worse when he marched Ellaria and Tyene Sand through the streets just for the chance to get in bed with Cersei.

7 Theon: His Treatment Of Osha

Maester Luwin reminded Theon not to mistreat Osha because he was treated nicely when he himself was the prisoner of the Starks. Osha was a good person who only got caught up on the wrong side of the wrong act. Theon tormented her from the time he set eyes on her making outrageous demands and treating her as less than human.

Forcing Osha to sleep with him before he could grant her the freedom she wanted made Theon similar to Ramsay Bolton. He confessed to having been misguided when he did those things, but Ned Stark had taught him better than that.

6 Euron: He Cut Out His Men’s Tongues

Euron went mad while sailing his ship through a storm in the Jade Sea and his men had to tie him up to the Mast to calm him down. Balon used the episode to taunt him for not being a true Ironborn since Ironborn men don’t lose themselves in a storm.

Euron, however, proved just how wicked he was by bragging about how he cut out the crew’s tongues after the incident. He obviously didn’t want them to talk about it to other people, which he just summarized by saying, “I needed silence.” Euron obviously doesn’t know how to be grateful and will kill anyone that stands between him and fame.

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5 Theon: Taking Winterfell For Himself

When Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon quashed the Grejoy Rebellion, Theon was taken first as a prisoner of the Starks to keep Balon in line then as a ward of Ned because he understood that Ned was a better father than Balon. Robb considered him a brother although he told him that he wasn’t a Stark.

The least Theon could have done was protect Winterfell in the name of the Starks until the rightful lord who was Bran came of age. However, he betrayed Robb, the only brother he ever had, and sacked Winterfell, which was his home. Both decisions were selfish and stupid.

4 Euron: He Killed Men For Being Bad At Darts

Cersei and Euron tricked Daenerys and Jon Snow during the Dragonpit Summit with Euron claiming to be retreating to the Iron Islands and Cersei claiming she would send her army to Winterfell. Euron was actually going to Essos to ferry the Golden Company to King’s Landing.

When the Golden company arrived, Captain Strickland confirmed that the 20,000 man army was a few men short and Euron was the killer. He killed them because he beat them at darts and didn’t care about their lives because they were weak men as far as he was concerned. He seemed to extract joy from killing people for fun.

3 Theon: Killing Jack And Billy

Jack and Billy were the two innocent farm boys that Theon ordered Dagmer to kill when he couldn’t catch Bran and Rickon. He went ahead to burn them so no one would see his failure, causing horror in Winterfell.

He felt guilty after the incident and wanted to make amends by paying off the kids’ parents, but the psychotic Dagmer had killed the parents too. It was the worst thing that Theon did in Game of Thrones, and the first time he proved that he could be very heartless.

2 Euron: His Attack On Jaime

When Yara was Euron’s prisoner, she told him that he had chosen the losing side when he bragged about his alliance with Cersei. He didn’t seem to care about winning, though, just the chance of sleeping with the queen because that would make him a king in his imagination.

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Jaime Lannister never liked Euron for obvious reasons, but he was never a threat to him. Euron couldn’t accept that he had lost everything, so he decided to kill Jaime Lannister, which really didn’t make much sense. An Ironborn that would rather be killed by a Kingslayer than save his own life is obviously the worst of all Greyjoys.

1 Theon: Hunting Down Bran and Rickon

Rickon’s death during The Battle of The Bastards was one of the saddest scenes in Game of Thrones. Rickon’s woes were all Theon’s doing, though. He hunted down Osha and the brothers mercilessly even after Bran handed Winterfell to him to prevent further bloodshed.

They were not a threat to him because none of them planned to fight back, especially with Osha as their only defense, which made his bloodthirsty hunt for them meaningless. His lack of compassion for the boys that had grown up as his little brothers and who had just lost both of their parents was the worst of Theon’s evils.

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