Besides werewolves, The Elder Scrolls contains a number of other lycanthropes, but some of them have never been seen in the series to date and should be included in The Elder Scrolls 6. Alternate species such as weresharks have been mentioned, yet they have yet to officially appear in a game. Implementing these various lycanthropes could provide new challenges and even new transformations in future Elder Scrolls titles.

Lycanthropes were first introduced to The Elder Scrolls in The Elder Scrolls II:Daggerfall, where players have the option to become a werewolf or a wereboar. The source of lycanthropy originates from the Daedric Prince Hircine, whose artifacts such as the Savior’s Hide appear in multiple games within the series. The option to become a lycanthrope has become a mainstay feature in The Elder Scrolls, yet werewolves are the only variety available to the player in recent games. Still, the feature could be expanded to give players access to the other were-creatures who are said to inhabit Tamriel, especially those that have never been seen before.


The book “On Lycanthropy” from Daggerfall outlines the various types of lycanthropes that dwell in the world of The Elder Scrolls. Certain species, such as werewolves and werebears, are considered common and can be encountered in games like Skyrim. Other varieties such as werelions and wereboars can only be found in particular regions of the world, while some types’ existences are more rumor than fact. Letting players become these lycanthropes could drastically change gameplay; becoming a werewolf in Skyrim has pros and cons already, but these new variants could introduce new powers and mechanics.

Elder Scrolls Weresharks Could Let Players Explore the Sea

The most elusive lycanthrope listed in The Elder Scrolls, the wereshark, is rumored to exist but has never been seen in the series. “On Lycanthropy” suggests that the creature can be found in the seas around Tamriel. A Skyrim visual mod created by Nexus Mods user Ghogiel offers a glimpse into the potential likeness of a wereshark, portraying the lycanthrope as a bipedal creature with the head and gnashing teeth of a shark.

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Letting players become a wereshark could open the possibility of deep-sea exploration in The Elder Scrolls 6. Perhaps the transformation would give players the capability to explore bodies of water deeper than a lake with ease, allowing them to salvage sunken items. Moreover, weresharks could use their strong jaws to combat enemies both on land and in water. If Skyrim‘s recently-added fishing mechanic is expanded to include deep-sea fishing in a future Elder Scrolls game, hostile weresharks could be a looming threat to anyone who ventures out to sea.

Elder Scrolls Werecrocodiles Could Offer Significant Strengths and Weaknesses

Werecrocodiles are another variant of lycanthrope that has not yet made an appearance in The Elder Scrolls. These beasts are reportedly found in the Black Marsh and parts of Morrowind, the homes of Argonians and Dunmer, respectively. In terms of appearance, it is possible that this scaly being could resemble a daedroth, a bipedal creature in The Elder Scrolls whose reptilian features bear similarity to a crocodile.

Just like how becoming a werewolf affixes new strengths and weaknesses to an Elder Scrolls character, becoming a werecrocodile could be a high-risk, high-reward transformation in The Elder Scrolls 6. Perhaps a werecrocodile’s tough, scaly exterior could greatly reduce damage from physical attacks, and its reptilian anatomy could let players breath underwater like an Argonian. The transformation could even increase health regeneration while the player is submerged in water. However, these benefits could be be balanced by heavy weaknesses; perhaps werecrocodiles are incredibly slow outside of water or have a crippling weakness to frost magic due to their cold-blooded bodies. This sort of implementation could make this lyncanthrope strong, but not suited to every situation.

Elder Scrolls Werevultures Could Make Players Scavenge For Their Benefits

The lycanthrope species known as werevultures could also be added to The Elder Scrolls games, as they supposedly pose a significant threat to their native country. The Skyrim book “Lycanthropic Legends of Skyrim” states that the nation of Valenwood is so plagued by werevultures that they might soon pose a threat to other parts of Tamriel. A mod by Nexus Mods users SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 imagines what a werevulture would look like, showcasing the creature’s avian feathers and a beak.

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Much like the bonuses obtained from the Ring of Namira, one of Skyrim‘s Daedric Artifacts, the consumption of bodies could fuel the bonuses accrued by becoming a werevulture. Just as real vultures feed on carrion, eating defeated enemies in The Elder Scrolls 6 could grant a transformed player added strength or stamina. Alternatively, becoming a werevulture could give players the coveted ability to fly through the air, but the duration of the flight would be directly linked to how much the lycanthrope has eaten, grounding the player if they have not scavenged enough.

Elder Scrolls Werelions Could Turn Wild Animals Into Allies

For a lycanthrope that has not yet been seen in an Elder Scrolls game, the werelion can reportedly be found in a number of locations. “On Lycanthropy” reports that werelions can be found in the Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, and Elsweyr. SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4 depict the beast with a flowing mane and terrifying claws in a mod posted on Nexus Mods.

Werelions could potentially have a mechanic in The Elder Scrolls 6 that lets them control animals without Skyrim‘s Animal Allegiance Dragon Shout. Much like how lions are often seen as leaders in the animal kingdom, it could make sense for werelions in Elder Scrolls to have a roar that could turn wild beasts into allies. High strength seems likely for this variety of lycanthrope, though its powerful attack power could be balanced with reduced defensive capabilities, justifying the necessity of animal companions in battle.

Perhaps the reason why these lycanthropes have not been seen in The Elder Scrolls yet is because the developers have plans to add them to a future game, such as The Elder Scrolls 6, to diversify gameplay. While many years have passed since their first mention in Daggerfall, the fact that Skyrim makes mention of different lycanthropes shows that they have not been forgotten about. Perhaps players will be one day be able see these lycanthropes appear in The Elder Scrolls for the first time, or even play as them.

Image Sources: Ghogiel/Nexus Mods, SpikeDragonLord and jboyd4/Nexus Mods

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