Battles are an integral part of the Pokémon experience, and Pokémon GO is no exception. Ever since the game’s release back in 2016, gym battles have given trainers a way to test the mettle of their Pokémon. With the addition of new modes over the years like raids and the online battle league, players have more reasons to power up their partners to better face off against others.

Candies have always been a material used for powering up Pokémon, but now there’s a stronger version called an XL candy. Though they’re not as common, these new items are needed to boost the combat power of strong Pokémon past the limit of what was originally possible. They were introduced with the Go Beyond update in December 2020, alongside Pokémon from the Kalos region. Here’s what XL candies do, and how players can get their hands on them.



Everything to Know About XL Candies in Pokémon GO

GO players are familiar with candies, colorful orbs that can be used together with Stardust to make Pokémon stronger than they were before. This raises their combat power, allowing them to perform better in gym battles, raids, and other competitions that test their strength. Originally, trainers could only raise their Pokémon’s CP to a designated limit, based on their current trainer level. Now that the level threshold has been increased from 40 to 50 with the Go Beyond update, CP limits can also be boosted. This is what XL candies are for; regular candies are not enough to power up Pokémon past the old limit, so trainers must use these special candies in addition to the regular stardust material.  These new items are only available to those that have reached level 40. However, there are multiple ways to get them, so they are by no means rare under the right conditions. Here are the ways players can stock up on XL candies.

Catching Pokémon

  • As before, players can earn candy by catching Pokémon in the wild. However, those past level 40 have a chance to earn XL candies too! They have a higher odds of obtaining them the more combat power the Pokémon caught has, so those looking to hunt down XL candies to power up their partners should prioritize catching more powerful opponents.
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XL Candy Exchange

  • The standard method to obtain XL Candies is by trading one in exchange for 100 regular candies. For instance, to increase the combat power of a Swampert past the standard CP amount, one would need to trade 100 Mudkip candies for an XL candy of that species. Players can make this conversion by selecting the options menu in a Pokémon’s status screen and then choosing the new button underneath the items option.

Transferring Pokémon

  • When trainers send their unneeded Pokémon to Professor Willow, they gain one candy for each they send. Now, players will gain several XL candy of a given Pokémon depending on how many they choose and how high their combat power is. It’s not one to one though, so sending away five Torchics won’t yield five XL candies.

XL Rare Candy

  • Just like the regular rare candies that allow trainers to level up any Pokémon of their choice, XL rare candies work in the same way. They can be obtained as rewards for leveling up past level 40 and through other events. These are useful for Pokémon that are harder to obtain candy for, such as legendaries and event mons.

Pokémon GO is available for mobile devices.

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