As expected, the third season of the Netflix series Cobra Kai delivered plenty of great fight scenes. As the kids of Cobra Kai fought the kids of Miyagi-Do, and even of the new Eagle Fangs dojo, the adults had some epic battles, too. The fights were no holds barred, this time involving everything from knives, sticks, and nunchucks, along with fists, kicks, and even a fierce slap from Amanda, who got in on the fun.

Some of the fights were short and broken up quickly, while others raged on, leading to broken glass and furniture, plenty of blood, and even broken bones. But which of the many fights, including the rumored ones prior to the season’s release, were the best?

10 Johnny, Daniel And The Car Thieves

After locating the van Robby stole from LaRusso Auto and realizing someone else was driving it, Johnny and Daniel went on an epic car chase. It led them to a warehouse with a bunch of car thieves and criminals. Naturally, the pair proceeded to fight the men.

Instigated by Johnny, who some consider the show’s hero, kicks and punches flew and plenty of mayhem ensued. Daniel stopped Johnny before he took things too far and they took off to try and find Robby.

9 Robby And The Gang In Juvenile Hall

After being forced to turn himself in to the police, Robby ended up in juvenile hall, and a group of bullies and delinquents continued to antagonize him until things came to a head. In the first fight, Robby was surprisingly taken out, given that he was arguably the best fighter in Miyagi-Do, and the fight eventually broke up before things went too far.

But in the second fight, Robby finally found his groove and fought back with vigor. He and the leader of the enemy group ended up being taken in for a scolding, after which it seemed a truce was finally formed.


8 Young Kreese And His Captain Over A Pit Of Snakes

In flashback scenes, after getting captured by the enemy in Vietnam, which happened because Kreese hesitated to blow up a camp, the soldiers had some fun by forcing the American men to fight against one another. They were chosen in pairs and forced to fight to the death atop a beam that sat over a deep ditch filled with hungry snakes.

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In the epic battle, an angry Kreese volunteered himself to fight against his captain, who just admitted that Kreese’s girlfriend back home died of a car accident long before, but he never told him the sad news. The fight was rough and fierce, and as the captain literally hung over the edge in defeat, fellow soldiers came and attacked, freeing the remaining Americans to finally escape. All it took was for Kreese to reach out his hand and pull the man back up, but instead of saving his captain from certain death, Kreese stomped on his hands, forcing him to fall into the pit of snakes. Not only did this scene show the origins of the name “Cobra Kai,” it was also the first glimpse of the trauma Kreese had gone through and why he had become so hardened.

7 Daniel And Chozen’s Throwback

Those who watched the trailer before the season began were expecting the return of Chozen, Daniel’s enemy from the second Karate Kid movie, but no one really knew what would happen between the two.

Their forced meeting by Yumiko ended in a battle in which Chozen revealed techniques from Miyagi-Do that Daniel never learned, including offensive tactics that rendered limbs numb and could save lives. Just as fans thought Chozen might finally get his revenge on Daniel, he delivered a cute “honk” to Daniel’s nose and laughed hysterically at his fake-out.

6 Sam & Tory Showdown

This fight was inevitable and eventually began in the same way Sam had been having nightmares about it happening. Still deeply angry and vengeful, Tory attacked Sam with nunchucks and was prepared to take Sam down, by any means necessary.

But the LaRusso daughter finally conquered the fears and anxieties she had been feeling to prove a worthy adversary. While the fight was broken up by Miguel and Hawk, leading Tory to call them traitors, it was exciting while it lasted.

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5 Abandoned Laser Tag Warehouse Fight

While Sam was amped up and ready to go in the beginning, once she saw Tory, feelings of fear flooded back and she cowered in the corner, unable to move or fight back. This led to her friends getting beaten up pretty badly, and Hawk purposely breaking Demetri’s arm.

The fight was brutal and while the Miyagi-Do crew didn’t come out on top, it was a moment that showed just how much anger was brewing with all of the kids.

4 LaRusso House Party

Juxtaposed with Daniel, Amanda, Johnny, and Aly enjoying a posh Christmas party was all of the kids doing serious damage to the LaRusso home. Sam and Miguel invited the Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang kids there for a Christmas party when they really wanted to talk about joining forces, but the Cobra Kai kids found out and decided to crash.

What proceeded was a massive fight that saw windows broken, furniture damaged, and plenty of blood, as punches and kicks flew. It led to the epic fight with Kreese after the fact, Miguel gaining his strength and confidence back to fight, and Hawk finally turning a corner and realizing that he wasn’t being who he should be.

3 Johnny And Kreese … Again

After finding Miguel beaten and bruised, Johnny stormed over to Cobra Kai to confront Kreese once and for all. There, he found his former sensei training his son Robby, and it very likely brought back some terrible memories from the events that occurred in the original Karate Kid movies. The pair engaged in an epic battle that almost ended in Kreese killing Johnny until Daniel showed up.

Johnny proved he was just as good a fighter as Kreese, but Kreese proved that he still had it in him to fight and wasn’t above murdering his opponent if he had to. Despite his high level of intelligence, Kreese still remained a very unstable and violent person.

2 Johnny And Robby

This wasn’t so much a fight as it was Robby lashing out at his father because of his anger for both Johnny and Daniel LaRusso for abandoning him when he needed them. Despite Robby’s best efforts, though, Johnny refused to fight back. He tried to simply block and move away, but eventually, after Robby kept coming at him, Johnny finally threw him against the wall, knocking Robby out cold.

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It was nice to see Johnny trying to avoid hurting his son and Robby letting out some of his pent-up aggression against his father.

1 Daniel And Kreese

As noted, Daniel showed up at the Cobra Kai dojo after returning home from a party and seeing his house in shambles, his daughter injured once again. While Kreese resorted to picking up a piece of glass, intending to actually kill Daniel, he wasn’t going to let that happen.

Daniel showed that he is much the same fighter as he was before but has also changed by proceeding to deliver the techniques Chozen showed him, rendering Kreese momentarily numb and unable to fight back. He was about to finish him off when Miguel and Sam showed up and Daniel couldn’t bring himself to do it in front of his kid, but it was great to see Daniel and Kreese finally go at it after so many decades of pent up anger and hatred towards one another.

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