EVE Online is a massive sandbox MMO with a fascinating history. The open world of EVE Online has created an entire ecosystem where the only limit remains players imagination. Massive battles, corporate intrigue, expansive industry, and exploration beyond the limits of the galaxy are all within reach for players who can penetrate EVE Online’s daunting gameplay.

EVE Online’s incredibly rewarding gameplay is tragically hidden away behind a user interface that reflects the game’s long 17 year history. Breaking into EVE Online requires a certain dedication on the part of new players, but doing so can lead to some of the most engaging and newsworthy stories in all of online gaming, including EVE Online’s participation in scientific research.


This article is intended to help new players break through the cryptic data and frightening choices that await after EVE Online is launched. Even though it can be daunting, once players understand the basics of EVE Online, there are a lot of options available for fun.

Getting Started: Character Creation & EVE Online Empire Choice

After launching EVE Online for the first time, players are greeted with a seemingly difficult choice: Picking an empire. The good news is that no choice here gates off any ships or skills in EVE Online. Players are encouraged to follow their sense of taste and background lore at this stage. If players are set on sticking with Player Versus Environment (PvE) combat and want early access to good ships for it, Caldari is arguably the best choice with their missile-based weapon systems. Character creation likewise has no bearing on player progression, and EVE Online’s robust character creation options means the sky is the limit in terms of pilot looks. Just remember, there is no changing names after character creation.

EVE Online Tutorials and Career Agents

It may seem obvious, but completing EVE Online’s tutorial is a must for new players. The initial tutorial is actually hard to avoid, as EVE Online launches players directly into it after character creation. Completing the tutorial is one thing, but following through to Career Agents is another. EVE Online’s basic tutorial will teach players how to maneuver their ship and interact with the interface, all skills that must be mastered regardless of what career path a player wishes to embark upon.

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Remember, though, that the enemy ships present in the tutorial are much weaker than their real world counterparts. After completing the tutorial, players are no longer protected, and are technically free to do what they will, but forgoing Career Agents hurts in the long run. Travel to each, beginning with Industry, for a crash course on the main ways to play EVE Online, complete with a pile of rewards to help get started.

Sector Security, Protection, and Navigation In EVE Online

EVE Online’s gigantic map of more than 5,000 star systems is home to the Consolidated Co-operation and Relations Command (CONCORD), a computer controlled law enforcement agency that maintains security in certain sectors of EVE Online’s space. While navigating, checking a system’s color-coded security number, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0, is a must for new players. New players should attempt to stay within High Security areas (Hi Sec) with a rating of 0.5 to 1.0. These areas are patrolled by CONCORD ships that will fire on and destroy aggressors.

While CONCORD always wins, it is key to remember that their response takes time and a group of determined attackers could still destroy a vulnerable ship. Players should avoid -1.0 space (Null Sec) until they’ve gotten a hang of EVE Online or joined up with a corporation (EVE Online’s player run guilds). When ready, Nul Sec provides for some of EVE Online’s greatest stories. As a rule, new players should avoid using auto-pilot. Auto-pilot deposits a ship a few hundred meters from each warp gate, leaving players vulnerable to potential ambushes. Instead, navigate to within 0 meters manually, then activate the warp.

EVE Online’s massive sandbox is worth exploring, and with these tips, players should be able to navigate through the opening hours of the game. As with any massively multiplayer game, it is recommended players investigate the community and find themselves a Corporation that is friendly to newcomers. There are tons full of veterans eager to assist new players as they dive into EVE Online. 

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