The Metal Gear Solid series is filled to the brim with symbolism and allegories, particularly that of Solidus Snake and his twin swords, “Democrat” and “Republican.” Solidus Snake, or George Sears as he was known to the public, was the 43rd President of the United States who resigned after the Shadow Moses Incident that occurred in the original Metal Gear Solid. While removed from power, Solidus Snake remained the mastermind behind many pivotal events in the Metal Gear Solid series. Solidus Snake became immortalized along with his tentacle exosuit and twin swords as the final boss of Metal Gear Solid 2.


Solidus Snake was the third child clone of Big Boss from Les Enfants Terribles, a genetic manipulation project initiated by The Patriots. The Patriots were a secret organization that eventually controlled the government of the United States of America and had designs to control the world. Unlike Solid Snake and Liquid Snake, also known as the Twin Snakes, who were allegedly modified to express either dominant or recessive genes, Solidus was the perfect blend of Big Boss’ genetic traits. As the perfect clone of Big Boss, Solidus became the public face of The Patriots until he became disillusioned by the organization.

This sense of balance between the recessive and dominant genes became essential to Solidus as a character. Solidus chose to wield a Daishō, a pair of Japanese swords, one a Katana and the other a Wakizashi. These high-frequency blades were named “Minshutō” which translates to Democrat, and “Kyōwatō” which translates to Republican. As the one-time president and hand of The Patriots, Solidus’ swords represent complete control over the American two-party system. Being able to wield both the Democrat and Republican parties allowed Solidus to cut through the American two-party system, and his foes, with ease.

Solidus’ Swords Could Also Represent His Brothers In MGS2

The twin swords also could be used to describe Solidus’ control over his brothers, Solid and Liquid Snake. During the events of Metal Gear Solid 2, it comes to light that Solidus had been manipulating the Twin Snakes throughout the series. Solidus’ influence over the triple-agent Ocelot allowed him to convince Liquid Snake to steal Metal Gear REX. Solidus exerted his will over Solid Snake by developing the biological weapon FOXDIE virus. Solid Snake was unaware that he was injected with the virus until later in the game, which was also orchestrated by Solidus during his time as president.

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In the complicated and confusing story of Metal Gear Solid, there are often multiple hidden meanings or allegories for every little detail. Solidus’ swords, Democrat and Republican, likely represent the control over the United States of America that Solidus held. For a man with convictions like Solidus and who was tired of being used as a puppet to The Patriots, it is fitting for his swords to represent his power.

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