After players have received their specialty class-related spacecraft in Star Wars: The Old Republic, players will want to upgrade this ship over time, as the game will become more difficult in the future. These upgrades will help with the ship’s defensive and offensive systems. So what do these upgrades do, exactly, and how can players access and install them?

There are several different upgrades that run in six different grades. Grade one being the weakest upgrade and grade seven being the strongest. Here is everything that can be upgraded on a player’s spacecraft.


How to Upgrade a Spaceship in Star Wars: The Old Republic

The six separate grades of upgrades become available to players at different levels and don’t all come at one standard level. Instead, they build up and fill out. For example, in the first grade of upgrades, some of them will become available as early as level 14 but players won’t have access to all of them until level 17.

Some grade levels can only be purchased, while others have to be crafted by the player. Odd grade levels can be purchased, while even grade levels must be made. As previously stated, for grade one upgrades, all upgrades will become available at level 17. The upgrades of this grade are a beam charger, beam generator, energy shield, missile magazine, shield regenerator, and ship armor.

Grade One:

Beam Charger

  • Costs 600 credits.
  • Increases the blaster damage to 40 points a round.

Beam Generator

  • Costs 500 credits.
  • Blasters now shoot five shots per second.

Energy Shield

  • Costs 650 credits.
  • The ship’s shield can handle 150 points of damage.

Missile Magazine

  • Costs 700 credits.
  • Ship can now hold 40 missiles at a time.

Shield Regenerator

  • Costs 650 credits.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at five points per second.

Ship Armor

  • Costs 500 credits.
  • Increases ship’s health to 2,000.

All grade two upgrades will be unlocked by level 22. In grade two, all the same types of upgrades can be equipped. These however nearly all of these must be crafted. Each crafted one requires four units of mullinine, six of plastoid, four conductive flux, and eight bronzium, except for the missile magazine.

Grade Two:

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Beam Charger

  • Reward for space battle.
  • Increases the blaster damage to 45 points a round.
  • Increases ship’s health by 50 points.

Beam Generator

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Blasters now shoot six shots per second.
  • Ship’s shield can handle by 25 more points of damage.

Energy Shield

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Blasters damage increases by three points per round.
  • The ship’s shield can handle 175 points of damage.

Missile Magazine

  • Must be crafted with list above, but substitute bronzium with chanlon.
  • Increases ship health by 50 points.
  • Ship can now hold 50 missiles at a time.

Shield Regenerator

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Ship shield can handle 25 more points of damage.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at seven points per second.

Ship Armor

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Blasters deal an extra three points per round.
  • Increases ship’s health to 3,000.

Grade three is another level of upgrades that can be purchased. This is the first grade of upgrades that has a special item added to the list of previous standard pieces of every upgrade. Every grade after this will also have a special added item as part of the upgrades. All of these upgrades can be purchased once the player reaches level 31.

Grade Three:

Beam Charger

  • Costs 3,250 credits.
  • Increases the blaster damage to 60 points a round.

Beam Generator

  • Costs 2,750 credits.
  • Blasters now shoot six shots per second.

Energy Shield

  • Costs 3,750 credits.
  • Ship shields can now handle 300 points of damage.

Missile Magazine

  • Costs 4,500 credits.
  • Ship can now hold 80 missiles at a time.

Shield Regenerator

  • Costs 4,000 credits.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at 15 points per second.

Ship Armor

  • Costs 2,550
  • Increases ship’s health to 2,500.

Special: Power Conversion Module

  • Costs 30 Fleet commendations.
  • Enables players to divert power to either the shield or blasters.
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Grade four is another crafting grade level. Most of these require 6 units of fibermesh, eight of bondite, four of titanium, and four of brazing flux. Though there are more variations in this recipe for all the different items.

Grade Four:

Beam Charger

  • Reward for Space Combat: Pakuuni Defense or the Imperial equivalent.
  • Increases the blaster damage to 65 points a round.
  • Increases ship’s health by 50 points.

Beam Generator

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Blasters now shoot eight shots per second.
  • Ship’s shield can handle by 25 more points of damage.

Energy Shield

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Blasters damage is increased by one point per round from the last upgrade.
  • The ship’s shield can handle 325 points of damage.

Missile Magazine

  • Must be crafted with six units of resinite, eight of diatium, 4 of titanium, four of brazing flux.
  • Increases ship health by 50 points.
  • Ship can now hold 90 missiles at a time.

Shield Regenerator

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Ship shield can handle 25 points of damage.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at 17 points per second.

Ship Armor

  • Must be crafted with six units of fibermesh, eight of bondite, four of insulating flux, and four of xonolite.
  • Blasters deal an extra point per round.
  • Increases ship’s health to 2,650.

Special: Electronic Warfare Pod

  • Costs 90 Fleet commendations.
  • Enables the player’s ship to be immune to enemy fire for 10 seconds.

Grade five once more is a grade of upgrades that can be purchased. All of these upgrades will be unlocked when the player reaches level 42.

Grade Five:

Beam Charger

  • Costs 17,500 credits.
  • Increases the blaster damage to 80 points a round.

Beam Generator

  • Costs 16,350 credits.
  • Blasters now shoot nine shots per second.

Energy Shield

  • Costs 18,100 credits.
  • The ship’s shield can handle 500 points of damage.

Missile Magazine

  • Costs 19,000 credits.
  • Ship can now hold 120 missiles at a time.

Shield Regenerator

  • Costs 18,100 credits.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at 25 points per second.
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Ship Armor

  • Costs 15,500 credits.
  • Increases ship’s health to 3,000.

Special: EMP Generator

  • Costs 150 Fleet commendations.
  • Delivers a large AOE of damage to both enemies and allies.

All grade six items can be built or purchased by level 50. Most of these items, outside of the special, are rewards. Items that are crafted are made from two units of ciridium, one of mandalorian ore, and two durasteel cyber assembly components.

Grade Six:

Sienar Systems Beam Charger

  • Reward for slicing missions.
  • Increases ship’s health by 50 points.
  • Blasters deal 90 points of damage per round.

Rendili Hyperworks Beam Generator

  • Reward for completing either Ascendancy Barrier, Clouds of Vondoru, or Aeten Defense.
  • Blasters now shoot 10 shots per second.
  • Ship’s shield can handle by 50 more points of damage.

Quellegh Industrial Energy Shield

  • Must be crafted with the list above.
  • Blasters damage increases by five points per round.
  • The ship’s shield can handle 550 points of damage.

Kuat Drive Yard Missile Magazine

  • Must be crafted with the list above.
  • Increases ship health by 50 points.
  • Ship can now hold 150 missiles at a time.

Hoersch-Kessel Shield Regenerator

  • Must be crafted with list above.
  • Ship shield can handle two more points of damage from the last upgrade.
  • Ship shield now regenerates at 30 points per second.

Armek Ship Armor –

  • Reward from slicing missions.
  • Blasters deal an extra six points per round.
  • Increases ship’s health to 3,250.

Special: Proton Torpedo Tube

  • Costs 50 Fleet commendations.
  • This allows players to immediately replace missiles if it locks on and will destroy enemy shields.

Star Wars: The Old Republic is available on PC.

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