South Park has become one of the most beloved animated television shows of all time. That’s pretty impressive considering many people dismissed it as a crudely drawn cartoon filled with bathroom humor. After all these years, the show has kept the low-brow gags but also has proven to have a lot more to say.

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The show’s creators, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, have shown there is no situation or person they are afraid to go after. They are able to make thoughtful episodes about topical issues as well as hilarious episodes about the most outrageous things you can’t even imagine. While their genius has resulted in countless memorable episodes here are a few that top them all.

Last updated: January 5th, 2020 to include even more of the best episodes of South Park!

15 Guitar Queer-O

You can’t help but appreciate the zany, clever premise of this episode, even if you’re not well-versed in Guitar Hero, or the derivative “rise to prominence” rock band stories that it spoofs. Kyle and Stan have turned into talented players of this popular music game, leading them to a comical level of unanticipated fame which puts their friendship at risk.

The use of satire, which involves gaming, rock music, and the excesses of celebrity fame, is all hilariously executed here.

14 Band In China

The latest season of South Park has been something of a mixed bag, though it certainly started strong with this second episode, “Band in China.”

This crazy Randy-centric romp manages to be hilarious, clever, and edgy all in one measure, providing some harsh commentary of the rigid censorship policies of China, and its ripple effect that’s often felt by those abroad. Stan, much like his father, gets the brunt of this when he has to fight for creative freedom of his new death metal band.

Perhaps the cherry on top is the overwhelming sense of irony following this episode airing, which actually led to an outright ban of South Park in China.


13 Over Logging

South Park often thrives most when engaging in social commentary of modern-day elements and issues. This cheeky season 12 gem, “Over Logging,” takes this to the nth degree, by pointing towards our huge reliance on the internet, to the point where it’s become a necessity as great as food.

As all the internet in South Park (and elsewhere) goes out, most of the characters can’t hack it; not the least of which is Randy, who embarks on a pilgrimage “Californiway” with his family to get his hands on some internet. This episode is really Randy at his most humorous and wacky.

12 Trapped In The Closet

The fearlessness of South Park is unlike any other show on television. If there’s one target everyone else is afraid to go after, South Park will immediately put them in their crosshairs. The most infamous example was their take on the Church of Scientology and its most famous member.

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This widely publicized episode explored the admittedly strange beliefs of the religion and it’s the questionable way it is run. Of course, it’s most remembered for its not-so-subtle suggestions about Tom Cruise’s sexuality. It served as a very clear statement that no one is safe from South Park.

11 Black Friday

When the show allows the South Park children to make-believe in their favorite fantasy worlds, it results in some of the most fun episodes. A perfect example is this Game of Thrones inspired adventure.

As the Black Friday holiday sales approach, the children form shaky alliances and choose sides in order to get the toys they want. The episode is able to poke fun at the HBO series while also being a lot of fun for fans of the show. A prime example of the epic kind of storytelling South Park does so well.

10 Woodland Critter Christmas

South Park has some many classic Christmas episodes, but this one is by far their greatest. Stan finds himself an unwilling participant in the Christmas celebration of some happy forest animals. But as he becomes more involved, he discovers the cute critters aren’t what they seem.

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The episode is hilarious for just how dark it is willing to go with what seemed like a nice holiday tale. The episode proves, even on their Christmas episode, the show is willing to touch on some very taboo subjects. Along with the hilariously enthusiastic narration, this is a true Christmas classic.

9 Fishsticks

Sometimes the goofiest, most absurd premises can make for the funniest South Park episodes. Such is the case with this season 13 classic, “Fishsticks.” This laugher poses the question – what would happen if the funniest joke of all time was thought up? And furthermore, what if one of the biggest rappers was unable to understand the joke, taking it as a personal slight, instead?

Jimmy has come up with a play-on-words joke involving “fish sticks” which has just about everyone in stitches. Meanwhile, Cartman is (naturally) on a mission to claim the joke as his own, while Kanye West is on a mission to find both the source and meaning of the quip. There’s plenty of drama, humor, and generally delightfully insane moments in this one.

