Parents and adults may get as much fun out of Disney and Pixar movies, but it’s assumed that the actual stories and humor won’t be anything too mature for younger audiences. But sometimes, the people actually making the movie just can’t help themselves – sliding in crude jokes or adult gags that can’t be unseen, and are almost guaranteed to have older viewers laughing (and wondering how they ever could have missed them the first time around).

Here is Screenrant’s look at Dirty Disney: 10 Inappropriate Scenes in Disney Films.

Inside Out

Since the movie takes place inside the mind of a preteen girl, Inside Out is a fairly innocent story about leaving childhood behind as a family moves from Minnesota to San Francisco. But the writers couldn’t resist making one tiny joke given the city’s famous history in the gay rights movement. When the emotions run wild upon seeing their new house, Fear wonders if deadly bears live in the city, with Anger claiming to have seen one already – or, a large hairy man who looked like a bear. The line is meaningless to kids, but adults will realize the term is typically used in the LGBT community to describe large, hairy men. Anger had no idea.



We know, there’s no way Disney’s heartwarming, billion dollar tale of sisterly love, Frozen, had anything crude, right? When Anna first joins forces with Kristoff, he’s less than supportive about her marrying a man she just met, proving it’s a bad move by quizzing her about Hans (of the Southern Isles), including his foot size. Anna shoots his line of questioning down, explaining that “shoe size doesn’t matter.” It’s a safe bet the women in the audience gave the line a giggle, since it’s an obvious play on the idea that “size doesn’t matter” when it comes to a man’s… equipment.

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Toy Story 3

There are some adult jokes that go over kids’ heads, and then there are ones that are subtle enough to be missed even by parents. In Toy Story 3, the gang learns just how rude the villain Lotso really is when he pulls off the mouth of Mrs. Potato Head just to shut her up. As they look on stunned, Mr. Potato Head lets Lotso know that only her husband “is allowed to take her mouth,” delivering a surprisingly clear (but veiled) sex joke in the process. The line might seem straightforward, but the fact that it’s delivered as an ultimatum means the writers chose that wording specifically. Kids in the audience were probably too scared to notice their parents eyes widening at that one.

Aladdin: King of Thieves

There are plenty of Disney fans who name Aladdin as their favorite, so the two straight to home video sequels that followed were no surprise. But apparently, the studio figured nobody was paying attending by the third in the series. So when Aladdin and princess Jasmine are finally set to get married, a sudden attack on the castle gives Genie the opportunity for one of his signature one-liners, telling the guests that “he thought the Earth wasn’t supposed to move until the wedding night.” Making a sex joke about the young couple didn’t cross the line, but it shows just how much can slip by unnoticed when you talk as fast as Robin Williams.


Disney’s version of the classical Greek hero Hercules took a different approach to designing Mythical creatures, and the Centaur stands out as a particularly odd one. Not only does the creatures entire head seem modeled after a part of the male anatomy, but when Hercules sends the beast skyward, he lands hard – resulting in a massive bruise swelling off the top of his head. If the suggestive shape of his skull passed any viewers by, his knobby brow and massive, long lump show that Disney’s animators can still be as immature as their audience.

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Pixar’s automotive adventure Cars begins with star Lightning McQueen at the top of his game, the most famous racer in America. So famous, he even had groupies in the form of two shapely young sportscars. When viewers realize that their decision to show the racer their “high beams” actually means that he’s being flashed, the dozens of cameras firing around them make a lot more sense… and guarantee you’ll think twice about every other set of headlights in the rest of the movie.

Surprisingly, that’s not even the only adult joke made in the movie, as a later scene shows a roadside restaurant called the Top Down Truckstop. In case audience members didn’t get the reference, the sign also advertises “all convertible waitresses” – that’s right, a topless truckstop for the loney truckers of Cars, right under viewers’ noses.


When Linguini is finally forced to admit that it’s his pet rat who is cooking award-winning food, and not him, it’s his hopeful romance Colette that he lets in on the secret. But when trying to explain the “tiny little truth” he’s hiding, it’s impossible to miss Colette’s grimace – and quick glance below Linguini’s belt. It’s a joke aimed squarely at the older fans, and is just subtle enough to sneak by without offending anyone.


That’s right, even back in 1942 Disney was slipping some sly adult humor into family entertainment. Although Bambi is the star of the show, his good friend Flower the skunk is just as memorable. When Flower first runs into Bluebelle, the pair share a kiss that renders him completely frozen. It’s a cute and harmless joke, but once people realized a kiss made Flower flush with blood and grow as stiff as a board, it was obvious the animators were implying something that kids hopefully wouldn’t ask any questions about.

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The Emperor’s New Groove

Not every crude joke is without some clever humor – and sometimes, the best gags don’t even have to be called out to get fans laughing. So when The Emperor’s New Groove saw Kronk out camping in a tent that was so small, he cane to a clear solution. When audiences realize they’re watching as Kronk “pitches a tent” confined to his crotch, they may realize that half of Disney’s humor may have gone by completely unnoticed. But that might be for the best.


Those are the best adult jokes we found hidden in Disney and Pixar movies, but are there any we missed? Be sure to share your own favorite gags in the comments, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this one.

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