Few modern movies fully encapsulate the “noir” genre than Sin City. Based on Frank Miller’s graphic novels, it is an anthology movie that follows multiple storylines and characters in Old Town. This parallel to Gotham City is sleazy and violent. But Sin City is action-packed and more than a little creative in its color scheme.

Rosario Dawson plays Gail, the head of a group of sex workers who control Old Town. When one of Gail’s lovers comes into town, their way of life is put in jeopardy. Throughout the feature, Gail keeps viewers entertained with her sharp tongue and defiant attitude.

10 “Those Boys In That Chrysler Are One Mistake Away From Seeing What Miho Can Do, And She’s Been Aching For Some Practice.”

After Dwight McCarthy follows Jack Rafferty into the streets, he watches as the latter harasses local sex worker, Becky. Gail suddenly arrives and watches on with him. Despite McCarthy’s trepidations around the situation escalating, Gail remains unfazed.

This quote introduces Gail as a character and demonstrates just how much knowledge she has about the state of affairs in Old Town. She will let events play out, but will not hesitate to intervene when necessary.

9 “We’ll Fight The Cops, The Mob, And Anybody Else Who Tries To Move In On Us. We’ll Go To War.”

After discovering Rafferty’s identity, it becomes clear that the shaky truce between the Mob and the sex workers of Old Town is in dire straits. As Becky begins to panic about the town reverting to the old ways, Gail rallies her troops

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This quote encompasses Gail as a leader among her fellow sex workers. She has experienced life before the truce was put in place and is willing to go to any lengths to keep the status quo that has kept her and her colleagues safe.


8 “Us Helpless Little Girls.”

As Gail and Dwight watch Jack harassing Becky, Dwight reveals why he has followed him, as well as his intention to protect Gail and her colleagues. She states the above quote sarcastically as she slides a cigarette between her lips.

Gail’s powers of seduction are put on display here, as well as her confidence. She makes it clear to Dwight that she is the one in charge, and that her colleagues are not helpless damsels in distress.

7 “Always And Never.”

After arguing with Gail in front of her colleagues (as well as getting guns pointed at him), he hits her in the face before engaging in a passionate kiss with her in front of them. When he tells her he loves her, she tells him the above words.

This quote sums up their relationship. The pair have had a fiery and turbulent past, although it is clear that they care deeply for each other. Unfortunately, due to their differing worlds, they can never be happy together.

6 “My Man Will Find A Way. He Always Finds A Way.”

Shortly after their cover-up mission is put into motion, Mob enforcer, Manute, breaks into Gail’s apartment and kidnaps her. He overpowers and assaults her, all while proclaiming his excitement at the truce breaking. With her signature defiant smile, she assures him that they will be defeated.

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It is a difficult moment for Gail, as it is clear that she has experienced this sort of violence before. However, she is not one to remain powerless. It also demonstrates her faith in Dwight.

5 “He’s Got Squat! He’s Dead. He’s Just Too Damn Dumb To Know It.”

After Miho cuts off Jack’s hand, the two have a standoff wherein Jack points his gun at her with his remaining hand. When Dwight warns that Jack “has the drop on her”, Gail assures him that everything is still under control.

Her disdain for Jack is clear here. It’s another example of Gail’s experience, as well as her power as a leader. She trusts that her colleagues are experienced enough to hold their own against intruders, especially when it involves harassment against one of their own.

4 “You Got What You Wanted Out Of Us. You Got What You Wanted Out Of Me.”

After Jack’s identity is revealed, it is a vulnerable and emotional moment for all of the girls present, including Gail. When Dwight attempts to take control of the situation, Gail does not react kindly. She tells Dwight that he has no place giving orders.

Not only is this quote indicative of the volatile nature of her relationship with Dwight, but also her feelings of abandonment. Dwight has left her on multiple occasions, only to bring a war to their feet when he returns.

3 “Your Precious, Scrawny, Little Neck!”

After Gail is kidnapped by Manute, it is revealed that Becky betrayed her colleagues to the Mob (from Becky herself). When Becky tries to defend her actions, Gail lashes out, ripping out a chunk of Becky’s neck flesh while she’s at it.

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It’s a violent scene, particularly with the red blood contrasting so vividly against the black and white color of the screen. Betrayal is an understatement for Gail’s feelings towards Becky, especially because she has gone out of her way to protect her colleagues.

2 “Yeesh…”

After Dwight obtains a car to transport Jack’s body in, it becomes clear that the trunk is not big enough. Fortunately, Miho is more than happy to solve that issue. As she hacks the body into pieces, both Gail and Dwight say the above word.

It’s a brief moment of comedy amongst the tension. It is an acknowledgment of Miho’s skills, but also an acknowledgment of how messy the situation has gotten (and not just because there is a body in pieces).

1 “Dry Your Hair Off As Soon As You Get Home. You’ll Catch Cold, Otherwise.”

As the girls put Dwight’s plan into action, Becky asks if she can go home if she’s not needed. Gail tells her to go home and cautions her to dry off as soon as she gets home to avoid getting sick.

It’s a particularly sweet and motherly moment for Gail, and it shows just how genuinely she cares for her colleagues. This quote makes it that much more painful when Becky’s betrayal is discovered.

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