A show like The Simpsons doesn’t manage to stay on the air for decades without providing audiences with some serious quality content. And in the case of the show, most of the laugh-out-loud moments are due to the many characters that make up the cast and propel the narrative forward. While many of the greatest jokes are provided by the family the show is named after, there are plenty of supporting characters that have given us stellar moments throughout the show.

One of these characters is the staple bad guy, Mr. Burns. There were some episodes here and there where Mr. Burns showed us he had some remnants of a heart. However, at his core, he his and always will be the main villain in The Simpsons. But amongst all of the terrible things he had done, which are the absolute worst? Let’s rank the 10 worst things Mr. Burns has done!

10 He Wants Marge

Considering how horrible of a person he is in general, there’s no reason to expect Mr. Burns would behave decently when it came to the topic of romance and infatuation. Let alone when this infatuation is an unrequited love, and for Marge Simpson of all people. All of this went down back in “Marge Gets A Job”.

While at first he attempts to be a gentleman, once Marge rejects his advances (because she’s married and loves her husband), he becomes furious and fires her. The original nice guy, everybody!

9 Pulling The Plug

Some people are simply born with a propensity for being evil, and it has nothing to do with the way they were raised. We learned that Mr. Burns went on his own free will to live with a billionaire, leaving his parents behind, completely devastated. But this is still far from being the worst thing he’s done to his mother, at least.

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When Smithers goes away on vacation, we get to know Mr. Burns’ mother a little better when she calls. And this is where we learn that, years prior, her son tried to killed her by pulling the plug, so he could finally get rid of her. Joke’s on him, since she’s already 122 years old when she appears in this episode.


8 A Trillion Dollars

This one is going down in the History books as one of the dumbest and most horrible actions ever undertaken by a fictional characters. Obviously, it will come as no surprise that this character is Mr. Burns, and the act involves money. A trillion dollars, to be exact.

Burns was supposed to give the money to Europe to help rebuild the continent following the Second World War. His greed made sure it never happened, and when he flees to Cuba to escape justice, the trillion dollar bill ends up in the hands of Fidel Castro. Burns can be extremely selfish, but this is a whole other level.

7 Killing Them Not So Softly

Lisa Simpson is far from being perfect, but all things considered, she still has one of the purest hearts out of the entire people in Springfield, and truly wishes to for good for the world. Which is why when Burns goes bankrupt, she takes it upon herself to teach him about recycling and make him a better person.

While at first, it seems like everything is working, we soon see Mr. Burns for who he always was. He opens a recycling plant that uses a huge net to catch all sorts of marine life, kill it, and make an edible paste. Lisa isn’t the only one horrified at this – the audience was as well.

6 Dumping Nuclear Waste

We all know that the nuclear power plant is Burns’ livelihood and the workplace of Homer. Running a nuclear power plant involves a lot of necessary security measures in order to ensure pollution is reduced to a minimum, and the population surrounding the plant doesn’t suffer. Right?

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Wrong. At least when you’re Mr. Burns. There was an episode when we saw him and Smithers dumping huge amounts of nuclear waste into a park – because the school isn’t a good cover anymore since the children are balding. Who cares if you’re harming innocent people for life, right?

5 Hit & Run

It’s no secret to anyone that Mr. Burns couldn’t care less about the well being of other people (see the example above). But his blatant disregard for fellow human beings and the planet sometimes reaches all-time highs that leave us wondering if people like this actually exist beyond the realms of fiction.

There was an episode where Mr. Burns ran over Bart with his car and showed absolutely no remorse or guilt whatsoever for his wellbeing, even though the young Simpson was in critical condition. He even told Smithers to leave a penny next to him instead of calling for help.

4 Burns De Vil

Well, considering the man has absolutely no problem running over a child, making dozens of people sick, and killing hundreds of innocent marine animals, there is no reason to believe he would have any sympathy for puppies. Not even these adorable little creatures are safe from Mr. Burns’ evil claws.

Remember when his plan was to skin dozens of puppies to make a brand new coat and add it to its collection of animal skin products? In the end he raised them to become race dogs, but still. Just the thought of it is enough to send shivers through a person’s spine.

3 Goodbye Electricity!

From what we’ve seen throughout the run of the show, there is very little indication that the working conditions inside the nuclear power plant are desirable. Which comes as no surprise when your boss is someone like Mr. Burns.

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But when the employees had enough and, led by Homer, went on strike, Mr. Burns once again went too far and turned off the electricity that powered the entire town. This means countless accidents, death for people in hospitals, food rotting in fridges and stores, and so on so forth. Because he just doesn’t care.

2 Blocking The Sun

In the first episode of what came to be one of the biggest mysteries on the show – who shot Mr. Burns? – we witness the bad guy being the worst guy. Amongst many other horrible things over the course of the episode, Mr. Burns goes as far as blocking out the sun, forcing people to spend rivers of money on his electricity.

Now, there are many reasons why this is wrong. People, plants, and living beings, in general, need sun to survive. Blocking a natural resource for money is a level of greed unheard of. And it goes on and on. Point is – a horrible, horrible thing to do.

1 Attempted Murder

Yet another despicable and selfish act driven by nothing but his unquenchable greed was the attempted murder of Abe and Bart Simpson. When Burns and Abe remain the only two members alive from their unit back in the Second World War, there is only one person standing between Burns and a collection of rare and priceless paintings.

Obviously, Burns tried to kill Abe, and then his grandson Bart, when he finds the collection. We’ve already established the man is horrible, but trying to kill two people – one of them a child, and another an old war comrade – is impossible to understand.

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