WARNING: Spoilers ahead for X-Men: Onslaught Revelation#1!

As one of the most visually distinct X-Men, Kurt Wagner is used to being called many things, but now, Marvel ComicsNightcrawler is reclaiming the one title many fans may not expect: sex icon. From his first appearance as an X-Man to his membership in Excalibur and his time as Krakoa’s resident clergyman, Nightcrawler’s distinctive visual appearance has always earned him both positive and negative attention. And although there are more than a few mutant-haters who’d consider Nightcrawler a monster, his fellow X-Men and his fans know the truth: Kurt Wagner is beautiful.


Now Kurt’s newest look is almost certainly going to turn a few heads, both in continuity and among readers. But with every other member of the X-Men getting a redesign in honor of their island home, it’s about time that Nightcrawler joined in the fun. And with its stunning debut in X-Men: Onslaught Revelation #1 by Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn, Kurt’s newest fashion statement couldn’t have come at a better time.

The one-shot issue sees Nightcrawler, Legion, and company doing all they can to stave off the threat of the malevolent Onslaught. And while the psychic entity may well be the most dangerous threat Krakoa has ever faced, Onslaught plays second fiddle to the issue’s real reveal: Nightcrawler’s new look. Keeping with a similar color scheme to Kurt’s classic appearance, Nightcrawler’s new suit trades in the red-trimmed bodysuit for an open red robe befitting Krakoa’s resident holy man accompanied by a minimalist black suit with his classic white boots and gloves. And to the delight of fans everywhere, the latest Nightcrawler design even comes equipped with the return of Kurt’s fan-favorite beard. On any other character, this look may seem pretty subdued, but on someone like Nightcrawler, it’s the perfect blend between sexy swashbuckler and holy man.

Nightcrawler may not be seen as the most conventionally attractive superhero, but his overall appeal is undeniable. Kurt’s comfort with his body, especially when there are others who would find it monstrous, speaks wonders about the character and his confidence. After all, Nightcrawler is frequently portrayed as a swashbuckling hero, and with his wit and his charisma, many find the blue mutant irresistible – especially when he’s rocking a sweet beard.

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In the comics, Nightcrawler seeks to inspire those around him, and that effect extends to the real world as well. While most fans probably aren’t covered in blue fur or have prehensile tails, comic book readers come in all shapes and sizes. Not only does Kurt’s awareness of his sex appeal speak on Nightcrawler’s status as a three-dimensional character, but it also serves to inspire and embolden fans who may not fit into society’s traditionally narrow standards of beauty.

Kurt Wagner probably isn’t the first to spring to everyone’s mind when discussing comic book beefcakes, but this fan favorite still has plenty to offer. While he may be just a Marvel Comics character, a strong representation of body positivity will always inspire readers typically categorized as the ‘other’ – something for which the X-Men are known. And now that the X-Office has seen fit to once again give Kurt a look for the ages, Nightcrawler is going to keep inspiring in more ways than one.

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