A Battlefield 2042 insider has explained why the previously hinted at skyscraper destruction didn’t make the final cut. Months ahead of the shooter’s summer 2021 reveal, reputable leaker Tom Henderson claimed the new Battlefield title would boast upgraded levolution features that would even allow skyscrapers to topple over. Apparently, such an addition would’ve marked an evolution of the destructibility on display in the likes of Battlefield 4.

Electronic Arts and developer DICE announced Battlefield 2042 this past summer, promising an ambitious installment that would take the brand to new heights. Players are not impressed, thus far. In fact, many have expressed disappointment in the final product due in large part to the myriad bugs that continue to plague the recently released FPS title. Performance issues, gameplay hitches, and other graphical and mechanical oversights don’t serve as the only reasons for Battlefield 2042’s inclusion on Steam’s worst-reviewed games list. The discontentment amongst the community additionally stems from changes to the formula, such as DICE’s replacement of the traditional Class system with unique Specialist roles.


As mentioned above, insider Tom Henderson claimed ahead of Battlefield 2042’s formal announcement that advanced levolution features would allow players to lay waste to skyscrapers. Players have noticed, however, that this level of destruction does not appear in-game. In response to questions on Twitter about his reporting from earlier in the year, Henderson alleged that skyscraper destructibility fell to the cutting room floor during production. Reportedly, hardware limitations serve as one key reason for the ambitious feature’s abandonment. The insider further stated developers were strapped for time.

Henderson’s post goes on to posit that reducing Battlefield 2042’s 128 player count and map sizes could eventually allow for the return of advanced destructibility. Since DICE developers have cited the large player count as the motivating factor behind the lack of 120fps support on PS5 and Xbox Series X|S, the insider’s hypothesis doesn’t sound beyond the realm of possibility.

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EA and DICE deployed the new Battlefield installment over a week ago on consoles and PC. Reception hasn’t exactly been positive, though. At the very least, players can rest assured that developers remain hard at work on resolving the ongoing glitches and performance hiccups. The first major update rolled out a day ahead of launch, with a second patch arriving less than a week later. Battlefield 2042’s next big update should go live within the next couple of weeks.

Battlefield 2042 is out now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: Tom Henderson/Twitter via Comicbook.com

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