WARNING: Spoilers For Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins 

Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins sets up both a direct sequel and the eventual roles of Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow in the larger G.I. Joe movie franchise. Snake Eyes was first played on the big screen by Ray Park in 2009’s G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra and again in 2013’s G.I. Joe: Retaliation, while Snake Eyes is a reboot for the franchise and an origin story for its title character and his archenemy Storm Shadow. Snake Eyes is one of the most popular of all G.I. Joe characters and possibly the world’s most beloved fictional ninja, too, so a solo ninja movie showing his early friendship with Storm Shadow was always a no-brainer.


The movie sees Henry Golding as Snake Eyes, a young man competing in underground fights when fate leads him to cross paths with Thomas Arashikage, played by Warrior‘s Andrew Koji. After saving Tommy’s life during a Yakuza standoff, Snake Eyes is brought into the fold of the clan Arashikage, with Tommy taking him under his wing as Snake Eyes undergoes a series of tests to earn full membership among the shadowy band of ninja warriors.

However, while doing his best to pass the rigorous training regimen of Blind Master and Hard Master, respectively played by Peter Mensah and Iko Uwais of The Raid movies, Snake Eyes hasn’t been completely forthcoming with Tommy about his true intentions. Meanwhile, Snake Eyes’ own mission has both Cobra operatives acting behind the scenes and a member of G.I. Joe arriving to lend support, all of which sets up his future as a Joe himself, along with he and Tommy becoming sworn enemies. Here’s how Snake Eyes sets up future chapters of G.I. Joe on the big screen.

Scarlett & Baroness’ Roles

Snake Eyes’ mission to avenge his father’s murder puts him in the hemisphere of Cobra without him realizing it until late in the movie. Recruited into the Yakuza by Takehiro Hira’s Kenta with the promise of being able to track down his father’s killer, Snake Eyes is tasked with retrieving an artifact known as the Jewel of the Sun from the Arashikage compound. During his second rendezvous with Kenta in Tokyo, Snake Eyes meets Kenta’s partner in crime, the Baroness, played by Úrsula Corberó, a Cobra operative who keeps the increasingly reluctant Snake Eyes in play with more info on his father’s murderer, including a photograph of him, along with the warning that he’ll be set free from Cobra captivity should Snake Eyes decide to walk away.

While the Baroness brings Cobra into Snake Eyes‘ story, the movie also ties in G.I. Joe with Scarlett, played by Samara Weaving, who joins the movie as an ally of Arashikage in the clan’s conflict with Kenta. Though G.I. Joe itself doesn’t have a major role in Snake Eyes (making the movie substantially cheaper than its two predecessors), Scarlett’s role wraps the Joes into the film enough to set them up down the road. The ending in particular also teases Snake Eyes eventually joining the Joes.

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The Role Of Cobra

Cobra is a little more significant to the plot of Snake Eyes than G.I. Joe, and the terrorist group is primarily set up through the Baroness’ alliance with Kenta and the strings both pull to send Snake Eyes on his revenge mission. After his banishment from Arashikage years earlier, Kenta uses Snake Eyes as a pawn in his own mission of vengeance against the ninja clan and keeps him in the dark on his true intentions, with Snake Eyes assigned to steal the jewel in exchange for his father’s killer. As it turns out, Kenta has his own trade set up with the Baroness in his vendetta against the ninja temple that he and Snake Eyes trained under.

Under the leadership of the Baroness, Cobra lends Kenta its support in eliminating Arashikage, with the terrorist group’s price being the jewel. Though this initially goes off as planned, Kenta reneges on his end of the bargain, keeping the jewel to burn Arashikage to the ground himself. At that point, the Baroness and Scarlett temporarily join forces to stop Kenta’s war on Arashikage, though the Baroness flees when the going gets rough. With the conflict of Snake Eyes centered around the pursuit of the Jewel of the Sun and specifically Cobra’s interest in it, this sets the artifact up as a big MacGuffin for G.I. Joe‘s future, as it will surely be something Cobra will be eager to take another shot at getting their hands on.

Snake Eyes’ And Storm Shadow’s Futures

As hinted at early on by Henry Golding, Snake Eyes’ ending lays the foundation for his character’s and Storm Shadow’s future as enemy ninja warriors for G.I. Joe and Cobra. Following the defeat of Kenta, despite his role in defending Arashikage, Tommy is denied leadership of the clan for his momentary use of the jewel to try to take out Kenta, Arashikage having vowed to protect but never wield the jewel. Left enraged and bitter, Tommy renounces his kinship with Arashikage, and blames Snake Eyes for initiating the events leading to his banishment, vows revenge on his former friend when they cross paths again. During the movie’s mid-credits scene, Tommy encounters the Baroness on his jet leaving Tokyo, and she offers him the chance to join Cobra. Accepting her offer, Tommy fully embraces his villainous future by taking on the name Storm Shadow (his wardrobe in this scene and throughout the movie also hinting at his classic ninja suit), which was teased earlier in the movie when Haruka Abe’s Akiko compared the look in Tommy’ eyes before heading into battle to “the shadow before a storm.

Meanwhile, Snake Eyes recognizes his own culpability in Storm Shadow’s ex-communication from Arashikage and prepares to depart the clan to bring his friend back. Before he leaves, Scarlett shows Snake Eyes his father’s file, revealing he was an operative for G.I. Joe and offering Snake Eyes a place in the counter-terrorist group. Though Snake Eyes says he must first bring Storm Shadow home, the ending sets up both his own future with G.I. Joe and his future conflict with Storm Shadow in Snake Eyes 2, with the titular hero departing the compound in his trademark ninja suit complete with his signature visor.

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Snake Eyes is very much a beginning point for the rebooted franchise, though it still leaves certain details untouched, such as how the famously mute Snake Eyes loses his voice. That’s probably in the aim of leaving more origin material for Snake Eyes before his formal entry into G.I. Joe. At any rate, Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins gets the ball rolling on both his and Storm Shadow’s beginnings and their roles in G.I. Joe and Cobra in the future.

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