The world of Gods Will Fall drops players right into a nearly impossible situation. The player must work together with a group of other warriors as they attempt to overthrow their evil Gods. On their journey through the warriors’ armies were destroyed and so only eight of them remain. This means these eight warriors are responsible for defeating all of the Gods and their many minions.

This is by no means an easy feat for the player, and they will need to work very hard if they want to make this happen. Players will need to understand all of the different skills, the host of weapons that are available to them, and even the numerous enemies that will need to be defeated. Players who want to do better in Gods Will Fall will want to follow these tips.


Gods Will Fall – Tips and Tricks For Survival

Restart If Your Warriors are Poorly Armed – While the randomness of Gods Will Fall makes for a little bit more replayability, the issue here though is that players run into the problem of their team isn’t always well-stocked on every run. All eight warriors will randomly be assigned combat styles, weapons, stats, and lore every time a new game is begun. Because of this, it is sometimes a really good idea to just go ahead and restart the game right at the beginning in order for the player to ensure that they have a solid team. No one wants an entire party full of sword wielders or a group of characters with very poor stats.

Learn Each Combat Style Well – There are several different combat styles based around the numerous weapon sets. There are the heavy weapons users that are slower moving but dish out more damage and can stun enemies easier. There is also the sword and one-handed axe users that strike a very solid ground between strength and speed. The third group is the duel-wielders that are lightning-fast, but typically deal smaller amounts of damage. The final group is the spear users who are typically quick on their feet but can attack their enemies from further away and are able to interrupt attacks. Most players will wind up favoring one combat style, but they will need to be well-versed in all of them. Nothing will end a run more suddenly than being forced to use a weapon that the player has no idea how to handle.

Dodge and Parry Often – Attacking enemies is extremely important obviously, but the most integral part of combat is dodging and parrying enemy attacks. Most of the time an enemy attack cannot be interrupted by the player, so the only option to avoid taking damage would be to dodge out of the way of it or to parry. Parrying can actually be done by dodging directly into an enemy as they are attacking, which can in turn stun them. On top of this though parrying an enemy attack will also let the player earn extra bloodlust. Parrying can also be used during some boss battles as well.

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Select Warriors Based On Traits and Lore – While many players may just decide to select a character based on what weapon that character uses or their stats, there is another level to the selection that is almost just as important. Whenever the player approaches a God’s cave they sometimes are alerted to how their warriors feel about the God or the situation. Mechanically these warriors will in turn receive either buffs or nerfs to their stats depending on their feelings about the realm. Player’s should try to keep this mechanic in mind when choosing their warriors because it can really give them a leg up when going up against a God.

Explore Levels Thoroughly – While all of the levels in Gods Will Fall are pretty linear, there are still a lot of nooks and crannies tucked away for the player to explore and uncover. By exploring each level thoroughly the player is able to track down different items and resources that could, in turn, be used to help them on their journey. Special weapons, healing items, stat-boosting consumables, and many others could always be hiding right around the corner. Additionally, there are a couple of bosses that have weaknesses spread throughout their realm as well. If the player is smart they might be able to uncover these weaknesses and make their fight against the God that much easier.

Use Enemy Weapons To Your Advantage – While the player’s weapons can be pretty strong, a great way to dish out damage against their foes is to use an enemy’s weapons against them. Whenever an enemy dies or throws their weapon the player will be able to pick this up and use it for themselves. Most of the time these weapons aren’t any more powerful, but they can be thrown directly at an enemy. This enables the player to knock down, stun, or just damage their foes without having to risk-taking damage and can potentially set themselves up to hit their enemy hard.

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Certain Realms Have Permanent Buffs – This isn’t true for all of the God’s realms, but certain ones give the player the ability to grant one of their characters permanent upgrades. In Morrigan’s realm, the player is able to take their weapon and increase its power by interacting with one of the forges spread throughout it. This will sometimes upgrade it to the next level or sometimes downgrade it, but it can be a great way to obtain a level four weapon. Additionally, in Krannus’ realm the player will be able to interact with two stone towers that will grant them an all-new ability. Both of these towers are right off the beaten path, but the player will need to fight a few more enemies if they do this.

Don’t Be Afraid to Abandon Warriors – One of the hardest things to learn in Gods Will Fall is when to give up. Playing a realm can be extremely frustrating when a boss or its minions keep pummeling the player over and over again. If the player isn’t careful they might just blink and realize that they wasted half of their warriors on a single cave. The thing that the player needs to do is realize when they should pull out and go somewhere else. If the player enters a realm early on in their run and die pretty quickly, it may just be a better idea to cut losses and move on to another one.

Spread Skills and Items Properly – Players should really try to spread all of their weapons and skills throughout a few of their warriors rather than just one. If one character already has a level three weapon and two special skills, it makes more sense to grant additional upgrades to someone else. This is because if the strongest warrior a player has goes down and they had all the good things in their possession, then that player’s run has probably just gone out the window.

Send Your Items to a Future Run – If the player gets down to their very last warrior and they realize that there is no possible way for them to complete the current run they are on then they will want to make a trip to the well. At this location on the overworld, the player can take any extra consumable items that they have and throw them inside. This in turn will allow the player to pull these items out of the well on a future run rather than them being gone forever when the player dies.

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Gods Will Fall can be played on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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