If there’s one character in Teen Wolf known for their dialogue, it’s Stiles Stilinski. Dylan O’Brien struck the perfect tone for Stiles – whether he was making a sarcastic quip or he was inspiring others to get through a hard time. Stiles has some of the best lines in the show.

Because Stiles was so often the comic relief in the early episodes of Teen Wolf, many of the funniest lines in the series are courtesy of him. As the show went on, however, it became darker, causing a lot more emotional exchanges between characters. Stiles had the best of both worlds in Teen Wolf. He got to make the audience laugh with his early lines and make them cry with some of his later lines. So many were iconic.

Updated By Amanda Bruce On August 23rd, 2020: Is any character in Teen Wolf quoted more often than Stiles? Fans love his heart and humor so much that 10 of his quotes simply weren’t enough. We’ve added five more of his iconic lines from the run of the series.

15 You’re Killing People. To Death.

When it’s made clear that Jackson is actually the kanima, Scott and his friends take the issue into their own hands. They want to make sure no one hunts Jackson down and kills him, so they make a very strategic move: they steal a law enforcement vehicle and kidnap him.

Stiles is the one who tries to explain the danger to Jackson. He might not remember what he’s doing as the kanima, but the kanima’s actions have serious consequences. Luckily, Stiles’ deadpan humor lightens the mood for the audience, even if it doesn’t for Jackson.

14 You Called The Police Before You Called Me?

Typically, when a person stumbles across a dead body, the right thing to do is call a law enforcement officer to handle the situation. Not if you find a body in Beacon Hills, according to Stiles.

When Lydia comes across a dead body at a swimming pool early in her friendship with Stiles, she calls the emergency dispatch before she calls Stiles, which he’s incredibly offended by. Stiles wants to work the supernatural murder mysteries before they’re handed over to the police, but he doesn’t see how strange that is.


13 Don’t Be Such A Sourwolf.

The antagonism between Derek and Stiles is legendary. Their bickering led some fans to want the two to end up in a relationship, though it never happened in the show. This line, used for the first time in episode six, is one of the lines fans point to in order to demonstrate their dynamic.

When Derek disagrees with the plan that Stiles and Scott have to lure out the, at the time, unknown Alpha, Stiles teases him with this line. It’s not just a notable line for shippers, however; it’s also important to note that, at that point in the show, Stiles still isn’t sure that Derek isn’t a serial killer and is pretty terrified of him. It’s a sign of how Stiles would react to those more dangerous as the show continues.

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12 I’m Not A Hero.

When Stiles finally has his chance to prove himself on the lacrosse field, he helps win the game – and promptly gets beat up afterward. His father calls him a hero, but Stiles utters this line to himself after his dad leaves him alone.

Stiles, despite all his bravado and willingness to be a part of the fight, doesn’t see himself as important or heroic in the same way he sees his friends like Scott and Allison. He is important to Scott’s pack as an investigator and supporter, but it takes Stiles a long time to see himself as more than just a weak human.

11 You See, Death Doesn’t Happen To You, Lydia. It Happens To Everyone Around You, To All The People Left Standing At Your Funeral, Trying To Figure Out How They’re Going To Now Live The Rest Of Their Lives Without You In It.

 At the beginning of season two, Lydia only knows bits and pieces of what’s going on the supernatural side of Beacon Hills. What she does know is that she wants to help Jackson – no matter the consequences.

Stiles makes it very clear how much he cares about her when he realizes that Lydia is willing to die if it means helping Jackson. While Stiles is speaking about himself, revealing the depths of his feelings, his words also speak to how deaths have affected him in the past – like losing his mother. He might be talking about himself, but he makes Lydia see that she’s not the only person affected if she gets hurt.

10 I’m A Fan Of Ignoring A Problem Until It Just Goes Away!

Stiles made this statement way back in the sixth episode of Teen Wolf’s first season. It’s perfectly in tone with Stiles as the comedic relief, but it’s actually not all that true for him.

Stiles is not the kind of character who can let anything go. If he has a problem – or if one of his friends has a problem – Stiles obsesses over it until he can find a way to fix it, or he accidentally makes it worse. He’s not the kind of person who can just ignore something, which really makes the line funnier in hindsight.

9 I’m 147 Pounds Of Pale Skin And Fragile Bones; Sarcasm Is My Only Defense.

This line is the perfect way to sum up the character of Stiles Stilinski. Young adults are known for their sarcastic nature, but Stiles is sarcasm in human form.

Unlike the rest of his friends, Stiles never goes through any kind of supernatural transformation. Yes, the nogitsune inhabits his body for a while, but he’s not technically Stiles. As a result, Stiles doesn’t have a way to defend himself in a fight. He’d rather throw quips than punches, making him one of the most entertaining, if not one of the best fighters. It’s a good thing he kept Melissa McCall’s baseball bat in his car.