8 All About The Mormons

The show seems to take a lot of pleasure in examining various religions, and Stone and Parker seem to have a specific interest in the Mormon religion. In this episode, the people of South Park are introduced to these new beliefs when a Mormon family moves to town.

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This episode is especially brilliant for how even-handed it is, taking aim at Mormon beliefs as well as other people’s reaction to those beliefs. Yes, Mormons believe some strange things, but if they’re nice and polite, why do we really care what they believe?

7 The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers

Similar to the “Black Friday” episode, this extremely entertaining adventure allows the show to play in the world of Middle Earth. The children, obsessed with all things Lord of the Rings, go on a quest to deliver a copy of the movie. Unfortunately, they mistakenly took Randy Marsh’s adult film instead.

The episode takes some moments straight from the Peter Jackson movie, especially with Butters’ version of Gollum. The episode makes the pretty mundane quest genuinely exciting and there are some hilarious moments centered on the parents terrified at the thought of the children watching that tape.

6 Christian Rock Hard

Just about anyone growing up in the early 2000s can recall the conundrum and hype surrounding the illegal downloading of music through an up-and-coming platform called Napster. This hilarious episode of South Park offers both some clever commentary while poking fun at the moral panic and outrage of people downloading mp3s.

It oscillates between Cartman’s unlikely rise to fame by cashing in on a Christian rock band, while the rest of the gang struggles to start a new band before immediately going on strike. There’s much to love about this one – from the social commentary and religious satire to the humorous themes and musical bouts.

5 Casa Bonita

South Park seems to have its best moments when they focus their attention on Eric Cartman. As a mean-spirited, cruel and selfish young boy, Cartman is extremely entertaining to watch. This episode is a hilarious display of how far he’ll go to get what he wants.

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Wanting to get an invite to Kyle’s birthday party at his favorite restaurant, Cartman devises a plan to have Butters removed from the guest list. What follows is one bad decision after another that snowballs out of control. The funniest part is that Cartman never even considers that he’s gone too far.

4 Good Times with Weapons

Despite the crude animation that the show is now famous for, they are willing to explore other forms of animation from time to time. Here, the show adopts a very cool anime style as the children have fun with their new ninja weapons.

The animation is actually quite impressive and it’s fun to see the show tell some of its story in this way. The episode is also another excuse to abuse poor Butters. Just wanting in on the fun, Butters is once again put in harm’s way in a laugh-out-loud moment.


Cartman and Butters are a combination that results in so many fun moments. Cartman is downright evil towards Butters, while Butters is oblivious to everything around him. This hilarious episode finds Cartman disguising himself as a robot to trick Butters only for it to backfire so badly.

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This is another episode that shows Cartman’s plans getting way out of hand. It’s so fun to see Cartman get his comeuppance and this episode is filled with those moments. The mascaraed keeps getting bigger and bigger until it finally falls apart in the most South Park of ways.

2 Make Love, Not Warcraft

Another fun episode where the show tells its story through a different style of animation. Here, they explore the obsession over the World of Warcraft games with entertaining sequences taking part within the game.

The gamer world seems like an easy target for comedy and the show does have a lot of fun exploring that. Through very simple storytelling the show is able to say so much about a subject. Here, it deftly criticizes those who put so much energy into getting good at the game only to surrender every other aspect of their lives.

1 Scott Tenorman Must Die

This episode marks Eric Cartman’s finest moments and confirmed that he is indeed an evil genius. The whole episode involves Cartman’s quest to get revenge on an older boy who made a fool of him.

Much of the episode is Cartman’s failed attempts to have his justice. Again and again, this older boy gets the better of him, pushing Cartman to more and more absurd plots for revenge. But just when it seems like Cartman is defeated, he proves that there are no extremes he will not go to. The result is so hilariously over-the-top in its cruelty that you’re left speechless by the episode’s end.

NEXT: 15 Things You Never Knew About South Park

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