Warning: SPOILERS ahead for Thor #2

Having just barely begun his rule of Asgard as its king, the Mighty Thor just became Galactus’ Herald of Thunder. Working side by side with the terrible World Devourer, Thor must aid Galactus in finding worlds to consume if they hope to have any chance at preventing the Black Winter. However, this seems easier said than done. in Thor #2, The Son of Odin clashes with Galactus, creating some problems in their new alliance.

In the first issue of Thor by Donny Cates AND Nic Klein, a beaten and battered Galactus crashes down to Asgard, asking for Thor’s help in stopping the Black Winter. This devastating star plague was apparently the same ONE that destroyed Galactus’ original universe (and also destroyed the DC Universe!). Silver Surfer, one of Galactus’ prior heralds, reveals to Thor of five special planets he had kept secret — fearing the additional power they would grant his master should he consume them. Now, those same planets may be the only means of survival the oncoming destruction the Black Winter will bring.


Thor agrees to assist Galactus in finding and consuming the worlds. Surprisingly, Galactus transforms Thor into his Herald of Thunder, a title and power Thor didn’t necessarily ask for. This brings events to Thor #2, where Thor and and Galactus arrive to the first world on the list. While Galactus is prepared to get things rolling and consume the world, Thor prevents him, as the world of Clypse is inhabited with living beings. However, Galactus needs all five worlds. He warns his new herald that the only reason Thor is alive is because of the cosmic power he gave Thor. He sees Thor like any of his past heralds, a servant that he controls. It’s a pretty serious underestimation.

Even without the power cosmic, Thor is still a god and king of Asgard. He fights Galactus head on, and in one spectacular page, tosses Mjolnir to take off fingers and blow out the cosmic titan’s knee. While the fight carries no victor, it does give Thor enough time to evacuate the inhabitants of Clypse via the Bifrost before Galactus devours and destroys the world.

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If this first world is any indication, Galactus and Thor are going to have a hard time working together. Thor’s refusal to obey Galactus’ commands is obviously problematic for Galactus, as is Galactus’ disregard for any life that may exist on his next meal for Thor. Thor warns Galactus that no else will die for him as long as Thor is around. It’s a very tense alliance, and one that seems will end rather quickly. It could end even faster considering the arrival of Beta Ray Bill. Thor #2 ends with Bill and an attack force, looking to have some strong words with Galactus. In any case, it’s pretty safe to say that Thor is probably the worst herald Galactus has ever had in his service. However, fans will have to wait and see if they can figure out how to work together for the sake of the Multiverse.

Thor #2 is on comic book store shelves now.

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