8 I Don’t Know How To Help You Help Me Tell You Something That Would Help You If I Don’t Know It!

Stiles makes this statement to annoy Rafe McCall when Scott’s father is looking for information. It’s played for laughs, of course, but it’s also a really great example of Stiles being smarter than those around him.

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Rather than continue to tell Scott’s father that he doesn’t know anything and sound like a broken record, Stiles makes this convoluted statement. It’s ridiculous, and it causes a momentary pause in the conversation as Rafe figures out what Stiles is actually saying. The exchange is par for the course when Stiles is on a roll.

7 You Just Don’t Believe; Mom Would Have Believed Me.

When Stiles finally told his father the truth about the supernatural, his dad wasn’t for it. It took a lot to get Sheriff Stilinski on the same page as the teenagers of Beacon Hills. 

When Stiles became frustrated that his father didn’t believe the things he was telling him, he lashed out, hitting his father right where it hurt by bringing up Claudia Stilinski. Stiles’ mother was a bit of a sore spot between the two, and the tragedy of her loss unfolded over the course of the series. This line was a reminder that despite all of Stiles’ humor, there was still a lot of pain underneath.

6 This Is Why I Always Come Up With The Plans; Your Plans Suck.

Despite becoming an Alpha werewolf, Scott McCall wasn’t so great at coming up with successful plans. Instead, the leg work was mostly left to Stiles. The first time Scott has to come up with a plan on his own, he really botched things, which prompted this quote from Stiles.

Scott used the bite to hold on to Liam so he wouldn’t fall off the roof of the hospital. Scott’s hands were otherwise engaged with an enemy. When Liam freaked out after the experience, Scott decided to kidnap the freshman, and then call Stiles for help. The entire experience left Stiles frustrated and Liam not trusting them for a while. Stiles’ statement was definitely valid.

5 You Wanna Play Catwoman, I’ll Be Your Batman…

In a world of supernatural creatures, Stiles was the token human. Of course, his detective skills also meant he wasn’t exactly the average teenager. When Erica became the newest member of Derek Hale’s pack, she went full femme fatale mode, trying to seduce Scott and his friends, baiting Allison and Lydia into arguing with her.

Tired of her antics, but also not entirely immune to Erica’s charm, Stiles made this remark to her in the hallway at school. The two were alternately allies and enemies on a regular basis during her short time on the series. When she was severely injured, Erica also remarked to Stiles that he “made a good Batman.” 

4 Some Of Us Have To Make Mistakes; Some Of Us Have To Get Our Hands A Little Bloody Sometimes; Some Of Us Are Human!

In the first half of season five, Teen Wolf introduced the idea of supernatural creatures as scientific experiments. One of the teens in Beacon Hills who was experimented on was named Donovan. Angry at the Stilinski family for his own father’s tragic accident as a deputy, he used his newfound abilities to lash out at Stiles. Stiles had no choice but to fight back.

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While trying to get away from Donovan, Stiles caused scaffolding to fall on the other boy, killing him. When finding out, his best friend Scott judged him for taking someone’s life, not understanding the circumstances. Stiles pointed out that he didn’t have the same supernatural survival rate of Scott and the rest of the pack. 

3 Please Shut Up And Let Me Save Your Life!

Stiles always had a strong attachment to Lydia. It wasn’t until she was embroiled in the supernatural world that Lydia developed a strong bond with Stiles. Once they became friends, Stiles had to repeatedly remind her not to put herself in danger and of how much losing her would affect the people around her.

Even while Lydia was strapped into a stretcher at Eichen House in season five, she still wanted to protect her friends from danger. When Stiles entered the asylum to save her, she tried to talk him out of it, leading to him making this statement before getting her out of the building. 

2 You’re My Brother; So If You’re Gonna Do This, Then I Think You’re Just Gonna Have To Take Me With You.

“Motel California” remains one of the creepiest and emotional episodes of Teen Wolf. In the hour, the lacrosse team ended up having to stay overnight at a motel when an accident held up traffic for hours. While there, Lydia heard voices from moments of death in the walls and the werewolves on sight all experienced hallucinations that made them want to take their own lives. Lydia, Allison, and Stiles had to save Ethan, Boyd, and Isaac before they found Scott.

Scott was ready to take a road flare to gasoline to blow himself up over the guilt he felt at putting people in danger. Stiles made a heartfelt speech to change his mind, that involved being willing to die with Scott before the werewolf realized what he was doing. It’s one of the scenes that Stiles is now best known for years later.

1 You Didn’t Think You Were Doing This Without Me, Did You?

The final season of Teen Wolf brought many familiar faces back to Beacon Hills. Some of them, like Lydia, Stiles, and Derek, had left town to pursue life outside of the supernatural beacon that was the town. When Scott McCall needed them, however, most of his pack and allies returned.

Stiles made it clear that whenever his friends needed him, he’d be there, with this line and Derek Hale in his car. The two frenemies had reached an understanding by season six and actually become firm allies. Stiles’ line reminded the audience that the entire series started with Scott, Stiles, and Derek.

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