Star Wars has finally revealed how Palpatine groomed Anakin Skywalker before the events of Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones. Darth Sidious is the greatest villain of the Star Wars saga, benefiting from a millennia of Sith schemes. As seen in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, he pretended to be a lowly senator representing the planet Naboo, and successfully maneuvered himself into the position of Chancellor of the Republic. Master Yoda sensed the void in the Force that concealed the presence of the Sith Lord, but he was unable to see past it and identify the Sith Lord.


Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones is set a decade later, with Palpatine still serving as Chancellor. Curiously, over that decade he had somehow managed to ensure he had a close friendship with Anakin Skywalker, the hero of the Battle of Naboo who was believed to be the Chosen One. This seemed strange to say the least, given the Chancellor really wouldn’t be expected to have such a close friendship with a Padawan. Now, Lucasfilm has explained this oddity in Kristin Baver’s biography of the Skywalkers, Skywalker: A Family At War, which reveals just how Palpatine groomed Anakin as a potential apprentice.

No one within the Jedi Order sensed Palpatine’s true intentions, and as a result he was able to act with impunity, stoking the fires of pride and ambition within the Jedi Padawan. He sensed Anakin’s deep emotional need for a father-figure, one that would have been fulfilled had Qui-Gon Jinn lived but that Obi-Wan Kenobi could not satisfy, and he offered Anakin the sense of approval he craved. As Baver notes, “When he called Anakin ‘son,’ the boy felt that he would do anything for him, just for the chance to feel part of a family again.

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As the relationship developed, Palpatine began taking Anakin on secret expeditions into Coruscant’s seedy underworld. These were carefully engineered to demonstrate the hypocrisy inherent within the Republic, revealing criminal enterprises Palpatine knew would anger Anakin – especially when he learned slavers were operating on the lower levels of the galactic capital itself, unhindered by the Jedi. As he watched Anakin’s reactions, the Sith Lord became increasingly confident the Padawan would ultimately come to reject the Jedi. He positioned himself as a friend and ally, someone who shared Anakin’s frustrations with the status quo but whose dream of bringing peace and order to the galaxy was being prevented by the harsh realities of political compromise.

This is a crucial period of Anakin Skywalker’s life, in which the seeds for his ultimate betrayal of the Jedi were sown. By the time the Clone Wars began, Anakin was already disillusioned with both the Republic and the Jedi, viewing Palpatine as the one person worthy to guide the galaxy. His closeness to Palpatine, which verged on hero worship, undermined his marriage to Padmé and ultimately saw him kill Mace Windu rather than allow the Sith Lord to be cut down. It’s fascinating to see how carefully Palpatine groomed Anakin for his role in the Star Wars saga.

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