It took over a year, but fans were thrilled when Never Have I Ever returned to Netflix with 10 new episodes. While there were several differences between the two seasons, Devi’s internal struggles remained at the forefront, and there continued to be a large emphasis on her familial and romantic relationships.

There are reasons why each season of Never Have I Ever could be considered the best, but the latest batch of installments includes particularly memorable quotes from Devi as well as some that offered further insight into the other characters.

10 “You Were Right. If I’m Going To College, I Want To Earn It.”

Paxton’s character development was a highlight of Never Have I Ever season 2. He was previously shown to be self-conscious about his intelligence level, and Paxton was given a narrator to shed light on his where his insecurities come from.

While circumstance doesn’t excuse bad behavior, it does explain it, and Paxton’s home-life provided some answers. He was raised by parents who believed he was incapable of excelling academically and discouraged him from trying. Paxton thought cheating was his only option but came to realize that he wanted to get into college based on his own merit.

9 “I Think You’re Awesome. And If You Stay … I Promise To Be A Really Great Friend To You.”

Aneesa was a wonderful addition to the cast and a great friend to Devi from the moment they met. However, Devi was envious of all the attention Aneesa received and worried that she was being replaced. Devi broke viewers’ hearts in Never Have I Ever when she started a rumor about Aneesa that turned out to be true.

The best thing about Devi is that, while she acts on her selfish impulses, she genuinely feels bad for her actions and will do whatever it takes to make things right. It took a couple of times to get her apology correct, but Devi earned back Aneesa’s friendship. Their dynamic improves the show, and it was gratifying to see Devi let someone new into her life.


8 “I Start My New Rotation Next Week … With Dr. Logan, Who’s A Woman, And Not A Bitter, Untalented Man.”

Paxton isn’t the only character who had serious development during Never Have I Ever season 2. Kamala was originally afraid of confronting her boss, despite the fact that he stole her work and tried to take credit for it. To make matters worse, Prashant portrays misogynistic tendencies when he advises Kamala to keep her head down and let it happen.

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Kamala takes a page out of Devi’s book by taking a risk and standing up for what she believes in. Not only does she get credit for her research and tell off her superior, but Kamala ditches Prashant after coming to terms with how belittling he is.

7 “I’m One Of The Last People To Still Remember Manzanar. I Need To Tell My Story So No One Ever Forgets.”

Paxton and his grandfather have an unforgettable scene that emphasizes Paxton’s growth and highlights the importance of different people and cultures sharing their stories. With some help from Devi, Paxton came to accept that he could do better than the bare minimum.

As a Japanese-American, his project had personal meaning and became about more than improving his grades. Paxton was able to give his grandfather the opportunity to tell his story and finally be heard.

6 “You’ll Never Forget That, Kutti. Your Father Will Always Be A Part Of You.”

At its heart, Never Have I Ever is about the love between a mother and her daughter. They were dealt a difficult hand after losing the person that kept them united, and Devi and Nalini’s relationship struggles even more as a result.

It’s during times of grief that people need each other most, and while it took time, Mohan brought his family closer together with his death. Devi losing her father’s voicemail was the most heartwrenching moment of the season, but Nalini helped her realize that her father will always be with her no matter what.

5 “I Call You My Perfect Girl Because You Are Perfect To Me, Not Because I Expect You To Be Perfect All The Time.”

Devi listened to her father’s voicemail every time she needed comfort. It was a reminder that her father thought she was perfect, no matter how often she messed up. Self-consciously, Devi was pressuring herself to live up to unrealistic standards.

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No one can be perfect all the time, and Devi made the most mistakes out of all the main characters. This quote was arguably the most important of the season, as Devi finally came to understand that her father didn’t expect more from her than she could give. Mohan doesn’t want Devi to settle for less than she deserves, and no matter her flaws, she’ll always be perfect through his eyes.

4 “I Want To Be Someone’s Public Girlfriend.”

The narrator hit the nail on the head when he praised Devi for finally accepting her self-worth and walking away from Paxton. There’s no denying that Devi was in the wrong for cheating and his heartbreak is valid, but Paxton can’t claim to forgive her and then keep her a secret.

Devi took accountability by admitting that it was her actions that led them to this point, but no one deserves to be hidden away out of shame. Devi went from doing whatever it took to get Paxton to look her way, to ending their relationship out of integrity.

3 “Fabiola, You’re The Most Beautiful Person I’ve Ever Met.”

Fabiola and Eve are among the best couples in Never Have I Ever, and can objectively secure the number one spot. Even though she came out during the first season, Fabiola still struggled to fit in with a different kind of crowd. She felt like she had to act a certain way to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, which couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Eve helped Fabiola realize that she didn’t reveal who she was just to hide another part of herself. She fell in love with the real Fabiola, and this moment was made even more special by them being crowned the first-ever prom queens.

2 “Damn, Devi. You’re Going To Make Me Say It? As Your Boyfriend.”

Paxton’s journey came full circle when he surprised Devi at the dance and showed her off to the world as his girlfriend. While it was an important moment for the couple and their development, it was also vital for them both as individuals.

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Paxton stopped letting other people’s opinions dictate his life, and Devi realized her importance by standing up for herself and being accepted unconditionally. Everything from the cinematography to the soundtrack was epic, and this quote was the perfect end to their season-long arc.

1 “Just For The Record, It’s Not Always Been Him.”

Despite how many fans are Team Paxton, there are still a good amount of viewers who want to see Devi and Ben give things a real shot. This quote was a warning for the audience not to get too comfortable because Ben is still very much in the running for Devi’s heart.

The love triangle is clearly far from over, as Devi’s feelings for Ben currently remain unresolved. The future of Devi’s relationship with both guys is one of many big questions fans need answered if there is a Season 3 of Never Have I Ever.

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