Netflix’s animated series Blood of Zeus is a slick, action-packed take on Greek mythology with a sneaky reference to Christopher Nolan’s thriller The Prestige hiding in plain sight. Blood of Zeus is a refreshingly authentic take on Greek mythology that follows Heron, one of Zeus’ illegitimate sons, as he tries to save the world from an army of demons led by Seraphim. The series reinterprets classic Greek myths and gives a new spin on the stories, including the complicated relationship between Zeus, Heron’s mother Electra, and Zeus’ wife, the vengeful goddess Hera.

Before she and Heron came to their village, Electra reveals that she was a queen, married to the abusive King Periander. After Zeus fell in love with her, he disguised himself as the king and came to visit her at night. Electra tried to understand why sometimes her husband is cruel and abusive, but other times (when he’s Zeus) he’s kind and loving, and eventually realizes that her kind husband is someone else entirely. She finally confronts Zeus after he says, “I love you,” and she responds, “you mean today.” Zeus says, “of course,” and Electra tells him, “which makes it that much harder when you don’t.” That conversation is word-for-word from a conversation between Sarah and Borden in The Prestige, and sets an ominous tone for Blood of Zeus.


Much like Blood of ZeusThe Prestige sets up an almost identical situation leading up to Sarah and Borden’s conversation. In Christopher Nolan’s movie, Borden is a twin, and he repeatedly switches places with his brother. Borden’s wife Sarah has a similar experience to Electra: some days her husband loves her, and some days he doesn’t. Sarah eventually commits suicide as a result of her husband’s contradictory nature. Although Electra doesn’t share Sarah’s fate, the reference foreshadows the tragic end of her story.

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The relationship between Electra and Zeus in Blood of Zeus isn’t found in any existing Greek myths, but is heavily influenced by both mythology and thrillers such as The PrestigeBlood of Zeus is thematically closer to a horror movie than other adaptations of Greek mythology and is incredibly dark and violent, which makes it a much more faithful adaptation of the original myths. Referencing The Prestige is a clear sign that the tonal shift in Blood of Zeus was intentional, and makes Electra’s characterization and confusion around her relationship with Zeus even more tragic – even foreshadowing Zeus’ shocking death in the finale.

Blood of Zeus is a major departure from other adaptations of Greek mythology, reinventing the classics into an animated horror series. The Prestige might seem like a strange reference, but it serves as a reminder that the series creators are making a very different kind of show. The horror elements in the series and Electra’s tragic story make the reference to The Prestige the perfect choice for Blood of Zeus.

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