To fans of the Dragon Ball franchise, mention of the planet Namek evokes nostalgic feelings of wonder and excitement; it’s the hallowed location where Goku first became a Super Saiyan, where Lord Frieza—one of the series’s most iconic villains—is introduced, and, of course, where the Ginyu Force’s beloved and meme-rich poses first took off.

While Captain Ginyu and company are often remembered for their love of extravagant presentation, the leader of the Ginyu Force was a particularly cruel and powerful enemy. With unwavering loyalty to Frieza, Captain Ginyu acted in his superior’s best interests at all times, which naturally led to the galactic soldier committing some terrible actions against the people of Namek, the Z Fighters, and presumably the entire universe.

10 He Led The Ginyu Force

The Ginyu Force comprises elite soldiers hand-picked by Frieza; ostensibly a team of some of the strongest warriors in the galaxy, Captain Ginyu’s position as leader speaks to his combat prowess and command capabilities. Aside from being incredibly powerful and effective, it seems that Captain Ginyu instills a unique mindset and set of principles in his subordinates.

The Ginyu Force regularly strike hilarious power poses—often eliciting confused or embarrassed reactions from onlookers—and act in accordance with a group-established code of conduct: they bet and are rewarded with candy, they play rock-paper-scissors to make decisions, and they take turns battling foes, even chastising members if they interfere.

9 He Served Frieza Loyally

Considering his temperament as a tyrant, service to Lord Frieza was often demanded rather than encouraged—”failure” was generally synonymous with “death.” This certainly promoted obedience through fear, but seems distinct from genuine “loyalty.” Captain Ginyu, however, showed a degree of dedication uncommon within Frieza’s army; when Ginyu learns of Guldo, Recoome, and Burter’s deaths, he is thankful that he still has time to resolve the situation before Frieza hears of any failures.

Rather than acting out of fear, Captin Ginyu seems sincerely concerned with maintaining his squad’s reputation with Frieza; the Ginyu Force’s status within Frieza’s army may be inferred by his trust in their ability to carry out a mission integral to his plans for immortality: gathering and protecting the Namekian Dragon Balls.


8 He Took Pleasure In Terrible Orders

Shortly after the Ginyu Force is introduced, Frieza commands the elite soldiers to capture Vegeta and reclaim the Dragon Balls. Using their scouters to track Vegeta’s location, the Ginyu Force determines he is traveling with two companions and asks for Frieza’s instructions; recalling Krillin and Gohan, Frieza issues the mandate to execute them.

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Captain Ginyu, always one to lead by example, cracks a murderous smile, and his subordinates erupt in raucous cheers. Although their association is a clear signal of their villainous nature, Captain Ginyu’s overt bloodlust speaks to the nature of the Ginyu Force holistically.

7 He Successfully Delivered The Dragon Balls To Frieza

With Goku still in transit, Gohan and Krillin desperately join forces with Vegeta in an attempt to keep Frieza from realizing his wish. The Ginyu Force, however, quickly catches the three and commandeers their completed collection of Dragon Balls. Excited by the prospect of a fight, Captain Ginyu announces he will fight Vegeta himself, but his squad isn’t so keen on this idea; according to them, it’s their turn to have a fight.

Showing his concern for team morale, Captain Ginyu acquiesces to their request. Unable to prevent him from leaving, the unlikely alliance between the Earthlings and the Saiyan Prince is forced to watch Captain Ginyu gleefully fly off with the Dragon Balls in tow, seemingly cementing Frieza’s triumph.

6 He Appears To Be An Honorable Fighter

One of Captain Ginyu’s strangest aspects is that he appears to be an honorable, fair fighter. Once Goku lands on the scene and quickly dispatches members of the Ginyu Force, the captain decides to avenge his fallen comrades himself. Initially, Ginyu’s desire for combat mirrors Goku, and the latter even surmises that his opponent must be a kindred spirit.

This belief is furthered when Jeice intrudes on Ginyu’s fight, creating an opening for his captain to catch Goku in the dreaded full-nelson, and Captain Ginyu is so incensed that he frees Goku and fires an energy blast at his subordinate as a reprimand. It’s hard to reconcile these parts of him and makes the rest of his villainy even worse.

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5 He Takes Goku’s Body

All honorable pretenses are shattered, however, when Ginyu is backed into a corner and losing out to Goku’s strength. The Captain critically wounds himself in response. Understandably confused by his opponent’s action, Goku is caught with his guard down when Ginyu unleashes his ultimate technique: Body Change.

Unable to compete with the power Goku gained from intensive gravitational training, Ginyu resorts to subterfuge. Effectively stealing the body Goku had invested countless hours into strengthening, Ginyu also ensures that the body Goku will inhabit is wounded; his Body Change is a dastardly checkmate against a superior foe that further serves as a power-up.

4 He Deceives Krillin

After taking Goku’s body and leaving the hero for dead in his original body, Captain Ginyu and Jeice return to the land near their ship where the Dragon Balls have been buried. Unbeknownst to them, Gohan and Krillin have already located and unearthed the Dragon Balls thanks to the radar Bulma invented.

Sensing that enemies are fast approaching, the warriors from Earth hide, but when they see it’s Goku and Jeice, Krillin assumes that his friend has defeated Ginyu and gained a new ally. Playing into this deception, Ginyu-Goku pumps Krillin for information regarding the Dragon Balls and the requisite ritual for employing their power.

3 He Takes Advantage of Bulma’s Genius

Once Gohan and Krillin join forces with Vegeta, Bulma spends most of her time on Namek alone and bemoaning her abandonment. In a twist of fate, Bulma encounters Ginyu in the body of a frog—a result of his Change Body technique being exploited by Goku. Ginyu-Frog pantomimes sympathy for her plight, and he astonishes Bulma when he indicates he can understand her language.

Thinking she has found a companion, Bulma ingeniously crafts a device that translates the frog’s croaks into speech; Ginyu wastes no time using this technology and takes Bulma’s body for his own, strips her of the translation device, and rides off on her motorcycle.

2 He Tricks Tagoma And Rejoins Frieza’s Service

When Frieza executes his revenge plot by attacking Earth in Dragon Ball Super, the planet’s most powerful defenders, Goku and Vegeta, are off-world training with Beerus and Whis. Mounting a defense in their stead—while Bulma frantically tries to contact the absent saiyans—the Z Fighters attempt to repel Frieza’s forces.

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The most powerful of Frieza’s henchmen is undoubtedly Tagoma, who gained this strength by being Frieza’s training partner and glorified punching bag. Seizing the moment during a lull in the battle, Tagoma is tricked by a frog to say aloud “change.” This frog was none other than Captain Ginyu himself, who promptly took his new body and repledged his allegiance to Frieza.

1 He Crushes The Z Fighters In Tagoma’s Body

The power upgrade Captain Ginyu receives upon taking Tagoma’s body is massive; taking place quite sometime after the original Frieza Saga, the anime’s standard of power is considerably higher in Super than Z. Ginyu-Tagoma quickly showcases his strength, as he overwhelms the Z Fighters with a simultaneous attack.

While it’s true that many of the fighters might have stagnated as far as their power levels are concerned, Gohan in particular, it’s still impressive that Ginyu singlehandedly puts Earth’s defenders on the back foot. Despite his new body, Ginyu seems to still be weaker than a Super Saiyan, as Gohan transforms and subdues him.


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