LOST is a T.V. show with a record number of mysteries. None of those mysteries were quite as big as the numbers though. These numbers which Hurley used to win the lottery kept reappearing throughout the show, from the flight number of the plane to the list of possible replacements for Jacob remaining towards the end of the show.

The numbers are 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42. The biggest fans of the show have combed every episode for these numbers, and the results are amazing. Even when you don’t think the numbers are around, they may be in the background or you just haven’t been counting.

Everyone who graduated high school writing knows the rule “show and don’t tell.” Well, LOST did that with the numbers to a stunning degree. They are everywhere.

10 Girl Soccer Team At Airport

All the numbers showed up in the background of one airport scene in the episode, “Exodus Part 2.” As with any episode, the numbers have numerous appearances. For example, Flight 815 is at gate 23 and when Hurley gets a flat tire, the car’s speed drops from 42 km/h to 16, then 15, then 8, and then 4. If that isn’t enough, the cars’ temperature display reads 23 degrees Celsius!

All the numbers show up at once in the airport as Hurley passes a soccer team whose jerseys all have the numbers.

9 The Vial Claire Is Injected With At the Medical Station

In the episode, “Maternity Leave,” Claire gets injected with a mysterious vaccine at the Medical Station. The vial which the vaccine is drawn from has all the numbers on its label.

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Like the numbers, a vaccines are one of the mysteries of LOST. Claire gets injected with one when kidnapped by Ethan and we never learn what the vaccine is supposed to prevent. Some theorize that it prevents the sickness in which the Man in Black can alter people’s personality like he does with Sayid towards the end.


8 Kate’s Trial Number

In the fourth episode of season four, we are getting flash-forwards. In the flash-forward, Kate goes to trial. The trials docket number is s 42231815.

The episode is called “Eggtown,” and is known for being one of the episodes with a more bizarre title choice. The Latin American title makes more sense as it it called “The Trial” or even in French, it is called “Enemy Mothers.” It is also the episode were fans see Aaron off the island for the first time.

7 Hurley’s Hotel Room In Sydney

The numbers appear even more than with just the flight gate, soccer team, and car in “Exodus Part 2.” They come up again at Hurley’s hotel room in Sydney. His room number is 2342. It is also notable that Hurley buys a scooter for 16 thousand dollars from a man wearing a Crazy 8 hat.

Episodes that have more Hurley tend to have more themes when it comes to the numbers. “Exodus Part 2” is just one example of that trend.

6 Eddie Colburn’s ID Number

Eddie Colburn is a character that can be pretty forgettable since a lot is going on in the show and he is just a minor character. He is an undercover police officer that befriends Locke in order to join and ultimately infiltrate a commune. He only appears in one episode, titled “Further Instructions” from season three. It is a very Locke-centric episode.

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If the viewer paid close attention to when Colburn shows his sheriff ID, they’ll see the numbers 84023 for his employee number.

5 Eko’s Stick

Eko’s stick is full of interesting content. The stick is inscribed with all kinds of notes from the plane crash date to all kinds of Biblical verses and allusions. This includes Pslam 23 (one of the numbers), Pslam 14, Genesis 13:14, John 3:05,  and much more. Of course, Charlie nicknamed the stick, the “Jesus Stick.”

Nestled with all these notes are the numbers of themselves: 4:8:15:16:23:42.

4 The Medicine Desmond Takes

In an oddly similar fashion to Claire’s injection from Ethan, Desmond also takes the mysterious vaccine. The bottle he grabs has all the numbers on them. This appears in two episodes: “Man of Science, Man of Faith” as well as “Orientation.” Unlike Claire though, Desmond isn’t kidnapped or pregnant. He instead injects the vaccine into his arm.

The numbers appear a couple more times in “Man of Science, Man of Faith.” For example, we find out Shannon’s father died at 8:15 A.M. The islanders have 4 guns left. Desmond rides his bike at 16 mph. Kate counts up to 4 to overcome her fear while descending into the hatch.

3 Faraday’s Notebook

In the season four episode, “The Constant,” Desmond has the joy of his consciousness time traveling. While doing this, he meets Daniel Faraday at Oxford University.

To prove to Faraday that he has time traveled from the future, he tells him machine settings that future Faraday told him. Those settings are 2.342 and you can actually see the numbers in his journal at one point.

2 LAPD Cars

Fans got a lot of Ana Lucia flashbacks in the season two episode, “Two for the Road.” At one point in a flashback, the audience can see a bunch of LAPD cars in a parking lot. The cars are numbered on the top and as the camera pans up, the numbers 23, 15, 16, and 42 can be seen.

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Other times in the episode the numbers appear include Jack telling an airlines ticket agent that he has to land at LAX in 16 hours. Also Michael shares that there is likely 23 people at the Others camp.

1 The Amount Of Times Jack Pounded On Charlie’s Chest

In the episode “All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues,” Jack and Kate find Charlie hanging from some vines after getting attacked by Ethan.

Jack, being a doctor, won’t give up on Charlie and starts trying to save his life. He gets emotional and starts banging on his chest until Kate makes him stop. Dedicated fans have counted the times Jack banged on Charlie’s chest and it was 23 times. That goes to show the numbers are truly everywhere in LOST.

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