Warning: Spoilers ahead for Euphoria‘s season 2 finale!

Euphoria season 2’s finale brought about Cassie’s ultimate downfall after a season full of ups and downs for the eldest Howard sister, but can she be redeemed in season 3? It was clear from the beginning of Euphoria season 2 that Cassie was in trouble when Nate Jacobs (her best friend Maddy’s ex-boyfriend) picked her up at a gas station to take her to a New Year’s Eve party. Thus began Nate and Cassie’s illicit affair, one that was unceremoniously exposed in episode 5 during Rue’s intervention. The fallout of their exposed relationship played out over the last three episodes of Euphoria season 2, with Cassie having a nervous breakdown as Nate seemingly ghosted her.


From the onset of Cassie’s introduction in Euphoria, one thing was made clear about the character: her unflinching desire to be loved. From her relationship with Algee Smith’s McKay (who disappeared from the show at the beginning of season 2) to her relationship with her opiate-addicted father, Cassie longed to be loved by the men in her life. However, how far she would go for that love remained unclear until season 2. Betraying Maddy was a major step for the character, and Cassie constantly wrestled with the guilt she felt over potentially hurting Maddy and wanting Nate to provide the security she always longed for. This culminated in an explosive tirade in the Euphoria season 2 finale that saw Cassie interrupt her sister Lexi’s play with a brutal speech that revealed more of her insecurities than anything else.

Cassie’s speech in the Euphoria season 2 finale was spurred by the fact that Nate broke up with her over Lexi’s play and its hilarious depiction of him in a show-stopping dance number. As she paraded around on stage, eviscerating her sister with tears in her eyes, Maddy saw the opportunity to confront Cassie, and the pair got into a physical altercation. The finale left the two former best friends in an unsteady truce; Cassie battered by her fight with Maddy while Maddy looked on unbothered. As Cassie revealed that Nate had broken up with her, Maddy told her, “This is just the beginning.” The beginning of what, though, remains unclear.

It certainly could be the beginning of Cassie’s apology tour; she will need to make amends with Lexi for ruining her play, but she also needs to at least try to repair her fractured friendship with Maddy. Of course, Maddy could also be referring to the beginning of Cassie’s relationship with Nate. Even though they broke up, Maddy knows better than anyone that a relationship with the abusive and toxic Nate is a tumultuous ride, one that will break her over and over again until she can no longer take it. So is Euphoria season 3 heading towards redemption for Cassie?

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Sam Levinson’s obsession with Sydney Sweeney’s character hints that could be the case. Euphoria itself also loves a redemption arc. From Rue hitting rock bottom this season to ending it with a glimmer of hope to the increasingly baffling efforts to turn Nate Jacobs into some sort of local hero, Euphoria season 2 proved that redemption is possible for just about anyone. While Cassie did awful things to two people she’s closest to in her life, there’s no denying the fact that she could turn this around and begin to make amends next season. Whether or not it works remains to be seen, Maddy doesn’t seem to be the most forgiving person when it comes to things like this, so it will take plenty of time to fix that relationship. Cassie will also have to wrestle with her lingering feelings for Nate in Euphoria season 3, and now that is ensnared in his vice-like grip, there’s no telling how easy it will be for her to escape.

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