Warning! Spoilers ahead for Amazing-Spider-Man #73

In the latest issue of Marvel Comics’ Amazing Spider-Man, one of the Webslinger’s most despised plot twists has finally been erased, much to the joy of several Spider-Man fans. While it seems as though writer Nick Spencer is heading for a massive retcon of the controversial One More Day storyline where Peter Parker and Mary Jane made a deal with the devil that completely changed his personal history, this latest issue takes the time to also retcon the equally hated Sins Past storyline, involving the reveal that Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn had children together after a highly controversial affair.


In Sins Past, it was revealed to Peter Parker that his first love Gwen Stacy actually had an affair with Norman Osborn while she was in Europe, leading to the birth of twins Stacy and Gabriel, who aged rapidly due to the Goblin serum in their blood. However, because Gwen sought to protect the children from Norman it motivated his decision to kill her as the Green Goblin. Norman then raised the children in secret, training them and making them think that Peter was their real father who was responsible for their mother’s death. However, once the truth was revealed Stacy and Gabriel largely faded from the continuity with Stacy joining Interpol in Paris to track down her brother who had become crazed.

Naturally, the idea that Spider-Man’s first love and his greatest enemy had an affair and having children together is obviously a very controversial move which has long stood as one of the worst chapters in the Spider-Man mythos (being as bad as One More Day). Interestingly enough, even though One More Day acted as a reset button for large portions of Peter’s life, Norman’s affair with Gwen and their children’s existence persisted, a decision made by Marvel editorial despite then-writer J. Michael Straczynski wanting it erased (never wanting Norman to be the children’s father in the first place). Now, current writer Nick Spencer has surprisingly used Amazing Spider-Man #73 to finally erase Sins Past, revealing that Stacy and Gabriel are actually clones, being a part of Kindred/Harry Osborn’s revenge plot against his father, working with Medel Stromm to clone himself and Gwen while also working with Mysterio to make Norman and others think he had an affair with the twins being his biological children.

Furthermore, the issue goes on to reveal that Harry continued to create clones of Stacy and Gabriel again and again, working to make the perfect puppets he’s now using to make his father pay. Not only that, but he’s working to make Spider-Man pay for his sins involving One More Day as well. Somehow, Peter’s deal with the demon lord Mephisto resulted Harry becoming this demonic entity known as Kindred, while also being connected to Norman’s recently revealed deal with Mephisto where he sold Harry’s soul years prior.

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With so few issues left before Nick Spencer’s run comes to a close , it is surprising that he’s taking the time to clean up so much of Peter Parker’s past (making way for Spider-Man Beyond). That being said, erasing Sins Past is certainly commendable, though it will be interesting to learn what the truth means for the future. Likewise, the teased One More Day retcon is still to come, and it’s going to be really exciting to see if the final issues of Spencer’s run can manage to stick the landing, providing a satisfying conclusion for the last 3 years of Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man. (Fingers are desperately crossed.)

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