[SPOILERS ahead for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 2, episode 13.]

In last week’s episode of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on ABC, titled “Who You Really Are”, the Asgardian warrior Lady Sif and Kree scout Vin-Tak visited Earth as a result of Skye’s transformation into an super-powered Inhuman. Director Coulson’s team now knows who Skye really is and the revelation is putting the team’s trust and relationships to the test.

On top of that, Hunter – after being offered a permanent role on the team by Coulson – caught on to the fact that Bobbi and Mack are keeping a secret and Mack had to take drastic action. The results of this and Skye’s transformation are front and center in this week’s Agents of SHIELD episode “One of Us” where Skye’s father returns with a team of vengeful and enhanced villains in an attempt to confront the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D..


1. The Villains

Cal has a hate on for Director Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D. and he’s assembled a team of gifted villains who share the same ideals. They’re introduced during the opening and later recruit a fifth, their most dangerous member, by breaking him out of a criminal psych ward. Here’s the roster:

  • Cal (Mr. Hyde in Marvel Comics)
  • Wendell Levi – Genius level IQ, no moral compass. He’s the team’s techy.
  • Francis Noche – Ex-mob enforcer who took experimental steroids which gave him super strength.
  • Karla Faye Gideon – surgically implemented razors on finger tips.
  • David A. Angar (Angar the Screamer in Marvel Comics) – Induces catatonia with his voice.

Outside of Angar’s crippling jawline and an abnormally strong mob man, Cal’s ragtag group of attention-seeking misfits aren’t very ‘super,’ hence Bobbi (Mockingbird) remarking to Coulson that these characters aren’t particularly gifted. They are however, evil, and not afraid to murder or threaten civilians which makes them worthy foes, especially for the under-staffed S.H.I.E.L.D. team (which is now missing Hunter, Mack and Skye from field duty).

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They aim to make a point out of how S.H.I.E.L.D. mistreats gifted individuals which brings us to point #2.

2. The Gifted Index

Skye is going on the index and that means she needs a psych evaluation. This is where Agent May’s ex-husband (played by Blair Underwood) comes into play. The index seems to be a flawed, early concept since it villainizes anyone with powers. Looking at how S.H.I.E.L.D. tracked and brought in The Hulk previously as part of The Avengers initiative – something Coulson believed in himself, you’d think he’d see the same in Skye, or at least, he should after her abilities are better understood.

Coulson describes the index as more of a most dangerous offender watch list. At the end of the episode though, Coulson and Simmons decide to split the index into two, including “man-made” enhanced individuals (i.e. Cal’s team, Mike Peterson and Captain America) and the others who are naturally gifted with special abilities (Raina, Skye, etc.). We can assume that latter will primarily be for Inhumans and other powered beings of alien origins.

3. Angry Simmons

From hating on any and all people with powers after Tripp’s death in the midseason finale, Simmons’ ruthlessness continues early in this episode, this time directed against Fitz who seems to be the character with a heart of gold… the same character who sacrificed himself to save Simmons in season one…

Fortunately, it doesn’t take too long before we see the return of the classic Fitz-Simmons duo. Simmons even chipped in to help Skye get her first pair of protective gauntlets, a nod to Quake’s design from the comics.

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4. Bobbi & Mack’s Secret

Bobbi and Mack are not bad guys and Marvel Comics fans can rejoice. We already went through one double-cross with Bobbi “Mockingbird” Morse since she was introduced as a SHIELD field agent undercover in Hydra earlier this season. As fans know, Bobbi eventually goes on to become an Avenger and that still might be the case. Especially after this episode’s reveal…

Mack reveals to Hunter that the secret faction he and Bobbi work for is what he believes is the “real S.H.I.E.L.D.” and while for a moment we thought that meant it could be leading to an introduction of S.W.O.R.D. from Marvel Comics – a SHIELD division specifically catering towards alien threats – a shot of a modern SHIELD logo and Mack’s words indicate otherwise. They are likely working for another Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) operation, one that could also involve Clint “Hawkeye” Barton (Jeremy Renner) since we know the latter is on some sort of secret mission during the time leading up to this summer’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. This may also be leading to the often speculated Hawkeye cameo in the show, something both Clark Gregg and Jeremy Renner have teased recently. We do know this other group doesn’t seem to like the fact Coulson is in charge and it’s run by Edward James Olmos’ new character who will be introduced next week. Hopefully it’s not just another Hydra cell.

5. Other Stuff

A few other observations and notes:

  • Bobbi might have her best action sequences in this episode.
  • Cal explains the origins of his powers and bipolar star, paying homage to his Marvel Comics Mr. Hyde origins
  • Coulson’s birthplace and home town is revealed: Manitowoc, Wisconsin
  • Skye is given gauntlets by Simmons that help reduce damage to her arms from using her powers. These gauntlets are similar to what her Marvel Comics counterpart, Quake, wears.
  • The blind teleporting Inhuman wants to keep their kind secret and that’s seemingly why they captured Cal. Will we meet his boss next week?
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Now that you’ve watched the episode and digested the new character introductions and revelations, share your thoughts and theories in the comments below!

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. returns next Tuesday with “Love in the Time of Hydra” @9pm on ABC.

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